On Fire Today - Day 5 - The 100 Day Project

Day 5 of The 100 Day Project was just the bees knees. So much fun and creativity positively oozing out everywhere.

Thursday mornings are when the other half of the "miserablegits" actually joins me in the attic for a bit of making and playing. We have been known to spend a fair bit of time moaning about stuff, hence our joint Instagram name, "miserablegitsintheattic" but today we spent more time crying laughing than whingeing.

I was in the zone. Making stuff and moving on as soon as I felt any friction. Consequently, I won't have time to post about it all. Just the opposite from yesterday!

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I started out focussing on a Cluster Book that I'm making for a friend's birthday.

A "cluster" is simply a grouping of different elements that can be used as a focal point in a number of projects. Think of it as a mini collage made up of various items such as papers, tickets, fabric, ribbons, buttons, or anything else you want to include.

The idea is I will make a whole bunch of clusters, stick them into a book, which I'll also make, and then my friend can tear them out as and when she wants to and add them to her own projects.

She makes a lot of greetings cards and tags and they'll be perfect for that.

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Here are some examples of pages I've assembled to stick the clusters to.




I haven't decided yet if I'll bind the pages or not. We will see.

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This morning was a bit of a challenge in that I'd made up my mind I was going to use my scraps and make fabric clusters.

My friend is an absolute whizz on the sewing machine and has many beautiful fabrics of her own. I had to work on ignoring the doubts about whether or not she would like my efforts and just push through.

I was glad I did as I was very pleased with how the clusters turned out and it led to extras for myself and the basis for 2 more greetings cards.

This is the finished (probably) page. The background was made using Citrasolve on National Geographic magazine pages.


And these are each of the individual clusters.




Right. That's enough for now. I hope you enjoyed viewing my creations as much as I did making them. šŸ˜

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šŸ’š And, finally, I'd like to thank everyone who's cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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