Thailand Mash-Up 2022 Part 2: Looking Back, and Lots of Cool Cars

Looking Back

The year has been cruel in many ways. Yet looking over these photographs, still gives me plenty to be grateful about. Which is why I'm sharing them here. Some may have featured in previous posts, although I endeavor to pick those photos which didn't go in the last time. In other words, some maybe familiar subjects but the photos are exclusive.

Car Show at a Boat Show

Previously, I posted all about the classic cars seen at the Pattaya Boat show. This post I did want to bring out some of the actual boats also at the show. However, my efforts at photographing these were for one thing not quite as pleasing as I'd have liked, and another thing, I ran out of room for them here, with too many shots. So, just a couple of boats it is. Enjoy the selection down below.

Car shows is one of my favorite activities, something I want NewtonClassics to grow and cover a lot more. As it combines our passions for cars with a love of great photography. Plus, it can be a very social occasion if you get chatting to the owners displaying their pride and joy. Just be wary, as they might geek out on you for longer than you expected! Can recall a few occasions when someone wanted to tell me about every nut and bolt on their ride ...

Pet Cats

Of course a run down of the year wouldn't be complete without the cats ... although I limited it to one shot here, again as room was tight. Plus, there's also plenty of previous posts about them. 2022 was the first time living in Asia and the first time in a while I've had cats, otherwise I grew up with cats in our family all my life. Saying which, it's still different the first time I actually committed to having your own. It's like having a family, and responsibilities ... just like a grown up! Soon they'll be one year old, fully neutered and vaccinated. That'll mean a little less responsibility, and to build them an outdoor 'condo' to come and go with far more independence. For now, they remain little babies I have to keep a watchful eye on. In fact I'm popping my head out now from writing this to go check what they're up to!


Now I'm back and kitties are down for naptime, let's get on with the show ... a 'best of the best' selection from 2022 in Thailand, @NewtonClassics style.

Kicking off with the Unobtanium ... 'Masterminds' yaucht in a sleek black. I wonder how that works in hot places such as Thailand.

Not a boat seat, a folding steering wheel on this custom truck

Unbelievable, he really was not much longer than this pen when sleeping like this. Now he's as long as my leg (I'm 5'11") stretched out! Plus probably under 1 kilo here. Now over 5kg already!

There were some great sunsets, especially when some cool cars show up to make things interesting!

Selection from above. Aftermarket parts for Japanese cars are ever popular in Thailand, and there's a lot of modifications which can make the usually hum-drum family saloon into a circuit beast ...

The boat I did get to have a ride on, but still at almost a quarter million dollars, it didn't have a bed...but what a beast anyway. Ideal for some serious fishing and gets out into deep water quick, with a top speed of over 70kmph.

Now, if you had one, would you ride it or just keep it for display? Monkey on display at the Honda 'Cub House' boutique, a place which seems vaguely affiliated with Honda and sells a range of rather funky bikes. I drop in and drool frequently. One day I'll have to buy one.

One of the nicest E36 builds I've seen, very characterful to go for the clean drop-top look.

A 90s hero, Mk2 Toyota MR2 was a sweet looking, mid-engine sports car. A real little 'mini supercar', it still offers Ferrari fun for much less. This one is clearly heavily modified, yet still street legal.

This promo model had a great smile!

Never thought I'd see Liberty Walk Lambo's on the streets of Pattaya, but yea, they are around!

Popular on Instagram and followed by big car names there, this build has been grabbing attention lately. for more of this ride.

A Supra is guarded closely by these street dogs! Nice rims ... not sure about the aero

Just a lovely 1990s Lexus LS400 with perfect paint, sitting on the beach near sunset.

These are some crazy customized Honda bikes, chopped up and extended then covered in custom parts. More of the craziness you'll find around the average motorbike shop in Thailand!

Terminal21, Pattaya hosted this custom show, greatly look forwards to another one.

Pretty insane, and somehow out on the streets! Yes there are 2 huge bottles of Nitrus on there, and lots of stiffening bars to stop the truck bed twisting!

The Oldsmobile ... Truly Old Skool - way back to the 1940s if I recall. This was quite the sleeper with LS400 running gear. Like something out of a cartoon, one of the most delightful cars I saw in 2022.

Thanks for reading, commenting, follows and upvotes! Hope you enjoyed this installment of the best of 2022. No Christmas decorations this year, due to cats!

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