How to start eating organic food

In general, organic foods are much healthier than conventional foods because they have a number of characteristics that make them more beneficial to health. Find out how to start eating organic foods below.


5 Keys to Introducing Organic Foods into Your Diet

If you like to take care of yourself and keep track of the food you eat, there's no doubt that you need to start eating organic food in your diet. Organic foods are much healthier than conventional foods because they are free of toxic residues from chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and synthetic additives.

But it has also been shown that these foods are also more nutritious because they contain higher proportions of vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, natural sugars and minerals than conventional products. Also, and no less important, is the fact that organic products promote and rescue biodiversity, since the production methods used for their cultivation do not generate ecological problems to the environment.

What does a food need to be ecological?
However, nowadays, consuming 100% organic food is still expensive because organic products have a significantly higher price than conventional food products. Here are 5 keys for you to start, little by little, to consume more organic food in your daily diet:


1. Take advantage of all the products offered each season

Since they are more expensive than non-organic products, if you want to start eating organic food without suffering too much from your pocket, the best thing to do is to consume the fresh products of each season. In addition to saving money, eating seasonal products guarantees a much more nutritious and healthy diet.

2. Plan your own weekly menu

A good way to consume organic products and not spend too much money in the shopping basket, is to carefully plan a weekly menu that fits your budget.

In this way, when you go shopping, you will only take everything that is strictly necessary and you will also choose the freshest foods, thus avoiding processed foods, mainly.

3. Practice shopping in bulk

If you are going to buy nuts, whole grains or organic legumes it will be much cheaper to buy them in bulk. In fact, many establishments make good discounts when some of their food is bought in bulk. In addition, when you buy in bulk, you can weigh everything you take first, so you will always buy the right thing and you won't have to throw anything away.

4. Kitchen for several days

Whether you don't have enough time during the week to get between the stoves, or you're looking to save money when it comes to consuming organic products, one of the keys is to cook for several days.

Cooking for several days saves money but you will also save a lot of time, which you can spend doing other things. Many dishes such as organic vegetable stews, or sauces with organic ingredients can be frozen and consumed several days or weeks after cooking.

5. Make your own organic garden

If you have a small outdoor space at home, one of the best ways to save by consuming organic products and keep track of the food you eat, is to create your own organic garden at home.

Ecological gardens, in addition to being beneficial for those who consume those foods that are grown, are also very beneficial to the environment, because they help preserve nature because they exploit to the maximum all the resources of the environment, thus reducing energy expenditure.

Remember that by consuming organic products, not only will you change your diet towards healthier eating habits, but you will also contribute with a small grain of sand to take care of and preserve the environment.

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