Optimizing soulbound card farming. Which league to play for your SPS amount.


In this post I will show where to play to get the most soulbound cards over time, depending on how much SPS you have staked.

Soulbound cards are currently obtained exclusively from reward chests. With the new SPS-dependent reward system, there is more to think about than just the issue of winning matches in the highest possible league.

If you dont have enough SPS staked, you will get very few reward chests in the higher leagues. Therefore, it is sometimes better to play in a lower league, if the goal is to obtain the most reward cards.

Reward points are league capped: This means that playing gold league at 2900 rating gives the same rewards as playing at 2800 rating.

SPS rewards are also relevant for any player. However, since the SPS reward pools are unpredictable, it is much harder to analyze where to play for optimal SPS rewards. In this post, we will completely IGNORE sps rewards, and focus solely on soulbound reward cards.



  • 50% win rate
  • 24 battles per day
  • 12% guild bonus
  • 5% average win-streak bonus
  • 10% average focus card bonus
  • Season chest type is the same as daily quest chest type
  • Most battles are played near the top rating in each league

(Many players play with season chests from one league higher than where they play most of the season. For card collection, this strategy is not always optimal. I will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this in a future post)


Optimizing card farming

The following table shows which league to play in to maximize your card farming depending on the amount of SPS you have staked. You want to play in the league where your SPS is within the range listed below:

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 4000
Silver4000 - 6500
Gold6500 - 27000
Diamond27000 - 97500
Champion97500 - infinite

If your SPS is higher than the range reported for the league, you want to go to the next league up. Similarly, if your SPS is lower than the range, you want to drop down to the lower league.

The different cards and foils have different drop rates in each league. I have combined these by considering how many of each it takes to obtain a level 10 card. This is the same as saying that regular foils are worth 1/400 (common), 1/115 (rare), 1/46 (epic) and 1/11 (legendaries), and gold foils are worth 1/38 (common) 1/22 (rare) 1/10 (epic) and 1/4 (legendary)

Dont confuse these numbers with dollar values please, they are just indicating the relative values of card rarities


Fastest regular foil collection completion

In order to complete the regular foil collection, the main hurdle is to complete the legendary cards. There are 12 legendary cards, and each card takes 11 bcx to complete. The fastest way to obtain all the regular foil legendary cards is to play in the range shown in the table below:

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 1300
Silver1300 - 6000
Gold6000 - 39000
Champion39000 - infinite


Fastest gold foil collection completion

The gold foil collection is also limited by the time it takes to collect the all the legendary cards. 12 legendary cards, and 4 bcx each. The table below shows where to play to obtain them the fastest:

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Silver0 - 2700
Gold2700 - 13500
Champion13500 - infinite

In order to complete the gold foil collection the fastest, we never want to play Bronze or Diamond. If we go above 13.5k staked SPS, we jump straight from Gold to Champion league. Note that with this low amount of SPS in Champion league, it might be difficult to obtain even a single chest, so it is likely not a good idea. Still, the chance of gold foil legendaries is so much higher that it is still the most efficient if you are able to obtain a chest a day.

Rarity-specific card farming

Regular foils

Regular Foil Commons

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 5000
Silver5000 - 8000
Gold8000 - 37000
Diamond37000 - 360000
Champion360000 - infinite

Regular Foil Rares

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 9000
Gold9000 - 25000
Diamond25000 - 485000
Champion485000 - infinite

Regular Foil Epics

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 1200
Silver1200 - 6000
Gold6000 - 39000
Champion39000 - infinite

Regular Foil Legendaries

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 1300
Silver1300 - 6000
Gold6000 - 39000
Champion39000 - infinite

Gold foils

Gold Foil Commons

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Silver0 - 8000
Gold8000 - 15000
Diamond15000 - 35000
Champion35000 - infinite

Gold Foil Rares

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Bronze0 - 800
Silver800 - 8000
Gold8000 - 10700
Diamond10700 - 39000
Champion39000 - infinite

Gold Foil Epics

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Silver0 - 2700
Gold2700 - 13500
Champion13500 - infinite

Gold Foil Legendaries

LeagueIdeal staked SPS range
Silver0 - 2700
Gold2700 - 13500
Champion13500 - infinite



Final words

I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content:

The SPS-Staking Reward system has a problem

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