Fieldfare / Räkättirastas ("Räksä") // Turdus Pilaris :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (82/366)


This morning I took the camera with me when I went to give Ninnu her morning walk.

The forest was teeming with bird songs, but I wasn't able to spot one singing bird.

Suddenly I found some fieldfares. They don't really have a singing voice, they merely chatter, but they are plentiful where we live, so I ended up shooting them having no better subjects at hand.



Ninnu is always a nice subject to photograph, but this time she had hair in her eyes so I don't think it was really an amazing shot. Nice, but not a winner. Not this time anyway.

The weather is really nice now, so I think I might be able to go for a bird shoot again soon.

Oh, and I must remember to stock up on allergy meds. It's that time of the year again.

See you guys again soon!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #11
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #7

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