The top 10 healthiest foods in the World

For the best advice on a healthy diet its recommended that you speak to a professional who can tailor your diet based on your specific needs. This list base is based on a variety of different sources.

10 . Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are packed with Vitamin A and are a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and folate. These potatoes sound to good to be true as they are delicious baked in the oven and served with a knob of butter. A top tip the butter, due its fat content, will help your body absorb the nutrients in the Sweet potato.


There are many powerful benefits of eating Broccoli. One of the main benefits is its immune boosting and cancer fighting properties. It also good for Heart health due to the fibers, fatty acids and vitamins that help to regulate blood pressure. Broccoli is great source of calcium and Vitamin K.


Blueberries are one of the most nutrient dense foods in the World. This super little berry contains a broad range of anti-oxidants most notably Gallic acid a powerful anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. In fact, the benefits of this berry are so great I could probably write a whole blog on just blueberries alone. In my opinion, they are nice served with porridge.


Avocados are a great source of vitamins in minerals and contains A, C, D, B-6, B-12, Magnesium and Iron. The presence of vitamin B-12 is good news for Vegans and Vegetarians which is mostly found in meat. Avocados contain fatty acids which is good for the Heart and its dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases.

6.Wild caught Salmon

Salmon is fantastic for your Health and especially good for your Heart due to its Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. It can also help boost your immune system and helps improve brain function. Salmon, due its ‘calcitonin’ content can help to regulate calcium levels in the body. This is good for helping to prevent conditions such as Osteoarthritis.


Many people have not heard of Cacao. Cacao powder is derived from the cocoa bean and is different from Cocoa powder due to the way it is processed. Cacao is cold-pressed preserving the enzymes and removes the fat (cacao butter). Cocoa powder which is used in regular chocolate is roasted at high temperatures so contains less of those live enzymes.
Cacao is very high in anti-oxidants (even higher than blueberries) in fact it so high in anti-oxidants it accounts for 10% of its overall weight. Cacao is good for the nervous system, is good for your heart and can help improve mood. It’s also great source of minerals.


Walnuts contain lots of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic and omega 3. Therefore, Walnuts can help to reduce LDL cholesterol the so called ‘bad’ cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol ‘good’ cholesterol. Naturally, it’s good for the heart and Walnuts can also help protect against breast, colon and prostate cancer.

3.Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are great for those who are trying to lose weight as it can help to suppress cravings. They are very high in omega-3 so they are great for the heart and are a good source of minerals to. Chia seeds are a complete source of protein and because of this, they are very popular with Vegans and Vegetarians. They are also versatile and can be used cereals, salads, shakes and meals. 1 tablespoon contains an entire days worth of recommended intake of omega-3.


Chlorella is freshwater algae which contains microscopic organisms most notably chlorophyll. Chlorella is a very powerful detoxifier and is great for getting rid of heavy metals and even radioactive materials. Chlorella is great for boosting the immune system and is great source of complete proteins


Spirulina is a cousin of chlorella and is my number 1 superfood. Spirulina is frankly hard to beat when it comes to health benefits. Spirulina is quite unique in the fact it is blue-green algae so is not true algae but a cyanobacteria. It has become popular Worldwide because of its claimed health benefits. Unusually; spirulina is very high in protein, higher than most meat sources so it is very popular with vegans and vegetarians and it also contains vitamin B-12. Spirulina is easily digested by the human body so its easily assimilated into the bodies biochemistry.

Spirulina is high in fatty GLA (Gamma linolenic acid) an omega 6 fatty acid, that is great for brain function, reproductive health, skin and hair growth, bone health, metabolism regulation.

A Phytochemical contained within spirulina named Phycocyanin gives spirulina its unique blue hue. It has found to be useful for heart health, brain function, immune system strengthening and bone marrow function. This blue hue is very noticeable if you put spirulina powder in water and leave it overnight. The next day the water turns completely a rich blue colour.

I have been using spirulina for a Year and have noticed a real benefit to my health and wellbeing. I have also tried using a fluoride free toothpaste and given that spirulina can help to decalcify your pineal gland it has helped to me sleep much better. Your pineal gland regulates melatonin, a sleep hormone. Fluoride fyi, can calcify your pineal gland and is often used in toothpaste and some parts of the World its even in your water! I have also noticed that I am much less prone now to colds and flu and other viruses. AND dare I say it I have not had a cold in over Year... Which has probably jinxed it!

Other honourable food mentions:
Goji berries
Lions Mane Mushrooms
Acai berries

Hopefully, you found this information useful and has in some way helped you.

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