Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS! (Part 2)

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

E.  Southern European Cultures Are Not As Puritanical As English-Speaking North American Cultures Are Regarding The Line Between Childhood And Adolescence

The viewpoints of Southern Europeans and the likes regarding when childhood ends have been different from those of English-speaking North Americans for some time now. All you need to do in order to realize that fact is look at the history of many of these nations in Southern Europe.

As I pointed out in Part C of my Hive-Blog article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage,” Queen Isabella II first became the Queen of Spain at the age of 13 in 1843. When she first came into power as a pre-teenage girl in Spain after her mother, María Cristina, fled that country and went into exile, she had political dealings with American president, Martin Van Buren, and other American presidents who were elected into the Oval Office after him. She first had dealings with President Van Buren after the dispute between our nation and Spain transpired over the destiny of the African slaves from the Amistad. She remained on the Spanish throne until she was 38 years old. She was a powerful and effective leader to her country.

In 1770, Marie Antoinette first became the Princess (Dauphine) of France at the age of 14 after she married King Louis XVI, who at the time was still the Prince (Dauphin) of France. She was already an Austrian princess before she married him. Four years later, she was crowned as the Queen of France. In regard to her feelings about the poverty in France, she may have been rumored to say, “Let them eat cake.” However, historians later debunked that same rumor, and they proved that she had always had a soft spot of compassion in her heart for the less fortunate in France. Her ultimate execution was most unfortunate and very unjust, because her husband was not the brightest bulb in the bunch and he had placed her and their children’s lives into danger.

When I took French in college, I learned that in the French culture, a girl reaches full womanhood upon becoming 14 years of age. I had no problem with this cultural norm, because my paternal great-great-grandmother was 16 years old when she got married and she was from France.

France currently has a president named Emmanuel Macron who was 14 or 15 years old back when he first fell in love and became intimately involved with his current wife, who, at the time, was in her late thirties. She is now that nation’s First Lady.

French-Canadian singer Celine Dion fell in love with a man in his late thirties when she was only 12 years old. His name was René Angélil. She later married him after she reached the legal age of majority. Their marriage became legendary. They stayed together right up to Mr. Angélil’s death in 2014.

When my paternal great-great-grandparents got married, they were living in Alsace-Lorraine, which is currently a province of France. My paternal great-great-grandmother was a 16-year-old French girl, and my paternal great-great-grandfather was a 23-year-old Austrian man. A deadly war was raging in Europe. The French and the Austrians were enemies of each other in that same war, and my paternal great-great-grandparents, therefore, knew that it was too dangerous for them to continue on living as a married couple in that region of the world.

My paternal great-great-grandfather’s family strongly disapproved of him marrying a Southern European girl or rather a Latin. My paternal great-great-grandparents had every reason in the world to leave Alsace-Lorraine and head for the United States of America to begin a new life. Therefore, they followed their gut feelings and immigrated to New York City where Ellis Island awaited their arrival.

My paternal great-great-grandmother’s parents and family had no issue with the 7-year age difference between her and my paternal great-great-grandfather. As far as they were concerned, a 16-year-old girl was mature enough to become romantically involved with a 23-year-old man and marry him. Of course, the Southern Europeans have historically been more accepting of adult/adolescent romantic relationships and even marriages than Americans and Canadians have.

Compare the 2005 American film titled Hard Candy with the 2003 Italian film titled Ginger and Cinnamon, and it will become quite obvious to you that the average 14-year-old girl in Southern Europe likely doesn’t share the same viewpoint as the average 14-year-old girl in a suburb of the United States of America on what is and is not an age-appropriate partner for a girl her age. In the movie Hard Candy, the 14-year-old girl (Hayley Stark) vented her hatred against the 32-year-old man she met in an online chat room and verbally emphasized to him that she viewed him to be no different from some serial child rapist who grabbed toddlers from playgrounds and committed unspeakable crimes against them, whereas, in the movie Ginger and Cinnamon, the 14-year-old female protagonist (Meggy) was found having a lovey-dovey conversation with a man in his thirties and she even welcomed a comment from him in which he stated that he never felt uncomfortable about talking about sex with her despite that he knew her true age.

It didn’t mean that this 30-something-year-old male character in Ginger and Cinnamon was a child predator. It only meant that he was from a culture that was different from that of the United States of America. Of course, nobody can explain anything like that to YouTuber The Over Reactor, because he believes that he speaks the gospel truth and that his opinion on these matters is the only one that is valid. Most self-appointed pedo-experts seem to have God complexes in that regard, and everything with them is their “way or the highway” upon disagreeing with them on any juvenile-justice-related matter.

