ENDURING TRANSFORMATIONS: Zero to Sexy (60) in 9-Months

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Much has transpired over the past nine months. Despite the several derailment challenges that fate has thrown at me along the way, I continue to move toward the goals and visions I have set forth for myself for the rest of my remaining exceptional survival time. (Note: the preceding link is to a relevant financial article I penned back in April of 2011.)

One such derailment was having to hold off on all production efforts associated with becoming a Vlogger and Content Provider in the health, fitness, and bodybuilding communities.

Although the jury remains out on whether or not it will be worth the time and effort to produce content vlogs and related videos of this sort on a regular basis, I've finally got a handle on many of the obstacles holding me back to the point where I am once again able to contemplate the pursuit of such.

What follows is a free-form Vlog exploring such possibilities, which is basically asking you, my prospective audience, what type of content and presentation style are you most interested in, and might my style and what I have to say and share be of lasting value to you.

We'll see how it goes. It takes a lot of thought, time, and effort to produce even the simplest of content, however, it can be a lot of fun too. So long as it does not consume too much of my focus or detract me from reaching my lifelong personal goals, I will entertain doing more of them when suitably inspired.

I realize the way to make ones mark in this realm is to simply "produce" on a regular basis, and by doing so, in due course, one will find their niche and build their respective audiences accordingly. To experiment with this strategy, I will need to come up with a regular production format/schedule that works for me without consuming too much time.

Although "success" in this endeavor is by no means a priority for me, it does provide a simple means by which to document my journey for posterity. In that regard, such a goal can be accomplished whether or not I build an audience or following. Although I will not be pursuing this venue with the express intent of monetizing my efforts, if such opportunities present themselves, I will weigh them accordingly.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this 30-minute long-form vlog and take the time to share with me your suggestions and thoughts about what you like or dislike about it, and what I could do differently to make this type of content more entertaining, useful, and informative.

Until next time,

Peace Out
-Joe aka, @passion-ground

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