Easy '300' Workout for the holidays..

We all struggle when away on our holidays to fit in a workout. We either think we do not have time to workout or we need a gym to do so!

Well the fact is neither is true.. We all have enough time we just need to make sure we prioritise a quick workout or two whilst on holiday. That's where this quick and easy 300 workout comes in..

Start with a quick stretch and warm up with jumping jacks or a brisk walk..

Then proceed to do the following exercises:

50 x Standard press up
50 x Diamond/close push up
100 x body weight squat
100 x Sit-up/ crunch

Do each set until failure take a break and continue until you get to the needed amount of reps.. And then go and enjoy the rest of your holiday!

You can increase the intensity of this workout by trying to do the required amount of sets in less time or by introducing inclines and platforms for the various exercises.

Granted this workout will not hit all the muscle groups of the body but it is challenging enough to promote some muscle growth/fat loss and a short workout is better then no workout.

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