The National Day of the Dog :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (84/366)


It's the national day of the dog here in Finland! So I had to shoot my favourite 😉 subject again!

I got Ninnu to pose for me again. We got some stripes to go with the shot.

I made a monochrome copy too...

This time I didn't have more photos, but... Leo did some bird photography today, so I let him borrow the long zoom lens. (He's taken some impressive shots during these last two days. I really hope he's going to post them on Hive.

I was going to publish some holiday shots from Thailand, but since I spent quite late editing them last night, my back is now killing me, so I decided to postpone the edits and posting a bit. I'll let my back heal first.

Until then, see you later!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #11
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #7

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