Battle Mage Secrets: Fire & Regret. Stragegy, my battle and alternate lineups.


This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about Fire & Regret

The Fire & Regret rule gives all monsters Return Fire. It goes without saying that ranged attackers are very low priority in this rule. There is an exception, introduced with the soulbound rewards, which is that it could be a good idea to include a ranged Martyr unit. The martyr unit will kill itself as long as it doesnt miss all its hits, and we can use this to safely buff two high-value units in our team. High priority abilities in this ruleset are:

Amplify is great, either for combining with Magic Reflect or Thorns, or just in case the opponent decides to ignore the ruleset and still use ranged units. Magic Reflect and Thorns punish the two attack types that are most likely to be present, and Silence and Demoralize debuff those attacks. It is very likely to be at least some magic damage unless there is also a melee favoring ruleset in addition to Fire & Regret, Void is usually a good idea.


My battle: Fire & Regret battle

My battle had the following configuration: Bronze League (no legendaries tournament), 23 mana, Fire & Regret, Up to Eleven, and Lost Magic. Every splinter available apart from Earth.

With this combination, it is very likely to be a melee-heavy battle. Being Bronze league, it is also very tempting to include a Gladiator card, since I have most of them at max level for Bronze.

I chose to go for Pembrook Nymph to enable to to select Isgald Vorst, in my opinion one of the most useful Gladius cards. In hindsight, Helios Matriarch would likely have been the better choice with the same setup.

My Lineup

Due to the rather low mana, I expected to encounter sneak units. Therefore, I placed Noa the Just in front, so that the Rust ability stays active for long. He can also tank a few hits in case I encounter a strong frontline attack. Secondly, I included Venari Marksrat between Noa and Isgald Vorst. With Fire & Regret and Up to Eleven, it is sure to trigger Martyr rather quickly. Finally, I included Pelacor Bandit as a pretty standard choice for the remaining 3 mana.

Opponent lineup

The opponent had much of the same idea, but set up a range of small units to absorb the sneak damage. Normally, this is quite effective, but it can really backfire when Bloodlust units are in play.

Battle progress and Result

As expected, the Martyr triggered in the first round. After it had buffed my units, the situation looked like this:


After both Isgalds have eaten the small units, we found ourselves here:


And finally (my Isgald is to the right):


Safe to say, the Isgald duel ends in my favor. Victory!


Alternate lineups

Quix the Devious (sneak strategy)

Eternan Brune (frontline focus)

Thaddius Brood (sneak and thorns)

Other relevant lineups

These are stronger lineups for those with stronger decks than me.

Lily Shieldpaw (Chwala support)

Lux Vega (Death sneak)

Camila Sungazer


I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might find my other post interesting:

Battle mage challenges

Battle Mage Challenge: Going the Distance
Battle Mage Challenge: Ferocity
Battle Mage Challenge: Fog of War
Battle Mage Challenge: Fire & Regret
Battle Mage Challenge: Explosive weaponry

Battle lineup suggestions

1. Modern Diamond Even Stevens 20-20 Mana
2. Modern Diamond Keep Your Distance 30-38 Mana
3. Modern Diamond Odd Ones Out 38-44 Mana

Card usage statistics

Card popularity in Modern Bronze League, Summoners, Gladiuses, Souldbound cards

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Best of luck in Splinterlands!

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