How can we be more effective?

Hello awesome people!

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Here's a summary for the previous articles.

So far nobody offered 1 proof to back up the claim that this year' flu is so dangerous that we have to wear masks. Now we have measures that reduce our freedom that are based on zero proof. Nothing stopped our rulers to reduce our freedom with zero proof, so,
What's stopping them to continue to reduce our freedom?
They say our challenge is to flatten the curve of 1 enemy. What's our actual challenge?
Our challenge is: To Flatten the curve of our freedom loss, to Flatten the curve of our injustice.

What results do you have so far in overcoming our challenge?

Back to the initial question: How effective are we in overcoming our challenge?
i don't know and i don't think we're effective enough, otherwise,
Why do we have the measures of the new normal?

Some brave people work to protect our freedom.
How can we overcome our challenge as long as only some people work to protect our freedom and most people choose to do nothing?
I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing to give up our freedom. You can't be neutral on a moving train, so What are you: 1 problem or 1 solution?

1 good question might be:

How can we be more effective?

What's the cause of our challenge?
When we know the cause, we might be more effective in working on the cause.
Our freedom loss is based on unconsciousness: as long as people are unconscious, they fall for any unproven theory.

How many people did you help be conscious of our challenge?
Have we ever stopped to ask ourselves this question?
How effective are we, in helping more people be conscious of our reality?
Let's suppose we reach enough people, then
Why do we have to respect measures that are based on zero proof?
Our challenge doesn't last forever. Overcoming our challenge is a matter of effectiveness.
1 more specific question might be:

How can we be more effective in helping more people be conscious of our reality?

When are we more effective:

  • when we ask for less or
  • when we ask for more?

When we ask for too much we cause denial = we push people further away from our reality = the opposite of helping people be conscious of our reality.
When do we ask for less:

  • When we offer people realities taken out of context or when we include them in context?
  • When we offer people realities, case in which we invite them to change their beliefs, or
    When we ask questions, case in which they figure out for themselves?
  • When we ask questions about less obvious realities or
    When we ask questions about more obvious realities?

Even when we Ask questions (Even about more obvious realities), our content is still logical and people don't respond too well to logical content, because it requires critical thinking and they don't bother with critical thinking, because it requires consciousness.
When do we ask for less:

  • When we use logic (that requires critical thinking) or
  • When we use emotion that people can feel?

How effective are we when we try to help people with logic?
How many people are we helping when we approach them with logic?
How many chances do we have of overcoming our challenge as long as we don't help people?
i don't know and i don't think we have enough. Do you believe:

  • it's good to persist in 1 ineffective approach or do you think it’s good to improve our approach?
  • it's good to run in the wrong direction or do you think running makes sense when we run in 1 good direction?

One more curiosity?

  • Are you taking the time to interact with people or are you too busy writing articles?
  • How can you help more people as long as you don't interact with them?
  • What good are your articles as long as you
    don't help more people with your articles?

Instead of:

  • asking for too much, How about we start by asking for less?
  • taking realities out of context, How about we include them in context?
  • offering realities that contradict their beliefs, How about we ask questions that help them figure out for themselves?
  • trying to prove something, How about we ask questions so they can figure out for themselves?
  • using only mind content, How about we also include heart content?
  • being busy only with writing more article, How about we also interact with more people?
  • complicating our challenge by diving in all kinds of stuff, How about we keep it simple by offering people 1 music video that shares realities?

Once people have 1 feel for our reality, they might be more receptive to the logical aspect of our challenge.

There are actions we can do today:

  • sharing reality oriented emotional content (comedy, music) is an action we can take today.
  • sharing reality oriented educational content (article, documentary) is an action we can take today.

Right now you're reading information with the help of technology. The same technology allows you to share information. What do we achieve with these actions?

  • With reality oriented emotional content we can help people be conscious of our reality,
  • With reality oriented educational material we can help people be conscious of the logical aspects of our challenge.

You already know multiple examples of reality oriented content from a previous article.
People can start taking action helpful for overcoming our challenge, once they're conscious of our challenge. I challenge you to show me the alternative for

  • action i.e. a world in which we overcome our challenge with inaction; a world in which we overcome injustice with inaction.
  • consciousness i.e. a world in which people take action for overcoming our challenge when they’re unconscious of our challenge.

Why would we first offer people emotional content?
Because offering emotional content (music, comedy) might be a more effective way to reach people with our message, in which case we help them be conscious of our reality, of our challenge.

  • The more people become conscious of our challenge, the more people take action for overcoming our challenge.
  • The more people take action for overcoming our challenge, the more effective we are at overcoming our challenge.

Bottom line is up to you.

i just shared some opinions, so it's up to you to decide what approach you use:

  • only logic or including emotion.
  • starting by asking too much or starting by asking for less.

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article.
By the way: this article is part of a book.

i'm not the smartest one so i'm curious to know what's your opinion.
What do you think? How can we be more effective in overcoming our challenge?
Do you have ideas for how we can be more effective in helping people be conscious of our challenge?
You can comment below and let me know.
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