Tissue Paper On My Mind - Day 9 - The 100 Day Project

Over the last few days when thinking about The 100 Day Project my mind has been drifting towards tissue paper. šŸ˜‚ I have rather a lot of it and it would be good to get some of it used up. Problem is it's not best used in #art projects that you want to stand the test of time as it fades pretty quickly.

When I finally got into the attic this morning and checked out my tissue paper stash it quickly became clear that the first task needed to be a bit of a sort out. That was fine with me as it was very cold up there and anything that got me moving was going to be a win.

As I organised the pile I removed the white pieces that had come from packaging, in order to try and make some wrapping paper with it. I grabbed a pile of book pages too since I have tons of those that need using up.


My initial plan was to lay down a couple of layers of book pages, glue stategic bits of the smaller pieces of tissue on top and then decorate in some way. I used watered down PVA glue in the hope that the glue would soak through the tissue and pages thus holding it all together.

Once tacked down I put it on the floor sprayed a bit of water onto it and then some ink. It doesn't get much more fun than working on the floor. šŸ˜


While Plan 1 was drying I started attempt 2. This time I used gesso on the paper which had a completely different effect. If I'd thought about it I would have realised that Gesso was never going to soak through the paper like I wanted as, basically, it's a primer.

I ended up with this that looked a bit like fabric. The gesso was much hasher than the watered down PVA glue and ended up ripping the tissue in some places.


This is obviously the start of something. But what that something is I have no clue. I'm pretty sure it's not going to be wrapping paper though. šŸ˜‚

I have my doubts about the first piece too now as I decided to seal it all with gel medium. That ended up ripping the paper like the gesso did.

I'm not sure what the finished product will look like. It's currently sitting under a pile of books. I'm hoping the weight of the books will flatten it and make the layers stick together and remove the air bubbles. I'm not holding my breath though.

Even if I don't end up with wrapping paper I'll end up with something. I just hope it's easily usable else I'll just have moved one pile of stuff to another. šŸ˜± šŸ˜‚

~ ~ ~ ~
šŸ’š Thanks to everyone who's cheering me on and leaving comments.
Your support is very much appreciated. šŸ’š
@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee, @lizelle, @stickupboys Please let me know if I can add you to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself. ~ ~ ~ ~

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