The Eels are a delicious meal and can increase sexual passion

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Eels are Animals that live in the tropics have little scales, can breathe in the air, textures that tend to slippery, have a long tail fin and have no ribs. Eels into the fish group, so eel is consumed by the community. Eels themselves have many nutrients, as well as fish.

There are two types of eels are paddy eels and marshes eels. If you want to eat eel that many meat, paddy eel is the choice.

Nutritional content of eel meat

High protein content, minerals, vitamins are also fat in the eel as well as the content in the benefits of fish, because the eel is part of the type of fish.

Eels also serve as an important indicator used to detect environmental pollution or water quality degradation. Eels prefer to lay their eggs in shallow water.

Benefits of Eels for Sexual
Eels are very liked by the people of Asia, because Eels are believed to increase Stanima and can improve sexual power.

Here's how to cook eels, read this recipe

Vietnamese Spicy Baked Eel Recipe

  • 500 grams of eel, clean, then cut to shape and size according to taste.
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


  • 2 cloves of onion, crushed, then chopped until soft.
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder (instant)
  • 1 red chili pepper, thinly sliced, then chopped until soft.
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • Salt, sugar, and black pepper powder to taste.
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, use only white part, then thinly sliced.

How to Clean Eels before Cook :

  • Before cooking, make sure the eel has removed the mucus by providing salt and dibalur lemon juice to reduce the smell of fishy.
  • It is recommended to use red pepper to get a strong spicy flavor. But, do not close the possibility to use red curly pink or the other.

How to cook Vietnamese Spicy Baked Eel Recipe:

  • Put all the prepared spices into the container to make marinade marinade.
  • Pour vegetable oil, stir until well blended.
  • Enter the eel, stir well, let stand for 20 minutes.
  • Heat teflon or a tool that has been lubricated vegetable oil.
  • Take a piece of eel, burn while being turned back and dioles spice for marination, burn until cooked and browned, remove.
  • Move to a container, spicy grilled eel ala Vietnam is ready to serve with warm white rice.

#cooking #food #recipe #cook #sex

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