What's the purpose of the winners' community?

Hello awesome people!
In this article you can find the purpose of the winners' community.

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What’s your opinion about the measures of our new normal?

You can consider this article a continuation of the previous one.

i believe they need 1 proof:

Last year we didn't wear masks. What's different this year?

Where's the proof?

So far nobody offered a proof that this year flu is different than in previous years.
Considering nothing stopped our leaders to reduce your liberties, to increase surveillance with zero proof,

  • What stops them from continuing to reduce your freedom?

The loss of your freedom has a positive cover: your health, your immunity. However, this is just a theory, because social distancing actually reduces your immunity.
As your surveillance increases and your freedom decreases, with zero proof, zero justification,

Personally, i don't believe you and your children have to live in a zero freedom world.

What do you want for you and for your family:

  • a zero freedom world or
  • do you think you're meant for more than zero freedom?

i believe you’re meant for more than zero freedom.
We don't even have time to hesitate, because now more than ever, our resources are redirected toward stuff that only benefit the control system:

So far people have been ingenious in using resources in creating solutions for creating control.
i created this community out of curiosity: i'm curious to see what solutions can people create for dissolving the control system.
How can we solve our challenge as long as we don't think in terms of solutions?

  • Do you think people can come up with solutions only for control or
  • Do you think people can also think at solutions for freedom?

i believe there is no fault: people are beneficial for control, because they’re conditioned to be so.
The education system does a great job in creating control mentalities. As long as people function from a control mentality, they take action to create better forms of... control.
Some people talk about developing a money mentality. Money’s important: you can't live without it. Still,

  • What good is financial freedom without your actual freedom?

The question is: Why?

  • Why would you give up your freedom?

For evil to thrive it's enough that people do nothing. People consider themselves good. In vain you consider yourself good as long as You support evil by doing nothing. Is nothing all you can be or can you be more than nothing?
Some even consider themselves winners. How can you consider yourself a winner as long as:

  • You give up your freedom?
  • You ignore our challenge?

This community is:

  • Not for those who are willing to give up their freedom with zero justification,
  • Only for those who are willing to take action to restore their freedom.

What can we do?

  • Did you know that everything is done through people?
  • Why do people take massive action to reduce their own freedom?


As long as people are unconscious they don't have a choice. Their only option is to continue being a problem:

  • by taking action beneficial for enslavement.
  • by inaction: for evil to thrive it's enough that people do nothing.

We don't have to overcomplicate our solution for our challenge:

  • It’s not about changing people.
  • It’s about sharing information.

Only when people are conscious of our challenge, when they have information, they have a choice:

  • they can be a problem,
  • they can be a solution.

Only when you’re conscious,

Helping people have freedom of choice is one of the most beautiful gifts we can offer them.
Resources are not a problem: when people are conscious, we can start using our same resources to build an alternative. What's sad is that people ignore our challenge even though it's simple (not easy): we barely have to lift a finger: Your technology allows you to share information with the touch of a button.
Do you know a simpler way of helping people be conscious? Feel free to share your solutions.
Ignorance is not a virtue.

  • Ignoring our challenge doesn’t solve our challenge.
  • Ignoring our reality doesn’t solve our challenge.
  • Ignoring our current direction doesn’t change our direction.
  • Ignoring our enslavement doesn’t lead us toward freedom.

How necessary is our current direction - enslavement?
Why would we continue creating a scenario that's not necessary?
When we face our reality, when we face the cause of our problem, we can also work on the cause of our problem. Only that, you need a backbone to face our reality. Most people ignore our reality and they cover their ignorance with lame excuses such as:

We can't do something about it.

Everything is ok. = We don't have a challenge.

You can't really put your finger on the wound, because our challenge is complicated.

Don't think at the negative, think at the positive! = Using positivity to cover ignorance.

Everyone has their road. My road has nothing to do with our challenge. = Using elevated ideas to cover ignorance. Etc.

Some people use Soft language to soften, to sugarcoat, to diminish our challenge, to make it appear that we don't have a challenge, so they don't have to deal with it.
Ironically, people who’re worshiped as leaders create the lamest excuses.

There is a difference between denying our challenge and saying that our challenge is simple:
When we ignore it or create some story, some excuse to shirk responsibility, to sugarcoat it:

  • we take zero action,
  • because in our mind there’s zero challenge,
  • we have zero chance to overcome it and
  • we end up in a zero freedom world.

When we say it's simple and we take simple actions, we might have more chances to overcome it.

People soften our challenge, overcomplicate it or create excuses, because they're too soft, too weak to accept our challenge, because accepting it implies change.

  • Remaining the same is easier than change.
  • When we choose what's easy, we're too weak to choose what's right.
  • The more we choose what's easy, the weaker we become.

Why do you live: to become weaker or to become stronger?
There is no easy way out:

  • we either work on our cause of our problem, or
  • we lose our freedom.

Our challenge is not supposed to be easy, because

  • we can experience epic evolution, when
  • we overcome our epic challenge.

People seem to miss some stuff from the category: the obvious.
Change is inevitable. What kind of change do you want for you and for your family:

People are afraid to talk about our challenge.

  • What are you afraid of?
  • How many years does fear add to your life?
  • What's the point of living in fear?
  • What are the consequences of your choice to be weak?
  • What kind of generation do you create with your fear: a generation of fearful, weak people?
  • How can we solve our challenge as long as we don't talk about it?

This community is for people who accepted our challenge.

The purpose of the fearless people community

is pretty simple: Do you have ideas?

Similar communities:

Currently there’s no messenger feature on hive. Do you think discord is a good messenger platform?

This community is:

  • Not about me. You already know my perspective from the resources you found in my articles.
  • About you. It's purpose is to encourage you to think.

How can we overcome our challenge as long as people don't think?

  • i don't believe it's useful to shove solutions in people' head, because they have resistance for someone else's ideas.
  • It might be more useful to offer people information about our reality and encourage them to think.


  • the conversation from the discord community is around creating results.
  • at the beginning of your articles you write in the hive community, you can mention in What way they’re helpful for creating results.


  • our ideas are not results oriented,
  • we don't address the cause of our problem


Question everything, including my articles! Do your own research! Don't let some unproven theory intimidate you. Stay close to each other. Stay united. Remember, you're awesome, you’re powerful.
We still have a chance to flip our script, as long as we create our chance.

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article.
By the way: this article is part of a book.
What do you think? How can we overcome our challenge? You can comment below and let me know.

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