Card popularity in top Modern Bronze League Matches. Breakdown of Summoners, Cards, Gladius cards and Soulbound cards.


This post examines battle statistic sampled over the last month from highest ranked players in Modern Bronze League. The dataset for this post consists of roughly 50000 matches.

We will look at the most played summoners, most played cards, most played Soulbound summoners, most played Gladius cards, most played Soulbound cards and least played Soulbound cards.

Most played summoners:


All five rare Chaos summoners top the popularity chart in Modern Bronze league. Kelya is a step above the others, Obsidian, Thaddius and Tarsa are roughly equally popular, while General Sloan tends to see less play. Drake of Arnak is pretty popular, likely because adding armor to the Earth, Life and Death modern decks is quite powerful. Mother Khala sees a respectable amount of play, and can be useful in low mana life setups.


Most played monsters:


The most played card in bronze is Venari Marksrat. This shouldn't be much of a surprise since the card is neutral and martyr is a very powerful ability. Next, we find Djinn Oshannus and Merdaali Guardian. These will often be played together to form a frontline that is extremely resistant to magic attackers. Uraeus, being a neutral armored sneak monster, sees a lot of play. After these, there are a lot of card of comparable popularity. Cursed Windeku is used a lot for its Thorns ability and Goblin Psychic and Venari Crystalsmith are used for their Tank Heal ability.


Most played Soulbound summoners:


With the matches being sampled from the leaderboard in Bronze, the soulbound summoners are not used particularly much. Their mana cost is often too high for the added value of including a Gladius card. The ones we see the most are Franz Ruffmane, Lobb Lowland and Helios Matriarch. The below chart shows why these three in particular are played.


Most played Gladius cards


Overwhelmingly, (we all knew this), the most popular Gladius card in Bronze is Quora Towershead. Next up, we find Captain Katie and Katrelba Gobson, and Isgald Worst. These three, while not as singularly dominant and Quora, can quickly snowball out of control and win your game for you. Other noteworthy mentions are the hard hitting Reach monsters Chimney Wallstop and Marisol Contuma. For those fortunate enough to own her, Fina Voxom is also a popular choice.


Most played Soulbound cards:


We already saw that Venari Marksrat was the most played card. Next up among the Soulbound cards, we find Riverboat Captain (used for Blast), Ravenhood Warden (used for Protect) and Swamp Spitter (used for Repair).


Least played Soulbound cards:


Keep in mind that least played reflects card rarity to a certain extent. The least played ones are mostly legendary and epic cards, which might not be available to many players in Bronze. Apart from that, we find Possessed Puppet, Gobson Bomber, Pyrewatch Devil and Terraceous Grunt. These are likely cards that you rarely want to consider in Bronze.


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Battle lineup suggestions

1. Modern Diamond Even Stevens 20-20 Mana
2. Modern Diamond Keep Your Distance 30-38 Mana
3. Modern Diamond Odd Ones Out 38-44 Mana

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