If you read Part E of my Hive-Blog article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage,” you will find that I used to work with a woman named Beatriz whose parents got married when they were both about the same ages as my paternal great-great-grandparents. Beatriz’s parents are from Puerto Rico.

When I first started working at a call center so many years ago, Beatriz was in her early twenties. She came out and told everyone in my office that when her parents got married, her mother was 14 years old and her father was 26 years old. Beatriz told me that she had a sister who was 39 years old at the time of that conversation. Therefore, it was apparent that her parents had been married for at least close to four decades.

I never got the opportunity to meet Beatriz’s parents personally; but from what she told me, they appeared to be a happy couple. And, NO!!!!!!!!! Beatriz’s father was not nor was he ever a child predator or a pedophile. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that child predators and pedophiles do not build meaningful futures and prosperous families with their victims. Hmmmm. I wonder if YouTuber The Over Reactor could even reason that much logic in his deluded mind.

If you read Part B of my Hive-Blog article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage,” you will find that I describe yet another true story involving an adult/adolescent couple who got married. When I was 14 years old and my parents and I traveled to Staten Island, New York for vacation, my relatives there introduced me to an elderly couple in their neighborhood. The husband (Max) was German-American and his wife (Gloria) was Puerto Rican. At the time, I needed someone to practice my Spanish with, and I used to go over to Max and Gloria’s house to practice my Spanish with Gloria.

So many years later I moved to New York City. By then, Max had passed away. I continued to go over to visit Gloria on Staten Island. She once told me about a female friend of hers whom she had known in school when she was 12 years old. She said to me that her friend had gotten married at the age of 12. She told me that this friend of hers married into wealth, and she had servants waiting on her hand and foot. Gloria never told me how old the husband was, but she told me that she found that her friend was courageous to marry that young inasmuch as Gloria was afraid of men when she was 12 years old. Immediately I gathered that Gloria’s friend had married an adult man rather than a boy close to her age. It would only seem logical, because a 13- or 14-year-old boy would not have been able to take care of a 12-year-old girl in a marriage, although I have come across a few exceptions to that same rule here and there.

Fortunately, Puerto Rico is not the Puritanical black hole that the United States of America is whenever the question of age-appropriateness crops up in view of an adult/adolescent couple. I have read magazine articles from Puerto Rico and have seen celebrity gossip stories on their television channels about 15- and 16-year-old actresses, musicians and beauty queens from that island who had boyfriends over 21 years of age, and none of these girls complained about suffering any kind of sexual abuse or the likes at the hands of their significant others.

F.  Hector Vera Violated No Laws Despite What YouTuber The Over Reactor Alleges

Hector Vera has had a successful YouTube channel for over a decade. Earlier this summer Mr. Vera entered a Discourse server called “The Playroom,” and he began chatting with a girl who called herself “Emmaaaaaa.” However, for the purpose of this Hive-Blog article here of mine, I’m going to refer to her as “Emma.”

From this point on, I am also going to refer to YouTuber The Over Reactor as “TOR” inasmuch as Mr. Vera calls him that in his YouTube video. There are many other names that I would like to call him that are nasty, but I would not do so herein in order to keep this Hive-Blog article here of mine right to the point.

Mr. Vera was unaware that this “Emma” was really an online vigilante named TOR who was seeking whatever way he could find to entrap him. Mr. Vera only engaged in constitutionally protected speech. However, TOR in his guise as “Emma” continued to bait him and attempt to get him to fall for his tricks.

Instead of me explaining in detail exactly what TOR did to Mr. Vera herein, I am going to allow for Mr. Vera to lay it all out to you in his YouTube video below. I’m hoping that Mr. Vera spoke to an attorney regarding his Fifth-Amendment rights before he posted this same video. In any event, here is the video.

Hector Vera Was Descriptive About How TOR Has Been Seeking To Railroad Him

Hector Vera’s situation is unique in that he claims in his above video that he is not even attracted to 14-year-old girls in any way, shape or form. Mr. Vera is stressing to everyone through his YouTube video that he does not have any interest in 14-year-old girls beyond a Platonic level. Therefore, unless one of us receives an invitation to a wedding wherein he plans on marrying a middle-school or high-school coed, we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and we need to disregard everything that TOR states about him as the ravings of a deluded and mentally unhinged self-appointed pedo-expert.

