The Hive Film Script 2nd AMA

Hi Hive Community!

@thedeltron here. Thanks again for the amazing response in our last blog posts and proposal.

We are hosting another AMA next Tuesday at 8pm GMT!


You can find our blog post and AMA here:






We have a proposal link here if you want to support the script!. -

Summary - We’re looking to take the first steps in developing a feature-length film that is based off the events that transpired with Steemit, Justin Sun, and Hive while showcasing the power of Web3 – with step one being the development and creation of a script.

So we are going to host a 30-45min AMA session this Tuesday, record it and upload it to 3speak for the community.

In our AMA we are also going to have a few community members join us, we will update you on who is going to attend in the coming days.

We have set up a dedicated discord channel for everyone to join so that we can get questions and feedback from the community (on top of our regular blogs).

Please either put your question in the comments or join and comment on the dedicated discord server in the AMA section.

Our proposal is up on the DHF! It would be great if we could have your support: we still need as many votes as possible!

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