Getting in shape for 2018💪. Low Carb Meat only

Its that time of year where im sute everyone has post holiday blues. We eat drink and generally lazed about and If you havent joined a gym already you are planning too do so.

I have recently embarked huge diet change with few goals in mind:

Loose weight
Get Leaner
Cure my Phroasis

I started following @SBakerMD on twitter after a podcast on the JoeRoganexpirence where he describes contrary to popular belief a meat only doet is not only healthy but has a long list of benefits.

The rules are simple:

You may only eat Meat (pref Beef or Lamb) and some Dairy (milk, cheese, cream). Eggs are ok too! Coffee is ok but no sugar.
And thats it!!

f your thinking that sounds tough then your not wrong however i have been on this programme since January 2nd and Iam seeing great results.

Here is a link to the podcast:

I recommend everyone to listen to it. They are quite long so i usually download it via an android app called
Tubemate avalible @

Im brand new in the space and as i find my feet i will start to post more and more info and updates on my progress for everyone to hopefully share the knowledge.

Please comment with any questions you may have and follow me for updates! I will try to provide as much value as possible moving foward.

P.s i like Rum 😉😉

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