Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS! (Part 3)

[Please Read Part 1 and Part 2 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

G.  TOR Has No Condemning Evidence Against Hector Vera Of Criminal Conduct

TOR posted a two-part video on his YouTube channel in response to Hector Vera’s video. However, what I would like to do is respond to the original eight videos that TOR posted on his YouTube channel regarding his accusations against him. Now, I don’t want to give this bozo too much of a platform inasmuch as anyone can see that he is a menace to the digital world and to society, but my objective here is to show that Mr. Vera is not a sex criminal of any kind; and it is my goal to identify holes in TOR’s videos.

I looked at some of the other videos on TOR’s YouTube channel. I’m not going to bash him completely, because I did find videos of him going after sexual deviants who were seeking to have sexual intercourse with children still in the crayons-and-playground phase of their life. If he focused his activities on catching monsters like them, then I would be cheering him on and applauding him for doing the world some good. However, when he gets into all of these Lolita-style scenarios, then that is where he really goes off the rails.

Upon watching his videos, I noticed that TOR appeared to have a very limited vocabulary, which causes me to question what his educational level is. Mr. Vera speaks better English than TOR, even though English may possibly not be Mr. Vera’s first language. Anyhow, TOR’s first video regarding his accusations against Mr. Vera can be found below.

Now, the above video from TOR reeks with all sorts of unprofessionalism. He fails to keep screenshots up of online communications on his computer screen for a long enough time for anyone to be able to read them. Some of us do watch YouTube on our television sets, and freezing the screen to read something is not always a foolproof option for us because of the thumbnails that appear on the bottom of our television screen and block out what is being displayed on our television screen. The audio levels were also off in all of the videos that TOR did regarding Mr. Vera.

Anyhow, what particularly stands out as being most suspicious about TOR’s actual intentions is that he showcases the fact that Mr. Vera has 1,490 subscribers. Hmmm. TOR? Are you begrudging Mr. Vera’s success on YouTube? It certainly seems that way.

TOR has the audacity to keep calling Mr. Vera weird. However, TOR is weird himself, because he displays episodes of overly excited behavior and gets loud intermittently. One can even get a headache from watching his videos.

After “Emma” stated to Mr. Vera that she was 14 years old in the chat thread, Mr. Vera never said anything sexually suggestive back to her. TOR makes a fuss about Mr. Vera complimenting the girl in the pictures that TOR sent him who was supposed to be “Emma.” Okay. Say whatever you must, TOR. However, as far as I can see, Mr. Vera stayed well within the legal confines of constitutionally protected speech.

After Brooke Shields modeled Calvin Klein jeans at the ages of fourteen and fifteen so many years ago, adult men stopped saying “Oh, what a cute little girl” every time they saw a girl that young in public who looked exceptionally feminine for her years. TOR? You were the one who placed the pictures of “Emma” on the Internet in the chat thread. Therefore, you cannot put that one on Mr. Vera in any manner.

Mr. Vera’s request to see Emma’s feet did not stray outside the legal confines of constitutionally protected speech for reasons that I have explained herein. Unconventional behavior is not a crime.

Mr. Vera showed himself in the chat thread to be conscientious about the fact that “Emma” was a minor. Nonetheless, TOR continued to pervert everything that Mr. Vera said in the chat thread, and TOR did so in a mendacious manner.

After “Emma” made a risqué comment about older men in the chat thread, Mr. Vera did provide her with an unconventional response. However, he did not talk dirty back to her, and teenage girls have been known to cuss whenever they speak and talk about sensitive topics.

When I was 14 years old, I knew this one girl in my English class whose name was Stephanie. This girl was very popular, and every boy wanted to go out with her on a date. I even had my fair share of fantasies about her back then.

Anyhow, one time Stephanie struck up a conversation with me and began asking me about my private parts. I felt somewhat uneasy about having such a conversation with her, because I didn’t know her well enough to know where she was taking the conversation. I had never had a racy conversation like that before with any girl up to that point in time, and I felt somewhat timid about discussing such matters with her. In any event, it doesn’t take a high IQ to know that 14-year-old girls do not talk about the same things that 6- and 7-year-old girls talk about.

Now, would Stephanie have had such a conversation with an adult man significantly older than her back when she was 14 years old? I would not have put it past her. She had always been one to push the boundaries from the time that I first met her. She dropped out of school when she was 17 years old, because she had ended up pregnant during her senior year. I can confidently say that Stephanie was no little girl when she was 14 years old, and she did not even look like a little girl back then.

TOR claims that the role-play that Mr. Vera shared with “Emma” on the chat thread was “weird.” There is no law against being weird according to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Mr. Vera even stressed in that chat thread that he wanted “nothing sexual.” Now, let’s move on to TOR’s second video about Mr. Vera below.

In the above video, there was nothing pornographic about Mr. Vera saying in the chat thread “Looking comfortable. LOL.” to “Emma.” If the picture of “Emma” showing mainly the bottom part of her body, which was fully clothed, is in any way sexually suggestive, TOR was the one who should get charged with a crime inasmuch as he was the one who posted it on the chat thread.

