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kitten updates! Bat and Jet, adopted Siamese/Thai mix at 4.5 months

Time for an update on the cats!

A while back @newtonclassics adopted 2 Thai kittens from a local street restaurant. Since then, they've been living the good life and growing fast. This is the latest update at 4.5 months.


Above: Chilling out last Wednesday in the courtyard. Sheltering under the table is a preferred spot, and ideal for opportunistic hunting of bugs and small lizards (which we try to minimize).

See the previous update here which is when they were at just 3 months. Since then, they have grown in size to almost double in just a short space of time.


Female Jet (above) barely as tall as this 500ml beer can just 5-6 weeks ago. She'd already be head and shoulders above it if I were to repeat this photo (I will try soon!).

Fast Growers

Again, this is still over 1 month ago. The speed of growth in the first 6 months is really fast for a cat. In 2 more months, I believe they will almost double again to almost their full adult size. By 9 months, cats reach about 90% of full size and can be mistaken for an adult - they're still kittens. They say cat's don't really reach 'maturity' and settle into 'adulthood character' until about 2 years old. From there, they can live up to 20 years, provided they make their 9 lives last that long!


This is a spot on my desk behind my laptop, sometimes late evening whilst I work they'll sit here quietly keeping me company. This isn't always the case.. (DO NOT FEED AFTER MIDNIGHT!)


Almost 2 feet long when fully stretched out

Complete Healthcare

There have been numerous vet trips for all the routine things a growing kitten requires. Multiple vaccinations, worming, flea and tick treatments etc to keep them running in tip top condition. The results are paying off, they're healthy, happy, clean and full of energy each and every day.

Bat the male has also had his neutering now, as his 'playfulness' had started to turn to aggression and sexual advances ... on his sister. Yeah, that had to stop. I'll still contemplating what to do with the female, if I can find a pure siamese stud to breed her or just get her done also. I guess I'll have to see how much of a handful she becomes, and decide then if she needs to be spayed. So far, no issues, Bat has become a lot more friendly whilst still being a great buddy to his sister - now without the sexual aggression, both are a lot more relaxed.


Vet performs routine vaccine shots that will continue every few weeks until they are 6 months old. On this occasion done right on the spot, still in their carry bag as the usual table was occupied by a puppy undergoing a serious emergency procedure.


Who us?

Weighing in at just 4.5kg for the pair, they sure can eat a lot. The volume of food I put out for them each day rivals what I eat as a 76kg fully grown man. The amount they poop and has to been twice daily scooped from the litter box also rivals what I can produce! Poop not pictured lol ..


Endless exploration

Fact is, an alpha hunter creature at this stage of it's growing cycle, has one of the most amazing metabolisms on the planet. No matter how much they eat, they process it all and just grow at the moment. I'm careful not to overfeed so they don't develop eating problems later in life.

Jet can fly

Some stills from video I took after playing with Jet. I place a leaf on a long thin stick which she will leap through the air and catch everytime. Very fast, very agile, and able to switch direction in mid-air ... she defies physics



Blurry it may be, but she just took the leaf from the stick 1.5meters up, and is now coming in to land with it still in her paws. From jump to landing it's over in the blink of an eye ...


Aside from the color, this is the other reason we call her Jet. She can fly like one ...

Hit the town

Coming to just the other day, I took out the boy (Bat) for a couple of hours one evening. Slowly I am training them to harness and leash although once settled at an establishment, they don't try to escape and stay pretty close to me. I let other people I know handle them - in the case below, their original breeder. Bat seemed to remember even after 2 months that he liked this lady who previously fed and sheltered him ... and was very comfortable being handled and even her dancing around with him!


Bat dances with mom

This is their actual mom.


Personality Development

Some more recent and cute pictures. They're starting to have a real look and personality about them. Bat, friendly, cuddly, outgoing - she, loving and affectionate yet always wary and curious.


Jet has that always curious yet wary look


Bat is friendly, playful, and trusting on the whole.


I took Jet out for an afternoon beer, she enjoyed chilling out on the bar stool and was no trouble at all!


Trying out the skateboard for the first time. This made them really curious, especially how it can move when the touch it ...

Next time you see these guys they'll be even bigger! I've got to put some of the videos together and upload them for you all to see also. Pictures only go so far, to see them in action is quite another thing!

Conclusion - Where the cats fit in

Thanks for reading, especially if you love cats let me know in the comments! Something very different to our usual car related posts, however this being a personal blog, and also @newtonclassics having an overall 'mancave' theme (or ladycave), it feels only natural to throw in something unusual here and there, whilst still being relevant to the overall theme - cats are classic creatures, and can make great man-cave additions!

P.S. Bonus part tomorrow with more super cute kitty pics, and hopefully a video full of clips!