Who should we be speaking too? Blockchain Wars Script

Hi everyone!

It’s me, Tom @thedeltron, putting out another blog post about the Hive Wars Script.

Summary - We’re looking to take the first steps in developing a feature-length film based off the events that transpired with Steemit, Justin Sun, and Hive, while showcasing the power of Web3 – with step one being the development and creation of a script.


We’ve already been speaking to a number of awesome community members who have offered to help us out with the story of the script and some have offered to be part of our community review once we start the work on the script.

We have also had loads of amazing comments on our last two posts helping us out with info, contacts and support.



In our next blog post we will be posting our discord server for the questions and AMA sessions. Again as a note, we are going to give 50% of the funds generated by the blog back to the DAO and the rest will go to fund the proposal.

So we want to ask the community again, who we think we should be speaking to.

1. Who should we be speaking to in the Hive community to get the full picture and who would have interesting stories

2. Who on the other side in the Steem, Justin Sun and Ned side of the picture should we be speaking to to make sure the script is not too one sided?

Any contacts here would be appreciated.

3. Who wants to help out with the weekly community review once we start the script?


Our proposal is up on the DHF! It would be great if we could have your support: https://peakd.com/me/proposals/212

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