A Perfect Start To Day 1 - The 100 Day Project

I couldn't have wished for a better start to #the100dayproject.

I had an idea of what I might begin the 100 day project with but ended up creating something I'd never even considered before. It seemed to come out of nowhere but in reality it developed from a series of seemingly unconnected events.

This is exactly what I was hoping for when I "signed up" for the project - a mysterious unfolding of creativity that takes me by surprise.

## Introducing "My Little Box of Prompts"

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It all began some months ago when I was having a clear out and decided to get rid of some little boxes I'd been holding onto for years but had done nothing with.

Fortunately, as it turns out, my fellow #atticart creator, Rosanna, happened to be here that day and said she wanted to keep them. Consequently they've been sitting on her desk ever since.

Creating Magic Ingredient No. 1 Boxes on their way to the bin get rescued by a third party.

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Yesterday, I was struggling to decide on a theme for The 100 Day Project. In consequence I made myself a prompt list so, if all else failed, I could choose something randomly from there and use what was suggested.

Creating Magic Ingredient No. 2 Struggle leads to the creation of a prompt list.

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First thing this morning I asked my partner, John, to print off a copy of said prompts list. Turns out I hadn't formatted the sheet correctly so some of the prompts spilled off the page leaving me needing to reformat the page and print again.

Creating Magic Ingredient No. 3 ~ Bodged formatting job results in 'not fit for purpose' printed list.

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I came up to the attic to prepare for Day 1 and decided to find a jar to put my prompts in before I got started. As I was looking for something suitable my eye fell on the little boxes, mentioned above, and I thought "I could decorate one of those and use that."

Even better I could use the bodged prompt sheets to decorate it. I immediately thought of using #watercolour #paints but then remembered I didn't have any.

Rosanna who joins me in the attic most Thursdays for a bit of art making/crafting action is the owner of the watercolours and normally she leaves them here when she goes home. However, for the last few weeks she's been taking them with her and I've been meaning to get some of my own.

Imagine my surprise and delight when, due to not wanting to go out for his planned cycle this morning because it was pouring down, John asked if I wanted to go to Worthing (the place where I buy my art supplies). "Uh. Yeah. That would be perfect" I replied.

Creating Magic Ingredient No. 3 ~ Rain stops cycle leading to purchase of watercolour paints.

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So off we go to Worthing and back I come with some watercolour paints, gesso which is badly needed and some crafting sheets which, if I'm honest, weren't needed but couldn't be resisted since they were only 50p.

Now I had all the ingredients for my little box of prompts.

Here's the recipe:

  1. Randomly throw some paints on the prompts list
  2. Cut up the prompts list
  3. Collage onto the box
  4. Mod Podge over the collage to seal it

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I was going to just cut up the correctly printed prompts sheet and put the prompts straight into the box but now I'm thinking I'd like to make them a bit sturdier.

I think I'll back the sheet with cardboard and possibly watercolour over them but that will be for another day. Or will it?

We'll have to wait and see . . .

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I had so much fun today watching it all unfold. If you feel inspired to join in you can do so anytime. Let me know here and we can all support each other. Rumour has it that @alchemystones aka @denmarkguy will be joining #the100daychallenge on Tuesday and I'm trying to persuade @jacey.boldart to take the plunge as well.

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