A Reintroduction to the Woman Behind Plantstoplanks!

Hello friends! I have been a little missing in action on the blogging front, but I am still here working in the wellness world, making delicious plant-based meals and logging some miles as I get back into consistent running this season. Given that a lot has gone on this year, I thought it was a great time to do a little reintroduction to give you a look behind the plantstoplanks curtain, if you will.

In case you're just "meeting" me, welcome! I'm Katie Jensen, an Atlanta-based certified personal trainer, with over thirteen years in the fitness industry. I spend my days training clients, teaching group fitness, and helping out administratively with our corporate wellness programs. Over the last few years with world events, I not only do things locally in Atlanta, but offer many of my services online remotely.

I also hold a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant certification from AFPA, with a focus on plant-based nutrition. This year I am also really excited to have added Cancer Exercise Specialist to my repertoire. I am honored to have worked with a number of women through breast cancer journeys, and I wanted to make sure I have the expertise to help many more men and women stay as healthy as possible through treatment and beyond.

Continuing on the professional side, the company I'm proud to work for, Excellence in Exercise, has recently gone through a rebrand on our corporate wellness side. We are now debuting Excellence Wellness Solutions! The new website looks absolutely amazing and truly encompasses all that we do in the wellness field. Exercise is just one of the many facets of health we focus on, and all of my colleagues bring so many different talents and skills to the table. I love getting to work with others who have the same passion to help people function at their best, and I know we are extremely lucky that we get to do a job that we love and is so beneficial to others!

Clients who have become family.

With that, I was also so excited to get to join in on my first corporate wellness retreat with the company at the end of this summer. My good friend, running buddy, co-owner of Excellence Wellness Solutions, and wellness director extraordinaire, Julie Jones, has become a master at hosting not only single workshops and programs, but fully planned retreats. She coordinated a phenomenal retreat for a great company that was held in Nashville, Tennessee, and I was proud to get to play a small role in the process. From morning stretching, to healthy snack breaks and meals, to high quality workshops and swag with custom company logos--she thinks of it all. I hope to get to support many more of these to come in the future!

View of Nashville from the Percy Warner Park Trail System

Of course, when I originally started this blog, I intended mostly just to share the healthy, home-cooked meals I was cooking, but it became a fun way to chart my gardening progress, share my running endeavors, and more! I am still cooking away and posting some of those plant bowls on social media. I would love to carve out some time to get back to sharing some of those simple recipes or meal inspirations on here again! Right now it's all about the squash after getting a great haul from our garden, so pumpkin butter is for sure on the menu ahead. :)

Thanks for stopping by today and reading about a few things that have gone on this year. I can't believe it is already almost October, but I know the last few months of 2022 will be packed with just as many great things as the first nine! I hope all is well in your world, and I'll "see" you soon!

Banners by @woman-onthe-wing and @dksart

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