How effective are we?

Hello awesome people!

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  • Have you ever stopped to think at how effective you are?
  • What's more important: your speed or your direction?
  • What happens when we run in the wrong direction?
  • Does it make sense to have a purpose or, Does it make sense to take purposeless action?
  • What's more important: taking action or achieving your goals?
  • What happens when your action doesn't help you achieve your goals?
  • How do you know you're effective in achieving goals?
  • What's the criterion you're using to measure your results, your effectiveness?
  • When you're not achieving your goals, Why are you taking action?


While you ponder at these questions here's 1 useful tip: for more clarity, you can check 1 previous article.

By the way: Effectiveness = the degree to which someone is successful in producing a desired goal.
Some people are dedicated in sharing our reality to help people be conscious of our reality.
All my respect for these people. It's good there are people who have initiative for helping people have more clarity. i believe creating a better world requires initiative. Without initiative to create clarity,

  • we perpetuate our problem,
  • we're doomed to create different forms of our same problem.

How effective are we in sharing our reality?

Let's suppose we're effective, then, why do we have the measures of the new normal?
The measures of the new normal show that people are unconscious of our reality, otherwise these measures would not exist. Claiming this year flu is so dangerous that we have to wear masks is 1 scientific claim that requires 1 scientific proof. Now we have to wear masks even though so far:

  • nobody offered a scientific proof to back up this claim.
  • nobody revealed how they identified 1 enemy, because they didn't identify 1 enemy; the testing procedures they use are not designed for medical diagnosis.

Without 1 proof, 1 theory = 1 speculation.
These measures that decrease our freedom exist:

  • not because of 1 proof, rather
  • because people believe 1 theory without asking questions.
  • because people believe 1 theory for which we have zero proof.

Our freedom loss is based on unconsciousness: as long as people are unconscious, they accept the measures that reduce our freedom:

  • because they believe 1 unproven theory,
  • because they’re incapable of asking questions,
  • because they’re incapable of critical thinking,
  • because critical thinking requires consciousness.

When people are conscious,

  • the measures are obsolete, because people can see beyond the smokescreen.
  • they might be more receptive in working on the cause *, so we don't create another form for the same problem.

Nothing stopped our leaders to reduce our freedom with zero proof, so
What stops them to continue reducing our freedom?

As we continue investing time in an ineffective approach, people continue sinking in 1 unproven theory. Just like habits, illusions are 1 function of time:

  • the more they sink in 1 habit, the harder it is for them to break free from it.
  • the more they sink in 1 illusion, the harder it is for them to see beyond it.

Not to mention that soon enough we live in a zero* freedom world in which:

  • thinking is illegal and
  • people who ask questions are imprisoned.

*i used bold so people can see better.
Our challenge:

  • doesn't last forever,
  • is a matter of effectiveness,
  • is about helping people be conscious of our reality in 1 short period of time.

How effective are we in helping people be conscious of our reality?
Are we reaching more people or are we reaching the same people?
Are we working on reaching more people or are we too busy with an approach that doesn't reach people?

i didn't write this article to convince people of my point of view. i wrote this article from curiosity.
My guess is that when we share information we have a goal. What's our goal?
Our goal is to reach more people with information. My curiosity is this:

  • When we don't reach more people, What are we doing?
  • Do you believe persisting is enough or do you think our direction is also important?
  • What happens when we persist in the wrong direction?

What's the point of running in the wrong direction?

  • How effective are we in reaching our destination when we run in the opposite direction?
  • What's more important: running or reaching our destination?
  • What's more important: remaining in our approach or achieving our goal?
  • What happens when our current approach is not effective in achieving our goal?
  • When are we more effective: when we ask for too much or when we ask for less?

When you take realities out of context, you ask people to change their beliefs.
Do you really expect people to change their beliefs or Is it obvious that:

  • they're not interested in change?
  • when we ask them to change, we ask for too much?

Why would we try to help people be conscious by offering them content that doesn't interest them?

  • How effective are we in reaching more people when we offer them content that doesn't interest them?
  • How do we know that we're effective in reaching more people?
  • How many people are we reaching?
  • How many people told you that you helped them be conscious of our reality?
  • What’s more important: persisting in 1 ineffective approach or overcoming our challenge?

When are we more effective:

  • when we offer people realities (even in context), in which case people have to change their beliefs
  • when we ask people questions, in which case people figure out themselves?

Even when we Ask people questions, our content is still logical.
Logic require critical thinking & unconscious people don't have critical thinking. So when we try:

  • to wake people up using logic, we use 1 approach that leads nowhere, we're in 1 vicious circle.
  • to share the message using logic to unconscious people is like trying to share the message to 1 monkey; the conversation goes round in circles :). People just don't get it.

How effective are we when we use an approach that leads nowhere?
Do you believe we should remain attached to 1 ineffective approach or do you think it would be good to overcome our challenge?
When we’re attached to an ineffective approach, we're no different than people who are attached to 1 unproven theory.
We have a choice in front of us: We can work on our approach or we lose. Being more effective is

  • not rocket science. It takes the same effort to be ineffective than to be effective.
  • about using the same time in a more effective way.

When are we more effective in reaching people:

  • when we use emotion = something you feel or
  • when we use logic = something that doesn't interest people?

Why would we use a less effective approach, even though we have a more effective one?
The only obstacle is our ego. Improving our approach implies accepting that our current approach is ineffective. This is a big blow for the ego.

Bottom line is 1 curiosity:

What's the indicator that we're effective in reaching more people?
What's more important: persisting in 1 ineffective approach or considering improving our approach?

  • How can we be more effective?

You can take it as a mental homework and you can comment below.
You already know my opinion from previous articles and before you move to the next article in which you can find 1 summary, you can share your opinion below, and let me know.

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my article.
By the way: this article is part of a book.
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