Where is Steemit Today?


Actually Steem hasn't done that bad yesterday or today it is now at $0.14, hardly close to what one would want still better than $0.10. Bitcoin is not doing good at all and it has gone below $7,000.00 this worries me because Steem always follows BTC down curves even faster than it should, we will see if this time this happens.

Seems like NewSteem has hit some big hurdle it hasn't worked out as it should have, still the same old problems. Curation rewards at 50/50 have definitely improved what the big guy gets, authors get way less this is added to by the reward curve. Look I really want to tell downvoters something, downvoting is just the same feeling that people get when they step on someone smaller than themselves, they feel good for a little while but in reality it does them no good and in fact it makes them look petty. The bullshit about bad posts that don't deserve rewards is clearly just that bullshit, the trending pages are full of shit posts.

But you see, none of these downvote wizards have the guts to downvote something that has been upvoted by say, @theycallmedan, because he can hit back and hard so all I see is a lot of butt kissing. Downvotes have done no good, just look at facts look at PenguinPablo activity is way down from the beginning of this year, and on top of that all the good that is said of downvotes is said by people who do the downvoting, no facts no figures just feelings.

And justifying them like, I have a right to downvote, who says that? Are you the owner of this damned place? No you are just someone who has a big chunk of SP and are mean enough to use it, better said you are full of it. And since downvotes actually do no good, now we are getting bombarded by SMT which is the new savior, shit SMT's were the new saviors two years ago, that ship has sailed.

If people voted manually, if they stopped this damned curation trails, and now even downvote trails maybe then we would see better things here but people who rely on bots to do their work for them and then trash talk about bots are useless.

And yes the thing is if any of you guys reads this I will get a comment something like this: And what do you do to help Steemit? And I will just answer- At least I don't help to destroy it.

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