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Splinterlands Battle Mage Challenge: Healed Out. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups


This week's Battle Mage Challenge is about the rule: Healed Out.

Splinterlands explains Healed Out with "All healing abilities are removed." All healing abilities refer to Heal, Tank Heal and Triage. These abilities will simply not be present for monsters or summoners that usually have them. Note that the abilities Strengthen, Resurrect, Life Leech, Scavenger, Bloodlust, and Martyr as well as interactions between these, can still add health to monsters during the battle.


Incompatible rules

Healed out is compatible with all other rules.


Undesirable abilities

(Heal, Tank Heal Triage, Affliction, Cripple)

Obviously, the three abilities that are removed from play are of no value in this rule. Affliction prevents healing, but when there is no healing there is also no effect of Affliction. Cripple is also limited in its use. The ability is most often use to counter healing setups, because the healing will be less and less effective as Cripple tears down the max health of the monster. However, we should keep in mind that Cripple can still reduce health through armor, and also make hits that usually do zero damage because of Shield or Void still have an effect.


Desirable abilities

(Shield, Void, Void Armor, Demoralize, Headwinds, Silence, Repair)

Any ability that reduce incoming damage is of higher value than usual in Healed Out, because there is no way to get back the lost health. I also include Void Armor, in my list of high-value abilities, because magic damage usually does direct damage to health, and without healing, they are more dangerous than usual. Repair is a substitute for healing, and is great for this rule in many cases. Abilities that affect miss chance are also pretty good for this rule.


Disadvantaged Summoners

Mimosa Nightshade essentially applies this rule to the enemy team in normal battles. Chanseus, Lily and Kitty have healing abilities, which do not work in this mode. Finally, Dallan gives cripple to his whole team, but the effect of Cripple is less relevant in this mode than in normal games, for the reasons discussed above.


Disadvantaged Monsters

(Sorted by color and id, not including the ones with Cripple)

It is worth noting that Fire has much fever disadvantaged monsters than the other colors. This suggests that Fire is a good choice in Healed Out matches.


My Battle: Healed Out Battle

My battle had the following configuration: Diamond Chaos Legion only tournament, 37 mana, rules: Weak Magic, Noxious Fumes and Healed Out. Water, Earth and Death splinters available.

With both Noxious Fumes and Healed Out, this battle requires monsters with high health. Cleanse and Immunity are great abilities for this rule combination.

My Lineup

High-health monsters is Possibius's niche, so he is a safe bet for the mode. Baakjira is also a no-brainer here; even though it will not be able to heal itself, it still has 19 health when buffed up by Possibilus. With a Wave Brood backline, the Baakjira will also only take damage from the enemy frontline monster + a possible reach unit. Djinn Oshannus is another high-health unit I wanted to add, and the remaining mana was just spend on efficient cheap units. Of course, I want to fill out all card slots to maximize the value I get from the +2 health.

Opponent's Lineup

I dont know what the my opponent was thinking here. Ever-Hungry Skull is clearly not an ideal unit in this mode. I'd rather have put a Pelacor Deceiver in its slot. They might have forgot about the Noxious Fumes rule. The only reasonable explanation is that the resurrect removes the poison, and with Weak Magic, the unit is pretty tanky. Pretty wasteful in any case. Riftwing is a solid choice, with Scavenger, Bloodlust to keep it alive. Venari Bonesmith is also pretty durable due to the Life Leech. Silent Sha-Vi is a powerful unit that is rarely a bad choice, and the lineup was completed with two backline ranged units. Solid lineup if not for the Noxious Fumes rule.


Battle Progress and Result

In round 1, my Wave Brood tanks most hits from the enemy team, and returns some damage to their ranged attackers. The Ever-Hungry Skull also does a good job of tanking and dodging my damage. Pretty standard round, and at the end, the situation looks like this:

At the beginning of round 2, poison kills off the Ever-Hungry Skull and the Dhampir Stalker. Ever-Hungry Skull is resurrected, and every other unit takes 2 damage. Both our backlines die from the sneak attackers, and Riftwing scavenges a lot of health. The start of round 3 looks like this:

Round 3 is again pretty simple. Poison takes its toll on most units, and the skull tanks some hits and still lives at the end of the round. Silent Sha-Vi kills of Pelacor Conjurer.

Round 4:
Now the Skull finally dies from Oshanuss' hit. Sha-Vi kills the Angelic Mandarin, and the Cruel Sethropod annoyingly misses the Riftwing.

Round 5:
Silent Sha-vi dies from poison, my Cruel Sethropod misses again (!) and dies from backfire, but Oshannus keeps dishing out damage.

At the start of Round 6, only Oshannus and Riftwing are alive, but luckily for me, my Oshannus has just the amount health it needed to be able to take down the Riftwing. Surprisingly close match, but I managed to secure then win!


Alternative Lineups

Lux Vega (Death)

Kelya Frendul

Thaddius Brood


Final words

I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content:

Battle mage challenges

Battle Mage Challenge: Going the Distance
Battle Mage Challenge: Ferocity
Battle Mage Challenge: Fog of War
Battle Mage Challenge: Fire & Regret
Battle Mage Challenge: Explosive weaponry

Battle lineup suggestions

1. Modern Diamond Even Stevens 20-20 Mana
2. Modern Diamond Keep Your Distance 30-38 Mana
3. Modern Diamond Odd Ones Out 38-44 Mana

Card usage statistics

Card popularity in Modern Bronze League, Summoners, Gladiuses, Souldbound cards

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Best of luck in Splinterlands!