Now, if I were to play the devil’s advocate about Mr. Vera’s actions when he chatted with “Emma” (TOR) and he believed that he was actually conversing online with a 14-year-old girl, at worst I would view him to be a man in his early thirties who nostalgically misses being a teenage boy in middle school or high school and wishes that his formative years had gone the way he wanted them to do so. That is, he may sometimes wonder what life would have been like if he had met a 14-year-old girl who was in love with him back when he was 15 years old and they had hooked up with each other and had later gotten married and started a family together.

Nostalgia is not a crime, and wishing that life would have turned out differently is not a sexual perversion. Never mind what TOR believes. That maniac has lost touch with both reality and his mental faculties.

Looking at Mr. Vera’s Hive-Blog article titled “30 YEARS OLD AND NO REAL ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE WITH A WOMAN (DENOX’S STORY) PART 1” from two years ago, it is obvious that he has had a bumpy ride in the romance marketplace due to no fault of his own as so many other men do so nowadays. As you probably have already figured out, I’m presuming that he did not get to experience that first-love romance that every teenage boy in middle school and high school dreams about back when he was a teenager himself, although I may be mistaken about him in that respect.

Not all of us become lucky enough early on in our lives to experience that one first-love romance between two adolescents that we can later brag about at high-school reunions. However, simply because Mr. Vera may wish that he could go back to those times of his life and change history to make things right in his teenage years, it doesn’t mean that he is looking to become the next Phillip Garrido or Brian David Mitchell despite whatever misgivings TOR may have about him.

Self-appointed pedo-experts like TOR are kind of like psycho-Christians. They can become so hysterical and deluded about their beliefs and misconceptions that they see things that aren’t really there and they begin to hallucinate events that have never happened. Trying to win an argument with one of them is about as easy as winning an argument with a psycho-Christian that all suicides don’t go to Hell or that all psychics don’t get their gifted abilities from Satan. There is simply no middle ground to be had with people like this.

As most of you can clearly see, TOR is not playing with a full deck. At the end of the day, TOR needs to channel his time and energies into something more constructive than obsessing over Mr. Vera and stalking him on the Internet. TOR’s followers are only feeding his affliction.

Mr. Vera doesn’t even like dating sites on the Internet as he described in his Hive-Blog article titled “WHY I HATE “ONLINE DATING” ESPECIALLY TINDER!” Therefore, I don’t believe that he would be aggressively seeking out a sexual liaison with a 14-year-old girl on the Internet who would be a complete stranger to him. Anyhow, here is the major problem that I am having with TOR. He believes that a man over 21 years old is not even supposed to admire a teenage girl’s beauty unless she is legally old enough to vote in a presidential election here in the land of milk and honey. It’s as though he wants to indict someone for what he perceives to be a thought crime, and that is where his reasoning goes way off the rails.

Also, TOR doesn’t even seem to believe that an adult man is supposed to become flattered whenever a teenage girl flirts with him. Throughout the chat thread, TOR in his guise as “Emma” flirted with Mr. Vera.

Now, let’s not allow ourselves to be fooled into thinking that no adult man, especially over 30 years old, is not going to feel flattered whenever a teenage schoolgirl either flirts with him or compliments his looks. If a teenage schoolgirl does so, an adult man, especially over 30 years old, is going to feel a sense of youthful immortality as though he can never grow old.

TOR cannot tell me that he has never been in a situation before during his adulthood in which a teenage schoolgirl has smiled at him and told him that he looked handsome and he smiled back at her and blushed. It doesn’t make a man a serial child rapist for getting that same feeling of flattery from an adolescent girl. It just makes him a human being.

Now, do I believe it is okay for a man in his early thirties to be attracted to teenage girls? I did find some very interesting responses to that question in a Quora forum that asked the question, “Why do I like teenage girls even though I am 31?” This forum was not some outrageously sordid man/girl love website or anything depraved like that. This forum was about a normal, healthy man in his early thirties who still took notice of teenage schoolgirls in a non-Platonic way and was wondering why that attraction did not disappear from his personality as he aged on into his adulthood. Nobody in the forum attacked this man for admitting to his desires. Therefore, assuming solely for the sake of argument and ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT that TOR were somehow able to prove that Mr. Vera actually did have latent inclinations to find adolescent girls as young as 14 years old to be attractive, TOR would still not have anything that he could hold over him inasmuch as such desires would still be considered to be normative according to the American Psychiatric Association (“A. P. A.”).

In all events, everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law throughout the United States of America and its extended jurisdictions. However, TOR perceives this principle in reverse. He even has a YouTube video titled “If Someone Can Prove Denox Series is Innocent, Then I’ll Delete My Channel.”

