What's your opinion about heart content and mind content?

Hello awesome people! What's your opinion about the 2 components of the content you write & the content you read?

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Have you ever wondered

  • Why you act the way you do?
  • Why you follow the content you follow?
  • Why you watch the movies you're watching?
  • Why you make the decisions you make?

Let's face it: people' motivation is emotion:

  • People watch entertainment, because it makes them feel good.
  • People listen music, because it makes them feel good.
  • People buy a certain product, because it makes them feel good.
  • People make a decision, because of an emotion & they use logic to justify their actions.

In Reality Transurfing book series Vadim Zeland uses the word:

  • Heart when he's referring to feelings, the emotional part of the mind.
  • Mind when he's referring to critical thinking, the logical part of the mind.

Content has 2 components:

When we use:

  • Heart content, Emotion, we speak with the heart, the soul.
  • Mind content, Logic, we speak with the mind.

You already know some examples of heart content from 1 previous article.
The message is not a problem. When we share a message from the self-improvement category (to help people improve themselves, to help people improve their lives), we share ideas that are obvious or simple to understand. No matter how simple the message is, as long as we use just logic, we don't reach people, because logic requires critical thinking and people don't bother with that. Most often than not our actual challenge is the delivery = the way we share the message.

Success also has 2 components:

  • Strategy, logic: knowing the steps and
  • Internal state, the emotion: being willing to take the steps.

Strategy is not a problem. We have access to information and there are plenty of activities through which people can improve their lives. The moment you achieve great goals is the moment when you feel you can achieve them. People have small lives:

  • Not because they don't have the information, rather
  • Because they're in such a low state that they're not willing to break their routine.

Most often than not, emotion is the actual challenge. In this case logic won't help because it doesn't communicate with the emotional part of the mind.

Some artists chose to use music to share uplifting messages, realities, useful ideas.
What do you think about that?

Music might be a good way to share ideas because it feels good.
By including heart content in our articles, we might be more effective in helping people:

Heart content is a message:

  • people can feel, so we might be more effective in sharing a message.
  • that speaks with our emotion, so we might be more effective in addressing the actual challenge.

i'm not talking about using music as a quick fix. Once people are conscious,

  • they don't depend on music to be in a high state:
  • they have freedom of choice, so they can choose their attitude.

i'm not saying logic is not part of our solution. i'm saying it's not the only step.
Once people have 1 feel for 1 message, they might be more receptive to its logical aspects.
Heart content might be more effective in reaching more people because they:

  • want to feel good.
  • are not interested in content that contradict their beliefs, because they don't want to change their beliefs.

Instead of offering people what they don't want, How about we offer them what they want?

Bottom line:

i wrote this article to say there are 2 kinds of content.
It's up to you to decide which one is more effective in reaching more people.
It's up to you to decide which approach is more effective:

  • using only mind content or
  • combining mind content with heart content.

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article.
By the way: this article is part of a book.
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What do you think? How can we overcome our challenge? You can comment below and let me know.

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