Finally Finished The Cluster Book - Day 35 - The 100 Day Project

I got up this morning not so bright but early and set to tackling the assemblage of the cluster book. No matter what, no matter how wonky I would just have to go with "good enough".

You'll be pleased to know I did manage to finish the book. Hoorah! šŸ’Ŗ

I was hoping to make a flip through video of the finished gift but I couldn't find the phone holder I used the last time I made one.

Having learnt my lesson yesterday, of the need to walk away when things become a struggle, I set a timer for one hour. If I hadn't sorted out how to make the video within that time I was going to let it go. Which is what happened.

I've taken photos of the book from the front to the back and will create a post of those soon.

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Having abandoned the video idea I moved on to finishing the birthday card and matching envelope. For these, I used a handmade gelli print from my stash and incorporated the gold tissue paper from the upcycled chocolate box I used in some of the clusters. Plus some red wire and fabric from an old Indian cushion I'd dismantled.


I would have liked to have made some wrapping paper to match but running out of time and energy I just used the ex-lifedrawing paper that I had completely covered with paint on Day 26.

I made a tag from it too and added a bit to the envelope to help it blend.

And here's the final gift ready to take to the party.


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You can now read all of this Project's posts in one place by visiting the
The 100 Day Project - 2024 - Collection.

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šŸ’š Thanks to all those cheering me on. Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@jacey.boldart @denmarkguy @alchemystones @steevc @shanibeer @stickupboys @nickydee @lizelle

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