TOR? The burden of proof always lies with the prosecution rather than with the defense in a criminal court of law. I also don’t think that anybody is going to need to refute you, because I am optimistic that Mr. Vera will take my advice and take out a restraining order against you; and after he does so, you will be so very banned from YouTube and from the rest of Google. I can guarantee you that it will not be a good feeling for you once it happens, because you can send hundreds and hundreds of communications to Google afterwards and they will not change their minds.

Google looks for every reason to suspend people permanently from YouTube, and, TOR, you are giving them the perfect reasons to do so. After you realize that all of your important G-mails have disappeared along with your YouTube channel, you will be so frustrated and furious that you will be pounding on your computer screen in a fit of rage; and the most you will accomplish in pounding on your computer screen is that you will break your computer and confront the expense of having to buy another one. It happens all the time to people with YouTube and Google accounts. :-)

Meanwhile, TOR, Mr. Vera will be smiling upon realizing that he has gotten rid of you permanently and he will never hear about you or from you again, unless, of course, you set up shop on some other digital platform or you get lucky enough to land an interview on national television, which I seriously doubt will ever happen. Then again, you will still be in his life if he decides to take you to court, which will not be good for you.

It will only be the beginning of worst things to come for you, because a process server will likely be hanging around your residence in an effort to serve you a summons for a defamation lawsuit that Mr. Vera will have filed against you by then, TOR. You are currently standing on thin ice and your YouTube channel is living on borrowed time.

Luckily, Mr. Vera has allies who are standing by him in his struggle to be free of TOR. YouTuber Jayfreezer90 RoyalLoveGang posted an interesting video regarding his take on this whole situation between Mr. Vera and TOR. That same video can be found below.

YouTuber Jayfreezer90 RoyalLoveGang Defends Hector Vera Against Accusations From TOR

I agree with YouTuber Jayfreezer90 RoyalLoveGang that TOR’s videos always seem to have severe problems with their audio quality, which is another characteristic that demonstrates how unprofessional TOR is as a social-media influencer. YouTuber Jayfreezer90 RoyalLoveGang shows himself to be a loyal friend to Mr. Vera, and I commend him for it. In any event, I now give my response to Mr. Vera’s YouTube video above in defense of him against TOR’s accusations against him.

The girl in the pictures of “Emma” that TOR posted in the chat thread bears a strange resemblance to the actress JoAnna Cameron in her younger days. Coincidentally, she played the role of a female rapist in the movie titled It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy. In this event, it appears that TOR is attempting to rape Mr. Vera’s mind and soul with lies and false accusations.

Mr. Vera? You do a very good job at defending yourself in your video. However, nothing can substitute the expertise of a trained litigator. I cannot emphasize enough that you need to retain an attorney so that he can assist you in asserting all of your legal rights and he can advise you on what avenues you have to bring legal action against TOR. I’m already seeing all sorts of civil liability here against TOR.

TOR accused Mr. Vera of being a child predator. However, TOR admitted that he was wrong in doing so in a subsequent video on his YouTube channel. Therefore, I will not comment on that accusation any further from this point on.

TOR continues to accuse Mr. Vera of being a pedophile to this very day. However, TOR could not be any further from the truth. First of all, Mr. Vera denies that he is sexually attracted to 14-year-old girls. Second of all, even if one was to assume solely for the sake of argument and ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT that TOR were somehow able to prove that Mr. Vera was attracted to 14-year-old girls, Mr. Vera still would not qualify to be a pedophile.

The A. P. A. published the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”) in 2013, which is a sort of Bible for mental-health professionals. Therein it reads that a pedophile is someone 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child generally younger than 13 years of age (under 11 years old under certain circumstances) who is at least five years his or her junior.

“Emma” was supposed to be 14 years old. Therefore, she would be too old to qualify as a prospective target of pedophilia. Just because TOR is an online vigilante, he does not get to take writer’s license with the definition of pedophilia at the detriment of Mr. Vera or anyone else. In other words, a competent mental-health professional would have to formally diagnose someone as a pedophile before such a conclusion could be reached.

TOR does not get to waive his pedophile wand at Mr. Vera or at anyone else and magically change that person into a pedophile, and this is a common practice and illusion among self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts. Therefore, it is as though TOR is practicing medicine without a medical license every time that he falsely accuses Mr. Vera of being a pedophile.

TOR? If you are reading this Hive-Blog article here of mine, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you know who Elon Musk is? Yes, I also like the idea that someday he is going to launch a mission to Mars, but I was really referring to him herein inasmuch as someone has slapped him with a lawsuit for falsely accusing that person of being a pedophile. Your accusation against Mr. Vera of being a pedophile is a recipe for such a lawsuit against you, TOR. You may want to think it through on whether you really want to go down that road, because Mr. Vera has every right to take you down that road.

