Kitten Bonus cuteness overload !!! best shots selection Jun-Jul 2022

More Bat and Jet

The white one is Bat, male, and Jet [black], his sister. See our post yesterday for the full text and updates. Today is to share several more photos taken since the last update and not included in yesterday's post. So without further ado, allow me to indulge you all in cuteness overload with anecdotes and reflections on taking care of these 2 little monsters!


Late night, under supervision. Attention has been taken from the cat grass to something moving on the ceiling above, probably a small lizard which they have no hope of reaching!


When the toy is this good, it doesn't last more than a day! Luckily replacements cost just a dollar fifty (50 THB) ...


Just for fun this still was captured whilst editing a video clip.


After a long playtime, happy kitty has a nap.


Bat likes his Porsche ... he pushes it across the floor and chases it.


In the outdoor chill out tent, I drop in some kitten treats for them to nibble on and a bowl of water. This is where they go for time out or just to chill and remain outside, whilst safely enclosed.


Whilst they have a perfectly good water fountain (coming up) they cannot resist this rainwater capture. It's organic and natural to them, having run off the drains and through all the leaf litter in the drain, it tastes something like a jungle stream to them as long as the rainfall is fresh.Mostly I use this to water the garden in between rain spells, as it's very fast to fill the watering can from, and full of minerals. I wouldn't recommend it for humans to drink, however cats and plants will be ok. Otherwise, they'll go drink from worse puddles ...


I've started to take them out for a couple of hours at a time on solo adventures with me. It's much easier to have just one to keep eyes on, and allows for serious bonding time as they become extremely alert and aware when out and about.


Generally they'll ride along in the car and at the start of the journey (like her) talk quite a lot ... yet they don't get scared.


Bat can be very affectionate, and flop helplessly around when being petted like this!


Another angle of Bat, from behind as he perches atop a bench in the garden.


Jet out on adventure with me ... witnessing the biggest kitty litter she's ever seen!


Not necessary at all times, however it is good to have them now getting used to a harness and leash
'PPE' in certain situations. It also takes a lot of the stress out of things for the owner as with this they really won't wonder off anywhere ...


Bat has been out with me a few hours and crashes in my lap, we had dinner, he met his mom again (and had a dance with her, see yesterday's ... I take him back home shortly afterwards.

Jet - being naughty

She can go up, but hasn't mastered getting down. Rooftop is almost under control and she now understands going on the roof = naughty. Climbed this stepladder once, yet also couldn't work out how to climb down!


Going up is easy, getting down the steps are too steep.


It's a bit of a nightmare when she goes and scales the tree and vanishes onto the roof ... eventually, calls me to get her down however! Then she gets jail time as punishment ...


Bat tucking into the aforementioned rainwater.


Whilst there's also a perfectly adequate water supply indoors! Changed frequently, they love water to be fresh (and food for that matter).

Bat - Well behaved

Some cuteness overload from the boy in the next images ...



Trying out an app, really turned out pretty good and worth including here.


Blue eyes and darker ear markings are signature Siamese. He's got the character of the breed also, those mother genes are dominant, despite being only half Siamese.


She's also got the Siamese character, despite looking even less like one other than in form. She figures out how to ride a skateboard for the first time and both were curious how they could nudge it along the ground.


A life changing little pair of monsters. Thanks for reading!

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