Blogging Through Mud - Day 10 - The 100 Day Project

My son sent me a photograph of him and his friends hiking the South Downs Way through globs and globs of mud in the pouring rain. It was so bad they had to cut the walk short, hike to the nearest road and get an Uber back to their car.

Writing a blog post feels like that to me today. Partly it's because I'm a bit distracted. We've had some news about my mother-in law which means we'll probably be driving 8 and a half hours at the weekend to go and visit her.

Partly it's because well . . . I don't know. My head is writing all sorts of stories though about whether or not I should continue, whether I should drop to blogging every few days/once a week/once a month/just at the end of the 100 days. It's actually not quite that bad but you get the picture

A main aim of mine with The 100 Day Project was for it to be fun and, right now, it most definitely isn't feeling that. But rather than resort to finding the blogging equivalent of an Uber I shall plod on. If I let my self of the hook today I feel it will be a slippery slope until I give up.

The creating itself is going fine. I'm having a bit of a consolidating sort of day which means I can fit in bits and pieces here and there.

I cleared up the arty chaos which has buit up over the last couple of days. Washed my brushes and pots and then started on my wrapping paper from yesterday. Surprisingly the one which I thought would be a problem, i.e. the one where I used gesso, turned out OK. I needed to use masking tape on the back to hold it all together but once I decorate it it should work well.

The original one was a bit of a disaster. šŸ˜‚ I had sandwiched it between clingfilm type papers and put books on top of it to flatten and bind the pieces together. However, when I came to peel the film off, some of the tissue paper stuck to it and ripped. As did some of the book pages. Basically, it hadn't dried properly.


I'm not overly bothered at that though as it was an experiment and I can use the pieces in other projects or even stick them on some more book pages and start again.

Finally, I decorated an evelope to match my son's brithday card and put a colour wash over my art prompts from Day 1. Then I cut those up and put them in the box, also created on Day 1.


Right. That's it for today. My last trip to the attic is done and I'm going for a walk in the sun along the prom. Then, it's back to work again.

Hopefully, be back tomorrow. šŸ˜

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
šŸ’š Thanks to everyone who's cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle @stickupboys Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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