My current diet plan

For those of you who are interested.

Just to reiterate a bit here: I started eating differently on Jan 1st of this year and I am no longer eating as much raw vegetables like i used to seen in this pic as an example:fridge.jpg
It now looks something like this minus a few things: fridge2.jpg

One of the reasons for this is because there's corruption going on in the organic industry and there has been for a while now which i knew about many years ago, but it seems worse than i initially thought and so i would rather avoid it as much as possible. And i'll say this much, "i can't wait to start working on my garden again when the weather is good". Food i can trust.

However, keep in mind you can still get sick no matter how healthy you try to be but you're risk of getting cancer for instance is a lot lower that's for sure. And i'm pretty sure i have eaten corrupted food many times without knowing, but probably not enough on a regular basis because i haven't been sick(no common colds, headaches, nothing) for a bit more than one year now. "Knock on wood". But the main reason i believe why i'm in very good health these days, best shape of my life, is because of the supplements that i have been taking from infowars store.
In fact, in 2016 when i saw my endocrinologist my blood pressure was on the high side, and many months later when i lost around 50lb at the time in 2017 i had another checkup, and it was normal. And therefore if you give your body what it needs on a regular basis to thrive, it will have the ability to heal and transform itself.

Heres a video by Millie explaining this corruption.

In one of my previous posts i stated that i eat one cooked meal per day or at least try to, but now i'm eating more potatoes, lentils, homemade bread(buckwheat in particular because its gluten free & it has a high amount of protein compared to other grains) and a few other things like Nature's Path oatmeal and granola to start making some gains which is the other reason why i changed my diet: NP.jpg

In the near future i'm going to start sprouting seeds and this is the website i'll be purchasing from which is one of the best in my opinion but don't take my word for it do your own research:

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