Sustainable Weight Loss

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Weight loss is a big thing for a lot of people with the majority resorting to Fad diets and quick fixes to try and get the body you so desire for a event, holiday, special occasion etc.

We all want to see results and see those results before they've even happened. But if you had a little more patience towards your end goal then this would be far more beneficial in the long run.

Reason I say this is weight loss is a slow process if done correctly with a weekly goal of maximum 1%. Some weeks you may not achieve this goal but is that a reason to stop a programme or diet all together. Not really.

Tracking your food isn't for everyone but knowing what you're consuming is a highly power tool within a fat loss phrase. A question that I get asked a lot is of course.

How can I lose weight?

When we actually get down to it and try and change a few things this is where our first few issues arise with actually achieving that said weight loss. Weight loss shouldn't be difficult but you do have to be prepared to modify a few things in your life. These things all depend on how poor your current lifestyle is but making these smalls changes weekly/monthly will in time allow you to make larger ones as you develop into your new lifestyle with confidence.

By taking your time and developing better food habits and skills will allow your new lifestyle to develop and create a stable foundation for it to stay. This will increase your chances of keeping the weight off instead of seeing it all go back on after that occasion you've dieted for.

Don't always look for that quick fix as it more than likely not the magically answer to all your weight loss problems. Stick to simple rules of training and nutrition to allow yourself to develop better choices.

Have a look at my 'Five Day Nutrition Remould' if you didn't catch it.


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