Battle Mage Challenge: Ferocity. Strategy, My Battle and Alternate Lineups


This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Ferocity rule.

Ferocity gives all units Fury. Fury doubles any damage done to monsters that have Taunt. This rule is not that impactful. It mainly comes into play at high mana, where Taunt is commonly used. Note that Fury can allow you to more than 4 damage to a monster with Forcefield. This is particularly relevant if the Earth splinter is available, where you can often expect Mycelic Slipspawn to be played.

Ferocity is mostly about NOT playing a Taunt monster. This also means that you want to think twice about playing high-value low-hp monsters. One example of such a monster is River Hellondale:

Ferocity also means that there is les point in playing strategies that aim to counteract taunt minions, such as including Scattershot, or high damage frontline setups like Possibilus the Wise tends to work well with.

Incompatible rules:

(Back to Basics, Little League)


My Battle : Ferocity battle

Its a little weird discussing a battle with Ferocity, because the rule just involves not playing Taunt. Anyway, here is my battle. Brawl, Gold League Fray, All Editions, 20 mana, Scattershot, Holy Protection and Ferocity. Earth, Life and Death available.


With this battle configuration, it is possible to play the following Taunt monsters: Mycelic Slipspawn, Terraceous Hulk, Shieldbearer, Iziar, Night Ghoul, Dark Ha'on, and Coeurl Lurker. Perhaps some setups with Dark Ha'on could work, since the scattershot might kill of smaller mobs that it can scavenge som HP from, but this configuration doesn't make Taunt an attractive ability at all.

My lineup

With low mana Scattershot and Divine Shield, I'm looking for Protect, Triage and Poison as core abilities to include. Queen Mycelia is an obvious choice to fill two of these, and Doctor Blight provides the Poison along with Affliction to reduce the effect of any Triage the opponent might include. I went with Hill Giant as my tank, and Bertrol Gobson as my Gladius for the match. Both are great value for the mana in most battles. Finally, I added a Fungus Flinger between Queen Mycelia and Doctor Blight. The intention was to give Doctor Blight a Martyr stack in case the enemy runs a sneak setup. Otherwise, the Blind it provides is always handy. My last mana was spent on the Mycelic Morphoid.

Opponent's lineup

My opponent, with Mylor as their summoner, went for the same core setup with Bertrol, Queen Mycelia and Doctor Blight. Failed Summoner is their tank, and they have provided a tank heal for it with Khmer Princess. The last difference between our lineups is that they went for a Screeching Vulture instead of my Fungus Flinger.


Battle progress and Result

My initial impression is that my opponent has an advantage here. Failed Summoner is a powerful pick here (I would surely have picked it myself if I had it available). Anyway, in round 1, the opponents attacks kill of my Mycelic Morphoid (it's Thorns taking away the divine shield from both Bertrol and Vulture). I hit a lucky poison on the Queen Mycelia, and in the start of round 2 the status is this:


In round two, the Blind comes into play, and my Queen Mycelia dodges one of the hits from their Opportunity attackers. My Doctor Blight hits another Poison (and Affliction) on the Failed Summoner, and their Doctor Blight hits my Fungus Flinger with an Affliction. The status before round 3 is this:


Round 3: Their Queen Mycelia dies from Poison. My Doctor Blight continues to deliver great rng - this time poisoning their Doctor Blight. My Fungus Flinger dodges both Opportunity hits, but is later killed by Doctor Blight, and the Martyr buff is activacted on Queen Mycelia and Doctor Blight.

Round 4 starts like this.


From here on, the magic damage output from Queen Mycelia and Doctor Blight are far too much for the remains of my opponent's team to handle. I had quite a bit of luck in the beginning of the battle, but thats part of the game.


Alternative lineups

Lineups I could play:

Tyrus Paladium


Lineups with a maxed collection:

Prince Rennyn

Crypt Mancer

Lux Vega (Death)


I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might find my other post interesting:

Battle mage challenges

Battle Mage Challenge: Going the Distance
Battle Mage Challenge: Ferocity
Battle Mage Challenge: Fog of War
Battle Mage Challenge: Fire & Regret
Battle Mage Challenge: Explosive weaponry

Battle lineup suggestions

1. Modern Diamond Even Stevens 20-20 Mana
2. Modern Diamond Keep Your Distance 30-38 Mana
3. Modern Diamond Odd Ones Out 38-44 Mana

Card usage statistics

Card popularity in Modern Bronze League, Summoners, Gladiuses, Souldbound cards

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