TOR? You made 8 videos about Mr. Vera, and they are replete with suppositions and conjectures about him that are defamatory at best. You may want to consider deleting all of those videos before a process server is knocking on your front door.

Deranged self-appointed pedo-experts like TOR will always have a herd of sheep following them. This fact is one of the many characteristics about them that make them dangerous to others. However, charisma does not make them smart, intelligent or knowledgeable about anything. It only makes them vicious and unpredictable.

Adolf Hitler had many people who admired and idolized him, and he was the most dangerous man of all time. We also have to remember that two of the deadliest wars in all of history involved juvenile-justice-related matters. Those two wars were World War I and World War II.

In recent years, Mr. Vera has made it no secret to the world that he has a foot fetish as he described in his Hive-Blog article titled “WE ARE HUMANS AND ALL MAKE MISTAKES QUOTE AND PERSONAL STORY OF MY OWN EXPERIENCE!” The definition of a foot fetish is an unusual admiration of feet. However, it does not necessarily have to be sexual according to a Quora forum that I read recently. In view of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law, it behooves TOR to give Mr. Vera the benefit of the doubt in this respect.

Now, I am not mindless of the fact that pornographic images of minors do constitute a form of contraband. However, FEET are not pornographic images. Asking a 14-year-old girl over the Internet for images of her feet is not the same as asking her for nudes. At worst Mr. Vera’s behavior was unconventional in this regard. I would never recommend anyone to do something like this, but, as far as I am concerned, Mr. Vera has not committed any indictable offense.

Mr. Vera asking “Emma” for pictures of her feet online is no different from someone asking a 14-year-old girl for pictures of her fists. Of course, I suggest that TOR never does so in person, because he might just get one in his jaw. :-)

All of the filthy talk that took place between “Emma” and Mr. Vera came from “Emma” (TOR). After “Emma” told Mr. Vera that she was masturbating, he called her a naughty girl. His doing so may be unconventional at worst, but it still does not constitute a crime inasmuch as he never said anything sexually suggestive back to her. To the best of my understanding of the law, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution deems Mr. Vera’s response to be protected speech. Mr. Vera may not have given “Emma” the most reasonable response, but he did not give her an illegal response.

Mr. Vera fully informed “Emma” that they were going to role-play and that he was going to keep it all Rated G. Therefore, once again no crime was committed. Mr. Vera focused on a particular anime character in his role-play with “Emma”, but he did not engage in dirty talk.

Mr. Vera exhibits no characteristics of an online sexual predator whatsoever. He never arranged to meet up with “Emma” off the Internet. His actions with “Emma” did not even as so much mirror those of Austin Jones in any way, shape or form.

Mr. Vera actually had agreed to have a telephone interview with TOR. Now, I recall one scene in the movie titled The Exorcist in which one priest told another priest not to have communication with the demon who was possessing the 12-year-old female protagonist, because they were both there to exorcise the demon out of the young girl rather than to fraternize with the demon. I am of the school of thought that when someone is trying to ruin your life, it is probably not a good idea to agree to a telephone interview with that person.

Now, at the same time, I do understand that Mr. Vera was only trying to resolve this matter and move on with his life. However, we must not forget that TOR has not only been trying to deplatform him, but he is also trying to send him to prison. In other words, Mr. Vera having a telephone interview with TOR was like him having a conversation with the devil himself. It simply was not a good idea. Anyhow, because Mr. Vera did have this telephone interview with TOR, I will go ahead and comment about it.

First of all, let me point out that English may not be Mr. Vera’s first language; and if that is the case, then I honestly don’t feel that this telephone interview would have been fair in any event. I started learning Spanish when I was 12 years old, and I am now able to go as far as fooling Spanish-speaking individuals over the telephone that I am Hispanic when, in fact, I am not. I’ve done translation work, and I have done interpretation between Spanish and English and vice versa in both the private sector and the public sector. However, even I realize that nobody will ever be as fluent in a second language as they are in their own language.

It appears that Spanish is Mr. Vera’s first language; and even though he speaks English clearly and flawlessly enough to say that he is proudly fluent in the English language, conversing in a second language in a highly stressful situation like that of a telephone interview with TOR is bound to put him at a disadvantage. Once when I was a plaintiff in a small claims civil action, I watched this one Hispanic plaintiff who struggled with the English language state his case to the judge; and I thought that it was difficult enough to state one’s case in their own language that I would not have wanted to be in this man’s shoes for any reason.

