HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #260

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @terjix

Community: The Ink Well
Ghosts and Fried Potatoes
The aroma of fried potatoes hits your nose and you find yourself closing your eyes, savouring the smell, mouthwatering, heart wrenching. It's been a year since you smelt fried potatoes, since you left home. Home meant her, the memory of her. You think you are ready to face it now, the grief you have been stamping on ...
Author: @islariver

Community: The Ink Well
The Elephant Stays
“Let’s not do this today, please”. Ben's voice broke the uncomfortable silence in the room, as he leaned against the sink, his hands submerged in soapy water. He didn’t look up, didn’t need to—he could feel her eyes boring into his back, just as they had every evening for the past few months. Image generated by Bing Copilot “Okay ...
Author: @rachie05

Community: The Ink Well
Sarah was so annoyed when her alarm went off announcing the break of dawn, she got even more angry because she knew what was going to happen afterwards, the family would gather in the living room for prayers. She knew she shouldn't be angry but she went to bed very late and couldn't get enough sleep but she was also grateful for the gift of life. As Sarah reluctantly dragged herself downstairs to the living room, she was surprised that no one was there. Normally, they would all be there waiting for her because she's always the last to get there so she was surprised to not meet anyone there ...

Curated By:
Author: @chauhandiary

Community: Worldmappin
Rain-Kissed Peaks | Clouds Enveloping the Mountains 🏞️☁️
Due to the weekend, I went to bed late at night. In the early morning, I was awakened by the gusts of wind and the sound of rain. I got up to close the door of my room, and as soon as I looked outside, it felt like I was in a dream. The clouds had descended over the mountains, and the dust in the air had been washed away by the rain ...
Author: @artchef

Community: Gaming Photography
Seed Ranch - Liberated | Far Cry 5.
What do you seen in the thumbnail? That's a rocket missile I just launched towards the peggies in Seed Ranch. Yes, I went to this ranch to take back Nick's plane but it looked like a hole for those peggies so I decided to liberate this outpost first and this post will cover how I fought those peggies both in stealth and then in open. I showed taking down the first Peggie in stealth in my last post and this was the second one who was resting by those boxes ...

Curated By:
The Emotional Journey of Caring for My Hair: From Loss to Love
For many, hair is more than just strands growing from the scalp; it’s an expression of identity, beauty, and strength. I’ve always admired those with long, thick, healthy hair—there’s something deeply captivating about it. I won’t lie, I’ve envied it. The way it flows, the way it shines—it’s something I’ve strived for in my own journey ...
Author: @oluchi31

Community: Ladies of Hive
Jumping eyes - LOH 202
'I don't like that Francess girl. Can you believe she was eyeing me? ' Dear ladies of the Hive Community, the Francess they do not like has come to share her experience on how they later came to like her. I'm in a love and hate relationship with my eyes ...
Author: @olga2772

Community: Hive JA
今年の2月に八幡のドトールが閉店してから、バスに乗って定禅寺通りのベローチェに行ったり仙台駅さえ行ってスタバでラテを飲んだりしましたが、続かず、やはり近場ということで八幡のパン屋さんでパンを買ってアイスコーヒーも注文してイートインで食べる、というのが新しい習慣になりました。写真は9月6日ので、チーズと玉ねぎのパン、ミニクロワッサンとアイスコーヒーという組み合わせが一番多いです。 しかし、このパン屋さんは日曜日はお休みです。その場合は近所のSEIYU(24時間営業)でフェレロという204円のイタリア菓子を買って、八幡生協は9時半に開くのがほとんどですが日曜日だけ9時に開きます。生協にも2席だけですがイートインがあって、水とお茶は無料で紙コップに汲んでイートインでゆっくり、というのが新しい習慣になりました。 本当は今でも八幡ドトールあれば、と思いますがしょうがないです。貝ヶ森からバスで八幡ドトールに通っていた中年男性どうしているかな?あと、店員さんと仲良く話していた2人の高齢男性さん、上品な感じのいつもノートを持ってきていた常連の高齢男性も。元ドトール店員さんでドトール跡地にできたサンドラッグ薬局に再就職したお姉さんの話によると、同じ八幡生協敷地内のイタリアンのお店にドトールの常連さんだった人々がかなり流れ込んでいるそうです。そうだろうなあ。 ということで切ない感じですがこの辺で失礼します。読んでくださってありがとうございます。 ...

Curated By:
Author: @alokkumar121

Community: LeoFinance Progress - Weekly Review & Analytics
It's another week and it is also the time to go through these social media analytics, especially for the X. This week was more of engagement where I tried to engage with a lot of people along with posting every day but looks like on the impression side it is not that much good. This is not the first time because every time either I can manage the impressions or the engagement hence I can say that this weekend is primarily focused on the engagement where you can see a significant increase in the overall count and percentage. The tap to earn game projects are moving faster and the leading project which is known as Hamster Kombat has announced its exchange listing which is going to happen on 26th September. Its important to keep an eye on the updates and X is the best place to see what's happening around because they keep on sharing their updates well on time and continuously on this platform ...
Author: @frankevor

Community: Gaming Photography
The End of A Thief's End.
The end came fast than I hoped for and now its about Nate going to his normal life leaving Sam with Sully behind. This could be the last post but there's an epilogue of this game where I'll introduce you to someone special. So, where we were last time? Yeah, we just came out of the ship and it started blowing up and going down when we had to swim to the light ...
Author: @hrichakar

Community: Gaming Photography
The Delivery of the Chiral Artist.
I never thought I'd have to carry an alive person on my back and deliver her to her lover. Yeah this time the cargo is the Chiral Artist and I had to deliver her to the Junk Dealer. You should already understand seeing the thumbnail that I had to fight BT's on our way. When I accepted the delivery job from the terminal of Chiral Artist's Studio, that girl came out and she went inside this suit which reminded me of the time when I had to carry Sam's mother's dead body to the cremation zone ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 71 Discord servers, with over 8051 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
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