What's your opinion about music?

Hello awesome people! Before anything else, you can read 1 brief story:


i was in the bus station and I had a conversation that went like this:

Hi, what's your opinion about the measures of the new normal?
i mean: we can use public transport only when we wear 1 surgical mask.

i think these measures are for protection.

Last year we didn't wear masks. What's different this year?
They need 1 proof to create these measures. What's the proof?

i'm not interested.

You're smart and i'm curious to know what's your opinion about 1 article about the new normal. Would you like to take a look at it?

i'm not interested.

Then they put on their headphones and continue listening to music.
This conversation got me thinking.
i believe creating art is one of the most beautiful activities. Art is one of the needs that differentiates us from animals.

Why do i have conversations about the new normal?
Because something doesn't add up.
i wasn't allowed in 1 store without accepting their thermal screening, even though:

  • Multiple conditions have to be met to measure 1 accurate skin surface temperature,
  • Most often than not these conditions are not even met,
  • Skin surface temperature is not 1 effective way to detect fever, anyway.

Measuring people' skin surface temperature implies we have 1 threat so great that we have to limit the access in stores of people who might have fever. Without a great threat, we wouldn't have to create restrictions for people who might have fever. My curiosity is: What's the proof for our threat?
So far: nobody offered a proof, nobody was able to answer this question, so
Why are they creating these measures, these restrictions?
1 theory without proof is just 1 speculation, imagination, fiction.
Considering our current measures have zero reason, What’s your opinion about further measures?
Considering nothing stopped them to reduce our freedom with zero reason, What's stopping them to continue reducing our freedom?
They say our challenge is

  • to flatten the curve of 1 invisible enemy.
  • to limit exposure with 1 invisible enemy.

What's our actual challenge?

How necessary is our freedom loss as long as it has zero reason?
Most likely you have friends, here on hive and offline:
What's their opinion about our unnecessary freedom loss?
Limiting our freedom loss is pretty challenging because people accept measures through which we lose our freedom, even though these measures are based on zero proof.
People think the new normal does not affect their lives. It does. It's all connected:
As long as they believe in 1 theory for 1 invisible enemy for which they have zero proof:

  • Our invisible enemy allows them to fast-track further restrictions.
  • We lose our freedom fast.

So the question is: Do you want to just survive in a zero freedom world or Do you want to win?

Some people know that our current restrictions are not necessary and we're trying to help people see that our freedom loss is not necessary. Some good questions might be:

  • What's our progress?
  • How many people listen?
  • How effective are we in reaching people with our message?
  • How effective are we in getting the message across?

How's going?

When we try to help people have their attention on our actual challenge (limiting our freedom loss), we end up nowhere, because they don't listen, they have their attention on other stuff. Now we have restrictions with zero proof and more restrictions are on their way, so i let you decide how's going.
Considering how's going so far, i guess it will take some time.
We don't have enough time for 1 approach that’s going nowhere. As long as we don't reach people,

  • we'll never overcome our challenge.
  • we're not going to get through this.

i don't know about you. Personally i think freedom is 1 pretty big priority.
What's the use of more important stuff as long as we lose our freedom?
Our challenge is pretty heavy, otherwise,

  • Why is our approach going nowhere?
  • Why do we have to respect restrictions with zero proof?
  • Why are we losing our freedom with zero reason?

People seem to be unreachable: we ask for too much even when it comes to:

  • More relevant subjects such as freedom.
  • More obvious realities such as: zero proof for our invisible enemy.

“i'm not interested” is 1 pretty common reply: when i have a conversation about the new normal, people say they're not interested in this subject. People' reply is the same:

i don't care.

How can we overcome our challenge as long as people are not interested in our challenge?
When are we more effective in overcoming our heavy challenge:

  • When we use tiny stuff or
  • When we use the heavy stuff?

Music is a pretty common interest: it catches people' attention even though we have bigger stuff to attend to: limiting our freedom loss. What other way is more effective in having people attention than music?
Music seems to fit in the category heavy stuff.
Who says overcoming our epic challenge has to be boring?
Music is pretty enjoyable :), otherwise people wouldn't listen music. Think about it:

  • We can use art to overcome our challenge,
  • We can overcome our challenge in 1 elegant way.

How awesome is that?
I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing to give up freedom. We all have amazing gifts.

  • Am i the only one who plans to use ones abilities to protect our freedom, or
  • Are there others who want to be free?

What can can we do?

How can we use music to overcome our challenge?

You can take it as a thinking homework. You can comment below and let me know.
Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article!
By the way: this article is part of a book.
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