Well, in Mr. Vera’s case, even though he handles the English language quite well, nothing will change the fact that English is his second language if, in fact, it is; and not being able to see TOR’s face in a telephone interview is going to make such a conversation even more difficult for him to handle as opposed to skyping with him. I can understand what Mr. Vera must have been going through at the time that he was speaking with TOR on the telephone in the event that English is not Mr. Vera’s first language, because I’ve been in stressful situations where I’ve had to communicate with someone in Spanish, knowing that it was not my first language. Therefore, that is another reason why I believe that Mr. Vera should have avoided a telephone interview with TOR at all costs at least until after Mr. Vera consulted with an attorney.

Second of all, TOR misled Mr. Vera into believing that he would delete all of the videos he made about him from his YouTube channel if they had the telephone interview. He also promised Mr. Vera that he would not record the telephone interview. TOR did not come through with either one of his promises. Therefore, Mr. Vera had nothing to gain from this telephone interview. Moreover, this telephone interview reeked with entrapment.

TOR’s deranged demeanor came out in the telephone interview when he kept describing a 14-year-old girl as though she were a toddler. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a 14-year-old girl is not a little girl. Whenever one of these self-appointed pedo-experts begin to infantilize adolescent girls who may even be more precociously developed in their physical maturity than college women, you know that these people are dangerous and highly certifiable.

What makes TOR even more of a basket case is that he continues to insist that any adult man who even smiles at a 14-year-old girl is no different from a child molester who grabs toddlers from playgrounds and sexually victimizes them. It is kind of like TOR saying that everyone who has a dark complexion and speaks fluent Spanish is a member of the MS-13 gang. It is a strong indication that TOR has severely impaired judgment.

TOR did everything to make it obvious that he was not searching for the facts and that he only wanted to demonize Mr. Vera any way he could in a mendacious and slanderous way. At the end of the telephone interview, TOR rudely interrupted Mr. Vera, said “You’re guilty!” and hung up on him. That event alone proves that TOR did not care about the truth. Nothing TOR has said about Mr. Vera or gathered about him would even hold up in a criminal court of law. TOR is merely on a witch hunt, and he has continued to make videos about Mr. Vera only to piggyback on Mr. Vera’s fame and success on YouTube.

In his video, Mr. Vera cites the California Wiretapping Law and 18 U.S.C. § 2511 that both prohibit anyone from recording a telephone conversation without the consent of all parties who partake in that same telephone conversation. TOR lives in California, and Puerto Rico has an identical law to the California Wiretapping Law. In this particular case, Mr. Vera never gave TOR permission to record their telephone interview, and TOR even promised Mr. Vera that he would not do so.

Mr. Vera is not guilty of sexting a minor, because TOR was the only one who stated anything sexually suggestive in the chat thread. There is no legal precedent or court ruling that I know of that would deem feet to be objects of sexual desire. As far as I know, feet is not even mentioned in any statutory code pertaining to sexting. Therefore, TOR is relying on pure speculation to draw his so-called conclusions.

In view of the online communications between “Flameo Hotman” and TOR, Mr. Vera’s admiration for anime girls has harmed nobody. I agree with Mr. Vera that TOR needs to pursue real child predators. I also believe that TOR needs to lay off all of the Lolita stuff that he so obsesses over and he needs to refocus his efforts on catching sexual predators who seek out small children still in the crayons-and-playground phase of their life, because TOR does not appear to have very much of an understanding of what adolescence is all about. His distorted perspective of what adolescence really is would likely have gotten the late Amanda Todd killed much sooner than she had actually died if he had been involved in an investigation to catch the sexual predator who had been victimizing her for so many years ago.

In the online communications between TOR and “Flameo Hotman,” TOR attempted to demonize a Platonic relationship that had existed between Mr. Vera and a 13-year-old girl back from when Mr. Vera was a teenager himself. Now, I realize that Mr. Vera was in his late teenage years at the time. However, the problem I am having with TOR’s school of thought in this event is that none of these self-proclaimed child advocates or self-appointed pedo-experts like TOR ever seem to question Corey Feldman for having been involved in a sizzling romance with a 14-year-old girl (Drew Barrymore) back when he was 18 years old, and it is only because they view him as their hero who is supposedly on a mission to clean up Hollywood as described in my Hive-Blog article titled “Is Corey Feldman A Pedophile?” In other words, self-appointed pedo-experts like TOR are notorious for double standards and hypocrisy.

