Visions for the Hive Origin Story Movie Script Proposal #212

Hi Hive Community!

@thedeltron here, we’ve been speaking to the Hive community about developing a feature-length film that is based off the events that transpired with Steemit inc, Justin Sun, and Hive while showcasing the power of Web3.


In our discord channel, @basilmarples asked a great question about the vision and what our ideas are, so good that we wanted to do a post about it :)

For the vision, we want to frame it as a tale of hope and a real demonstration of the power people can actually have when they decide to wield it. Fiction is full of stories of empires being toppled and David’s beating Goliath’s but rarely do we see it in real life. This isn’t the case with this film, it’s a case study of how powerful the little guy can be. So even though this story is about blockchain, I think it had much MUCH wider implications on the world we live in today, and that’s the angle I wanna take with it! It’s a story we’ve heard a thousand times in fiction and now we’re making it a reality.

The thing we would really like to reiterate is the scope beyond the world of crypto, this has so much bigger implications and that is what we really want to emphasise. we think that’s what’s gonna get EVERYONE interested who watches this film, not just the Hive which is what makes this story so incredible. This is a case study on the power people have when they choose to use it.

In regards to structure, we are debating a number of ideas. We want this character-driven with a number of characters and really like the joining together of the key characters in the town hall and community meetings. We have a few characters in mind who are going to lead the story, the characters are all going to be fictional to play the story based off the original take over buy we will take senarios that actually occured.

The style is going to be comedy-drama that strikes the balance between grounded character-based realism and more wackier satirism similar to the Big Short. We plan to have very juxtaposing visuals (eg. Conversations between characters will be filmed more traditionally, the acting quite method, while animation, skits, and quite OTT visual metaphors will be used to explain concepts and add clarity to ideas - in a similar vein to Euphoria. The frame is not just a story about blockchain, but the limitless ability that communities can have and that will be what we portray in the last acts of the film.

In regards to why we are the right people for the job is simply that we are not new to blockchain but are to Hive, we are discovering these narratives and are able to objectively put them into place. Ryan has extensive experience in writing and is a highly creative guy, although this is his first office feature-length script he is more than capable of putting together an incredible piece for hive as writing is his life. With my film managing, research and community management help we will be able to put together an incredible script to get this story produced.

Until we actually start the proper work (hopefully when our proposal passes tomorrow) we will be able to build the meat and gravy of this, get the community interviewed and start actually scripting out these ideas and deciding what characters and scenes we are going to need to tell this incredible story.

We and many of the community members we have spoken to agree if we can get this film produced (which we already have potential interest in) it will bring not only exposure to Hive and the power of the community, but also bring funds to the DHF, as well as having an epic movie tell the communities incredible story.

Our Proposal

Thanks to everyone for the community support so far it has been amazing! However, we have till Friday to get our proposal passed so we are calling all the community members who have upvoted and commented support on our posts to consider giving our proposal a vote.

Proposal Links

We have an incredible response so far and we have been speaking to a number of key community members reach out to help us and offer their side of the story and support in the research.

We have an epic AMA with some amazing guests including @blocktrades @themarkymark @theycallmedan @starkers @shadowspub @traciyork @ganjafarmer @taskmaster4450 and many more. @filmmaking4hive/kykqulkz Check it out as it really does outline how epic the story really is!

Wish us luck for our proposal passing tomorrow and hopefully, we can get this movie script off the ground and tell the world this amazing story of David and Goliath! -

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