Plant-Based Recipe: Pinoy Tofu Sisig

Hey there! It's been over a week since my last post. The day after Valentine's Day, I got the nasty flu bug that circulates in the Metro. I had fever for more than 48 hours, combined with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose. I had body aches, headache, dizziness, the works! Unfortunately, I also infected some members of my household; our all-around help and @gerardpizarras. I lost a good number of weight due to lack of appetite and mild dehydration perhaps. Strangely, when I recovered from the fever, the first thing that I wanted to eat was fried fish and rice. Fried fish was my go-to when I was still an omnivore. I could eat it everyday. I actually think that eating fish is not really as bad as eating cattle and poultry meat. And I might, I just might, have a little fish sometimes.

Going back to my post recovery meal, instead of fried fish, I decided to cook a tofu dish that would somehow satisfy my craving for fish and rice. Sisig is a popular Filipino dish made from pork ears, snout, and liver. There are other variants, too, like chicken and bangus or milkfish. Then, due to the rise of plant-based eaters in Manila, and the undeniable horrors of eating pork, a tofu variant was made possible.

This is my tried and tested recipe. Do not add or subtract from any of the measurements and ingredients if you want to achieve the quality and taste of one of my "best-selling" household recipes.

You will need:
2 packs firm tofu, drained, fried, cubed
1 whole bulb garlic, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
2 finger chillies, chopped
juice of half a lemon or 5 calamansi
4 tbsp soy sauce
1.5 tbsp coco or brown sugar
1 cup coconut cream (I used Kara)
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
chopped red chili


  1. In a heated pan, put the olive oil and sautè onion, garlic, and finger chili.
  2. Add the tofu in and mix well.
  3. Pour the coconut cream. Mix well and cook until liquid is a bit reduced.
  4. Combine soy sauce, sugar, and citrus juice in a bowl then pour over tofu. Cook for another 3 minutes.
  5. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
  6. Transfer to a serving dish and top with sliced red chilies and/or additional calamansi or cracked pepper.
  7. Serve with hot rice.


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