Mr. Vera’s only mistake upon defending himself in his video was that he agreed too much with TOR’s Puritanical ideologies regarding child predation. Of course, in essence, this was not really a mistake on Mr. Vera’s part at all inasmuch as it only reinforces the fact that he could never be a danger to children or to 14-year-old girls. I personally do not believe that our world will ever be an age-appropriate Utopia, but, of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

TOR fabricated these phony baloney stories in his videos about Mr. Vera wherein he falsely accused Mr. Vera of photographing adolescent girls and engaging in hedonistic behavior with them. TOR even went so far as to attempt to depict Mr. Vera as a clone of Dahvi Vanity.

Well, let me put it this way. If Jessi Slaughter had met Mr. Vera instead of Mr. Vanity when she was 10 years old, you can be rest assured that she might even still have been a virgin today inasmuch as Mr. Vera would never have entertained the thought of deflowering her. From Mr. Vera’s writings on his Hive-Blog channel, he does not appear to be someone who even kisses on the first date.

Mr. Vera states in his video that he believes that 40-, 50- and 60-year-old men trying to hook up with 12-, 13- and 14-year-old girls through the Internet looks “nasty.” Well, in the American culture, if a hookup of this nature is only for sexual purposes according to the middle-aged adult man seeking it, then society will not likely embrace it and suspicions may arise that predation may be waiting to happen, even though other cultures may not have a problem with such an arrangement. In any event, Mr. Vera, I can confidently tell you that there are likely more deadbeat teenage fathers and prospective deadbeat teenage fathers preying on young girls between 12 and 14 years of age than there are middle-aged men doing so, and these young boys take no reluctance in inflicting emotional scars on these young girls as Ethan Fair obviously did to Danielle Cohn. Underage boys have the most access to girls that age and the most opportunities to victimize them sexually and ruin their lives.

I give you a thorough elaboration on this subject matter in my Hive-Blog articles titled “Could Deadbeat Teenage Fathers Be Worse Than Suspected Online Predators?” and “Do Teenage Girls Really Find Older Men Repulsive?” Mr. Vera? As far as your viewpoint about power imbalances regarding adult/adolescent trysts are concerned, I think that now that we live in the era of incels and perma-virgins, the adult man is not always going to possess the higher ground than the adolescent girl in any kind of relationship whether it be Platonic or non-Platonic.

When I was 11 years old, I did know this one man near 30 years old named Daryl; and he was every 12-, 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old girl’s parents’ nightmare as described in Part E of my Hive-Blog article titled “The Great American Controversy Over Underage Marriage.” Therefore, I am not one-sided on this issue as some people may believe.

On the other hand, I knew this one disreputable girl named Elsie back in high school who was running around with a significantly older man when she was 15 years old, and she still hasn’t had a nervous breakdown or has committed suicide to this very day. I once saw an episode of the television talk show Sally Jessy Raphael that used to air regularly so many years ago, and this one 13-year-old girl who appeared on the guest panel admitted that she had a 40-year-old boyfriend; but she did not look any less mentally healthy than any other girl her age. Her mother, of course, voiced the fact that she did not approve of the relationship, but the young girl showed no signs of suffering from any kind of sexual abuse at the hands of her older beau and she did not exhibit any psychological scars in that same regard.

Nevertheless, the main focus here, Mr. Vera, is that you do not show any of the characteristics of someone who poses a danger to 14-year-old girls or to minors of any other age. The fact alone that you made the above-described statements regarding 12- to 14-year-old girls in your video clearly establishes a pattern of innocence on your part of the accusations that TOR has made against you, although I may not agree with those same statements completely.

You are right, Mr. Vera, in your assertion that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) there in San Juan, Puerto Rico would not touch TOR’s so-called case against you, because they have bigger fish to fry, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. I would not even doubt that TOR has never even as so much met an FBI agent in his entire life, and he likely does not know anybody who works for that agency.

For your information, TOR, cuddling with a minor is not criminal sexual behavior. One of the arresting officers of the late Mary Kay LeTourneau even said in a television interview that there were other ways for adult/adolescent couples to express intimacy with each other legally and harmlessly despite that the younger partner was below the statutory age of consent in their state jurisdiction. She said that among those same ways to do so was cuddling and holding hands.

TOR believes that Mr. Vera is in denial. However, TOR is the one in denial of being a deranged self-appointed pedo-expert. TOR reminds me of that psychopathic character that the late Robin Williams played in the movie titled One Hour Photo. If you have ever watched that film, you may remember that the crazed protagonist in it falsely and obsessively accuses a father of using his son in child pornography. Equally so, TOR is like a loose cannon waiting to happen, and he needs to be stopped and deplatformed.

