8 Actionable Things You Can Do TODAY To Improve Your Health and Feel Great! (A Checklist For #WinningTheDay)


Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like a total slob-ka-bob?

And when I say slob-ka-bob I don't mean one of those days where you accidentally spill a little bit of your Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte on your lap the day you decide to be brave enough to wear white pants...

I'm talkin' about the days where you wake up the newest recipient of a sporadic eruption of adult acne...

...or when your alarm doesn't go off and you haven't washed your hair for a few days so you run out of the house looking like a total grease monkey...

...or the day you finally wiggle your way into that $100 pair of skinny jeans you bought only to discover that you not only feel like you just ate an entire Thanksgiving dinner in them but that that you actually look like a busted can of biscuits with your lady lumps spilling all over the place...

Aside from the feeling you get when you've just spent the last 9 hours of your life binge watching Stranger Things on Netflix and pathetically seeing your reflection in the tv screen when it asks "Are You Still Watching" which only prompts you to contemplate your entire existence... is there really anything worse than allowing the disgusting feeling consume you and then becoming completely unproductive as a result?

I mean, life as a potato certainly has it's perks don't get me wrong... You get to rack up reward points every time you use your DoorDash, you save butt loads of money on beauty products, and you probably don't have to adhere to any of the annoying societal pressures placed on women... like wearing a bra, or shaving your pits... because you can finally do what you want and basque in it's glory because you genuinely just don't give a shit anymore...

Well, I think it's completely normal to go through a potato phase. We've all been there. But there is a difference between having a temporary moment of potato-esque behavior, and then getting lost in the sauce.

As a woman who has endured more than her fair share of potato moments, I'm here to save you from your slump! I've compiled a list of 8 actionable things you can do TODAY to improve your health (mental and physical) and feel awesome!

Basically, this is a checklist for #WinningTheDay and finally shutting out your sloppy evil twin so that your awesomeness can shine through with a million beams of light like when Princess Fiona finally turned back into a princess after being an Ogre throughout the entire movie of Shrek.

So, first things first... put down the french fries and read on sistah...


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Okay, this one might seem super obvious but seriously, you need to sweat. (And I don't mean the sweats you get after you've finished eating an entire gallon of ice cream whilst potato-ing in your sweatpants) Take some time today to move your body and let out some energy!

Working out releases serotonin to the brain which boosts your energy levels and mental clarity! Not only that but the psychological effect that completing a workout has on your confidence and your feeling of self-worth and productivity. I mean, has there ever been a moment after you finished a great workout and regretted it? No? Awesome... keep reading...

Try this 25 minute workout you can do at ANYWHERE. Don’t have 25 minutes? Instead of 5 rounds, Just complete 3 round of this workout… trust me, you’ll be happy you did ;)

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Don't you feel awesome now? =D



Pick up an interesting Self-Improvement book on a topic you’ve been curious about. Self Improvement books are designed to do exactly what they advertise, to help you improve something! Not sure where to start? These are the books I’m currently reading and am LOVING right now!

#GirlBoss By Sophia Amoruso
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck By Mark Manson
You Are A Badass By Jen Sincero
You Are A Badass At Making Money By Jen Sincero

Whether it’s a bunch of annoying spam emails you’ve been meaning to unsubscribe from, a jewelry drawer filled with all the necklaces you’ve somehow turned into origami that you need to untangle, or even if it’s just throwing out all the empty plastic water bottles from the back seat of your car (you know what I'm talking about...) Checking off ONE thing from your list of “Things I’ve Been Meaning To Do” will be one little win for you today and one less thing you need to worry about tomorrow. YAAAAAS!


Who doesn’t love being pampered, amiriiiiiight? But if you’re like me, then you can’t afford those luxuries whenever you decide you need to feel like a queen (which, let's be honest... is all the time... lol). Here is my favorite DIY ballin’ on a budget exfoliator scrub! I make this scrub once a week and it literally takes 30 seconds and doesn't cost you anything because the secret ingredient is probably already in your kitchen cabinet!

Okay, here it is...

Mix 3 tbs of Baking Soda and 1 tbs water to make a paste.


Instant facial exfoliator scrub! Sometimes when I'm feeling super #extra i'll put a few drops of essential oil in it. Spa treatments never felt so thrifty! Just scrub your problem areas and let it sit on your face for about 2 minutes and then wash off with warm water. BOOM. You're welcome. This seriously works wonders and you will feel like a porcelain doll afterwards... #SlayQueen

Be the reason that someone else smiled today! The power of giving is greater than the joy of receiving (unless someone just bought you a ticket to Harry Potter World obviously...) Here are some easy things you can do to spread the love and boost your morale.

  1. Pay for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop/toll booth.
  2. Give someone a compliment! Who doesn’t love hearing those?
  3. Donate that old dress that’s been sitting in your closet for forever that you’re trying to convince yourself you’ll probably wear again one day even though you probably won't ever wear it again...
  4. Do something nice for your sweetie-pie! Surprise them with a home-cooked meal or just order them a pizza and let them watch the sports game, completely uninterrupted. (You’ll totally win GF/Wifey points).

Call or text someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and tell them you were just thinking about them! Not only will it brighten THEIR day to hear that you were thinking about them but it will create a stronger connection to you and that person. Always remember that any relationship is a two-way street. Want to really shock them out their pantelones and make them feel uber special? Send them a letter! Yes, in the actual MAIL! gasp

Isn't it annoying when you're having a conversation with someone and in the middle of your conversation they reach over for their phone and literally start texting or scrolling their Instagram? Like EXCUUUUUUUUUUSE ME... is my story so uninteresting that you would rather subject yourself to your annoying aunt's Facebook posts about how her cat is constipated? #NotToday

So, I propose a digital detox. Yes, you heard me correctly. Step away from your laptops and cell phones people! Unplugging from technology will help you become more present in what you’re doing. So maybe set a specific time of day where you check your emails, notifications, and do all of your posting. You’ll find that being mentally present is just as important as being physically present when you’re working on tasks or spending time with loved ones.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be super scary but typically the best things happen outside of that comfort zone. It doesn't have to be anything crazy like going sky diving.... It can be as simple as taking a walk instead of watching tv after dinner... When it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone, it's all about baby steps... so let's start with something small. Here is one of my favorite Healthy Dessert recipe that only uses 5 ingredients and takes less than 10 minutes to make! Give it a try!


⅔ cup creamy peanut butter
½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup old fashioned oats
½ cup ground flax seeds
2 tablespoons honey


  1. Combine all 5 ingredients in a medium bowl.
  2. Stir to combine.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes so they are easier to roll.
  4. Roll into 12 bites and store in the fridge for up to a week.

So there you have it! 8 actionable things you can do today to pull yourself out of your funk and feel totes amazing. Just focus on conquering the day, not your entire life. I hope this helped some of you make some improvements in your day!

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