Blockchain Wars Feature Length Film Script Proposal

Blockchain Wars Proposal.png

Here is the proposal link -

Hi Hive Community!

@thedeltron here, and we’ve been speaking to the Hive community about developing a feature-length film that is based off the events that transpired with Steemit inc, Justin Sun, and Hive while showcasing the power of Web3.

Step 1 is the development of a script!

We learnt about the events of the Blockchain Wars from @starkerz in Charlie Shrem’s podcast: The First Blockchain Wars with Starkerz.

Podcast Link -

In this podcast, Charlie Shrem (who is a movie producer) says that, if a script is written, he’ll help make it into a movie. So… we have decided to do just that!

Here is a breakdown of the script's vision:


Since then, we’ve released 4 blog posts and done a short AMA to engage with the community; finding out as much as we can and to build relationships with community members who’ve been helping us with the research, and the story the script is going to be based on.

You can find the blog posts and AMA are here:

Blog Posts






AMA and Podcasts

1st AMA

CryptoManiacs Podcast

2nd AMA featuring blocktrades, themarkymark, thecallmedan, enginewitty, starkers, guiltyparties and many more

Community Review Team and Discord

We’ve also been building a team of community members who will be signing off the final script (to show completion), but this will not be released to the network until the film is finished and polished… nobody likes spoilers after all!

Some of the community members we’ve lined up for the script review and weekly meetings are @starkerz @pfunk, @guiltyparties @theycallmedan @acidyo @andrarchy @basilmarples @shadowspub @traciyork @emjoe @xxxxxxxxxx @dalz @ganjafarmer @amirtheawesome1 and the list is still growing.

Anyone else interested in joining please message The Deltron in our discord server linked below.

We have set up a dedicated discord server for managing the AMA sessions and the community review. This is also a place for general questions and to offer research help for the script.

Please find the link here :

We’ll also be accepting AMA questions on our regular blog posts and updates.

Here is a look at my scriptwriting experience

My previous work includes projects for:

As you can see, I work primarily in the commercial and corporate world, but have done plenty of more informative projects as well.

In my spare time, I’ve been working on a 3-part fantasy novel, a series of graphic novels, comedy sketches, and a short film. I have also written several feature-length scripts that are not currently commissioned, so I’m very familiar with the format.

I’m also currently working on another blockchain project (signed NDA), where I’m writing video scripts for an upcoming platform, and I’m copy editing the white paper alongside it. This has offered me a better general understanding of the space, as I’m developing the content for the homepage coverfold, as well as multiple explainer videos and a dramatised script - telling the story of users and the benefits they’ll get from using the tech.

Our technical expert @thedeltron on has been in the blockchain space for a number of years and has alot of knowledge to cut the research time right down and has already started.

What we need from the DHF to get the script completed:

The specifics of the work are as follows.

The film will be roughly 1.3 hrs in length, with the script running for around 100 pages.

The costs are:

Full-time scriptwriter -

£10,250 = $13,365

Part-time technical community management and research and development lead - initially full time for a couple of weeks while the research is being developed then moving into a part time role during the script writing.

£3950 = $5151

Totalling = $18,516

The timeframe for script completion is 2-3 months, and will include:

-Initial Brainstorming session(s) with key Hive community members
-Weekly consultations with key Hive community members
-Fortnightly AMA with the Hive Community
-Research and Development
-Film outline
-1st draft of the full script
-2-3 rounds of amends (depending on progress)

The research has already started from our previous blog posts and from the community members who have offered to help tell their story, and once the proposal passes we’ll be able to hit the ground running on putting together the script.

The monetary benefits for Hive from this script are exposure final film, and once the film is produced we are looking to have either all or a large % of the funds going back into the DHF which we can work out with the community ready for negotiations with the producers (this is discussed in our AMA). This would also bring more interest into the decentralised world as this story show the power of the decentralised communities.

Here is the proposal link -

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