Mr. Vera does provide strong evidence in his video that TOR has been stalking him and seeking to accuse him of crimes that never happened. TOR could be opening himself up to prosecution for filing false police reports.

If TOR were to be arrested and if I were a judge who had the opportunity to preside over his criminal trial, I would likely find TOR guilty and I would sentence him to a THREE-HOUR DEBATE with Jan-Willem Breure, who is the movie producer of the film titled Are All Men Pedophiles?. I would additionally sentence TOR to watch the film Are All Men Pedophiles? from beginning to end. Then I would additionally sentence TOR to star as the 30-year-old protagonist in a remake of the French film titled Beau Père so that I could really put him in his place.

Of course, I would likely get impeached from the bench in that event for violating TOR’s Eighth-Amendment rights against cruel and unusual punishment, because he wouldn’t be able to deal with the fact that there are decent people out there in the world who sharply disagree with his Puritanical ideologies. Nonetheless, you get my point.

According to Mr. Vera’s video above, an unknown individual accused him of being a hebephile. I will not spend too much time addressing this accusation, because Mr. Vera denies that he is sexually attracted to minors between the ages of 11 and 14 years of age.

Nevertheless, for an adult to qualify to be a hebephile, he or she would have to be attracted to an adolescent in the 11- to 14-year-old bracket who was at least in Tanner Stage 2 of his or her physical development. Hebephilia is not a subset of pedophilia, and being a hebephile does not make someone a sexual predator.

Because the A. P. A. has not reclassified hebephilia as a psychiatric disorder or a paraphilia, experts have been unable to agree with one another on whether this inclination is temporary or finite. Therefore, as it currently stands, hebephilia is nothing more than a social construct; and it has nothing to do with pedophilia.

I have known of adult men who have married their significantly younger wives when their wives were only 14, 13 and even 12 years old, and these men have continued to remain loyal to their wives. I do believe that the term “hebephile” has a nasty sound to it, and, therefore, such a term is bound to be taken as a negative connotation at one time or another.

I’ve come across a few individuals here and there who have no problem with being called a hebephile. I guess if someone gives permission for others to call him or her a hebephile, then nobody should have a problem with it. Then again, I view that it would be like an African-American person giving everyone permission to throw the “N” word at them.

The terms “hebephile” and “hebephilia” don’t appear to have a very safe place in the English language, even though these terms are not as deceptive and misleading as the made-up term “Minor-Attracted Person” or “M.A.P.”; and it is my intuition that someday these words will either be removed from every English-language dictionary throughout the world or renamed in the DSM-5 because of the obvious confusion that they cause to the detriment of too many people. If you want to know my thorough take on hebephilia, you can read my Hive-Blog article titled “Should Hebephilia Be Reclassified As A Psychiatric Disorder?” In any event, hebephilia does not apply to Mr. Vera’s situation, because he wasn’t seeking a sexual relationship with “Emma.”

Mr. Vera states in his video that he was not a social butterfly back when he was a teenager. Okay. That is no problem. Everybody cannot be a prom king when they are in middle school and high school. Mr. Vera explains in his video that he is one to give a listening ear to teenagers who may find themselves in the same or similar circumstances as he was during his adolescent years.

TOR blatantly attempted to rewrite both the letter of the law and the English language to suit his own predatory agenda against Mr. Vera. Mr. Vera identifies yet another fanatical self-appointed pedo-expert who goes by the name of Sydney Senpai and who is in league with TOR.

In her online communications, Sydney Senpai refers to a 13-year-old girl as being “a baby.” No! Only a baby is a baby. A 13-year-old girl is an adolescent. Duhhhhhh!!! She falsely accuses Mr. Vera of engaging in hedonistic behavior with a 13-year-old girl. Mr. Vera counters this accusation by explaining that a 13-year-old girl did use fake identification to sneak into his feet server on the Internet.

In online communications, another ally of TOR named Jay Santiago falsely accuses Mr. Vera of engaging in hedonistic behavior with a female minor in the Philippines. However, Mr. Vera comes back and proves that this “female minor” was really a 23-year-old woman.

After watching Mr. Vera’s video, it becomes more than clear that TOR is a digital parasite who is trying to feed off of Mr. Vera’s popularity and success on YouTube so that TOR can bolster the views on his own YouTube channel. Well, TOR? Your efforts could be futile, because it is possible that your YouTube channel will eventually get shut down. As I am publishing this article on Hive Blog, I would not doubt that Mr. Vera is speaking with a lawyer right this very minute and discussing the proceedings to sue the shirt right off of you.

[Article Continued In Part 3]

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