The major skill that puts me on the spotlight and how it positively imparted my daily living

Skills are abilities or capacities in humans most times acquired though may be inherent but worked on which distinguishes us from one another and determines our profiting/rewards in life. It is worthy of note to mention here that innate or inherent abilities which is not developed will remain a potential until it is worked on and also, skills are acquired through training and practice which requires dilligence and consistency with perseverance.

I'm a man blessed with many abilities or potentials inherently but I have found out that there is this one skill i have which is so prominent and consistent at every phase of my life and this is leadership skill (pls note i said skill because it was initially a perceived/discovered ability/potential which has been worked on through training over time). Leadership skill involves ability to organize, innovate, guide and provide quality roadmap towards achieving a desired vision/goal. It involves been dilligent, focused, disciplined and good resourcefulness i.e. been innovative/managerial.

I started noticing it first when I was a very young boy even though the last born of the family, but yet committed to do things based on careful observation from family, friends, neighbors and by so doing, it brought out the best in me as a perceived leader. Hence, I acquired this leadership skill first as perceived ability and brought to manifestation by training through service (servanthood). Hence, servanthood begets leadership because leadership is service not rulership or bossing around.

Furthermore, this leadership skill is also evident in my academic journey right from Primary school to University days as all through I was a leader in one capacity or the other. For example, i was the head boy in my primary school, Senior prefect boy in my Junior Secondary School, Health prefect boy in my Senior Secondary School and also, a facilitator in my University days.

In addition, in my chosen career as a Healthcare professional, I had been saddle with different responsibilities even while undergoing training in School to head or be a part of various committees which involves leadership. For example, I headed a community that facilitated Medical outreaches and at another time a professional awareness in a Secondary School. Infact, during my national service year in a foreign land, i was chosen as the head of the logde i stayed in all throughout my service year and this shows that this ability cannot be hidden even in a foreign land.
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Also, in my musical endeavor, I have been a leader of a band involving instrumentalists, singers and have facilitated training sessions coperately and individually and I'm still in it up till now. Also, in the community/neighborhood, I have been saddled with different responsibilities which were done to perfection. One thing I will just say is that aside been inherent in me, I also acquired this leadership skill both informally and also formally through attendance/participation in leadership training sessions, seminars, mentorship and so on.

This leadership skill has positively imparted my life and the impart is still ongoing daily even on another level as a husband, a working class, a professional, a Musician and a responsible neighbor in a house/community. My experience over the time a leader is helping me to manage my home well as a husband, to run a successful business with Staffs under my watch who are directly accountable to me, to multitask and still be balanced as a Healthcare professional and a Musician.

Leadership has taught me to be visionary, disciplined, patient/tolerant, focus, innovative/creative, resourcefulness, multitasking, character development, accountability, good mannerism etc which all played out in my daily living and this made me to be a man of worthy emulation as testified both in and out of my presence by all and sundry. Even amidst my colleagues and friends, i found out this special perspective, touch and input to things as different from others which are pointer to the leadership skill in me gotten over time.

Finally, I have seen it played out on a daily consistent basis ability to make quality decisions and give out such to as many that ask based on this same leadership skill. Leadership skill in me brought out the best in me and this manifest daily. Of all the abilities I have, the leadership skill stood out for me.

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