Marvelous Adang-Rawi Archipelago, Thailand

Snorkeling is probably the main activity in Koh Lipe. You should not miss the opportunity to see the coral reef. There are several places, where you can book this activity and to choose whether you would like to combine with fishing, bbq on the beach... To my regret it was not the season of the glowing plankton. This would be fantastic ending of the day, swimming in the glowing plankton at night. Perhaps, another time.

Now, let me tell you that there are no underwater photos in my post. My son and his girlfriend did some with their GoPro camera and I am still looking forward to seeing what they have done. It will be video clip/s and I am curious what they have achieved.

We did the booking on the previous day and at noon we went to the meeting point on the walking street. From there we were brought to another place nearby where we had to fill our details for the insurance. And off we went.

The longtail boat was waiting for us at the shore. The captain (I don't know how to call him and if that was the correct word) started the engine and we were off to the first spot. Now the photos that will follow are compilation of two days, because we had another snorkeling trip on the next day. Once you try it you wish to do it again. Besides I felt more confident on the second day.

To reach the first stop we turned around the island and since Koh Lipe is part of Adang-Rawi Archipelago, the sight of other islands was breathtaking. There were some small islands, just rocks emerging from the water.

But they are not bare, even the smallest is covered with green vegetation.

The first stop was in deep waters and the sea was slightly rough.

The designated area where tourists can enjoy the beauty of the underworld are outlined with ropes.

When I jumped in the water I felt the current literally stamped me to the rope and I could not move. On top of that I felt the water coming into my mask and I hardly could see anything. Bugger. Was that going to be so hard? I pushed myself towards the boat with the help of the ropes and we decided that it would be better to move to another spot.

The second spot was much better. The water was calm and I strapped the mask so no water to get in. Now I could see the corals and the fish, and oh my, that was amazing! How to describe it? I don't think words can do the justice. You have to experience it yourself.
The depth was about 3 to 5 meters. Fish of different sizes and colours were swimming everywhere. The only thing that we were warned about were the sea urchins, because of their sharp spines. I did not dive and was mostly on the surface and no where near to sea urchins, although I saw plenty of them.

Next shots I took on the next day. Luckily we were visiting different spots and each time we were in places where honestly I wished to stay all day.

Sometimes we were so close to the shore.

The boats were parked in line.

The closer to the shore tne greener tne water was. Further in the deep the water is blue and there the reefs are deeper. The next stop was crowded and there were over 20 boats. But the space was enough for all that were snorkeling. However I liked the most the last place we visited, because we were just three of us and it was absolutely fantastic.

While moving from one snorkeling spot to the other we had two spots for rest and taking photos.

The first one - Koh Hin Ngam, the small island covered with black rocks like pebbles.

Source - Google Maps

The rocks were slippery and once we climbed we could enjoy the view from there.

If you walk on the black stones that has formed a small peninsula you can reach small forest in the middle of the island.

But what I liked the most is seeing the other islands and the view was truely awesome.

Now I regret I had just the phone. With the other camera the photos would be better, but I did not want to risk to damage the camera.
Phone camera is good for close-ups and here is one of the black rocks. They actually are striped and quite interesting.

Later I read about the legend that if you steal a rock, you will be cursed by the island guardian spirit called Chao Pho Tarutao. But if you build a tower with 12 rocks and wish something, your wish would come true.
Source -

I think the other tourists did not know about the legent either, because I did not see anybody building towers. And it did not cross my mind picking any of the rocks.

The second stop - Koh Rawi with its white beaches.

Now if I have to put my hand on my heart and say which island of all we have seen in this archipelago I loved the most, I will say Koh Rawi.
It was just like a dream, timeless and wild and simply a paradise. Why I was so fascinate? Hardly I can explain with few words. The whole archipelago is wonderful and each island is unique and of course I haven't seen them all, but Koh Rawi stole my heart.

White sand, turquoise water, dense woods, driftwood on the beach. What else one can wish for?
Ah yes, the swing.

The island is mostly uninhabited and that is why I felt it so charming. There were few wooden tables and chairs and some sheds. First time we stopped there, our boat captain treated us fresh pineapple. We sat on the beach instead under the trees and it was most delicious fruit. On the next day, there were more tourists and they were having snacks. Despite the signs Do not feed the monkeys, the little monkeys did not pay attention and their excuse was they could not read, so they helped themselves by stealing packet with food from one table. Next shots are not the best, but at least I managed to catch them in frame.

Cheaky buggers, they were rather vocal too.

Now, I regret for the second time for not having my camera. So, I was trying to get the best from the phone camera instead.

The beach, the sea, the island in the distance, all that look like a postcatd.

The crystal clear, pristine water was inviting. Shallow and warm, so close to the coral reef with fish swimming around my feet.

The beach was alive with many small crabs which were so fast and shy and quickly hiding in their shells.

While others were snacking or posing for their holiday photo albums I continue walking on the beach admiring the nature.

Now you know why I was enchanted by the island. Here the time has stopped for me.

Another swing. And more driftwoods. A sign next to it, warning not to climb.

After spending some time on that divine place we moved to another snorkelling places and again we were fascinated by the wonderful coral reef.

This adventure was memorable and now while browsing the photos I wish to return again and to see more of this wonderful place.

The trip was over and because we did not have enough of it, we did it twice.

Back to Koh Lipe to Pattay beach.

I hope you have enjoyed my diary and if you have reached by far, this is the end of this post.

Thank you for your time, much appreciated!

If you like my travel posts, stay tuned as there are more to follow.


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