TOR believes himself to be a psychic. He claims that Mr. Vera became excited in the chat thread over “Emma” wishing that he was there, but TOR cannot read Mr. Vera’s thoughts.

TOR introduces pure conjecture upon claiming that Mr. Vera incriminated himself by asking “Emma” if she was on vacation from school. NO!!!! It is not illegal to ask someone about their school schedule.

TOR continues to dwell on the whole “feet” accusation of his against Mr. Vera. TOR? If you’re reading this Hive-Blog article here of mine, please be advised that Mr. Vera did not ask “Emma” to moon him or anything of that nature. From both a technical and legal standpoint, feet are not sexual objects. You have a one-track mind, TOR, and you need to seek professional help. I mean, are we now going to prosecute all of the advertisers here in the land of milk and honey for showing television commercials about athlete’s foot products? Your head is in the clouds, TOR.

TOR shows all the telltale signs of a wheeler and dealer rather than someone who genuinely desires to save all the kids of the world from harm. He nitpicks at Mr. Vera’s living arrangements with his parents, which have nothing to do with whether or not Mr. Vera has committed a crime in the eyes of the law.

TOR makes a supposition that Mr. Vera’s statement in the chat thread that he will be on his role-play account is somehow incriminating. Incriminating of what?!!! You have offered no condemning evidence of a crime, TOR, other than perhaps of one that you may have committed.

In his video above, TOR speculates that Mr. Vera has probably gotten “denied by so many girls that he had to say that to a 14-year-old girl.” Hmmm. TOR? Maybe you like posing as teenage girls in online chat rooms, because you want to be an age-fluid transvestite, as they call it. Do you ever think about that? You seemed to jump into your online role as a 14-year-old girl named “Emma” fairly comfortably. I mean no offense to the LGBT community.

TOR accuses Mr. Vera of being a “simp” and a “pathetic loser,” but anyone can see that Mr. Vera is much more successful on YouTube than TOR is. TOR is obviously one of those narrow-minded individuals who believe that prom kings and male prima donnas are infallible alpha males. However, when you take a look at fallen celebrities like Josh Duggar and Toby Willis, TOR’s perception in this respect could not be any more erroneous and deluded than it is.

TOR? Stop accusing Mr. Vera of liking little girls in a sexual way. He is not even sexually attracted to teenage girls; and even if you were able to fool the world into believing so, you still wouldn’t be able to brand him with the pedophile label. Aside from what the DSM-5 reads about pedophilia, it should be noted that adolescent girls, even ones as young as 13 and 14 years old, do not play with crayons, watch Saturday morning cartoons, or ride tricycles. I spell it all out in my Hive-Blog article titled “Online “Predator” Catchers? Stop Confusing Teenagers With Toddlers?”

Southern Europeans and Latins in general are much more affectionate individuals than English-speaking North Americans are. Of course, TOR has no understanding of the Latin culture or of any other Southern European cultures or the likes. He lives in his own little world.

Role-play with a minor is not illegal so long as it is not sexually suggestive. TOR repeats the word “cringe” throughout his video above, but he never offers any evidence to prove that Mr. Vera committed a crime. Now, we move on to TOR’s third YouTube video regarding Mr. Vera below.

The above video from TOR is of a telephone conversation between Mr. Vera and TOR in his guise as “Emma.” In this telephone call, TOR sounds like the late Shirley Temple in one of her early films.

There is barely anything in this same video worth describing. TOR appears to believe that Mr. Vera telling someone to have a nice day is a crime. Oh, brother!

Mr. Vera does stress to “Emma” in the telephone conversation that they were just friends. I would have to say that nothing sexual or even remotely romantic was going on there in that telephone conversation in that Mr. Vera reinforced the fact that their relationship was purely Platonic as far as he was concerned. Now let’s go to TOR’s fourth video about Mr. Vera.

In this video above from TOR, he continues repeating the word “cringe” throughout it, but he never offers any condemning evidence of Mr. Vera having committed a crime. This video contains the last telephone call that TOR held with Mr. Vera wherein TOR was in his guise as “Emma.”

TOR calls himself “a boy” at one point in the video, which leads me to wonder if this man has some kind of inferiority complex. No African-American man whom I have ever met or known has called himself “a boy.” No African-American man whom I know or have ever met likes to be called “a boy.” Every African-American man over the age of eighteen whom I have ever met and known has always wanted to be called a man. If TOR were only 9 or 10 years old, then it would be a different story. Therefore, something is definitely off here about TOR.

In the above video, TOR finally tells Mr. Vera who he really is and that he is not “Emma.” Mr. Vera is naturally shocked and not because he is guilty of any sex crime. He is not guilty of such. The reason that I believe that Mr. Vera was shocked was because men have been known to impersonate females to commit heinous crimes. When I lived in Los Angeles so many years ago, I always heard stories on the evening local news about men dressing up as women to win people’s trust and then kidnap and murder them.

TOR? You may think that you have ruined Mr. Vera’s life. However, you’re the one who will be in for a rough ride once Mr. Vera unleashes his legal team on you for stalking him and slandering him. Also, don’t forget that you illegally recorded him in a telephone conversation after you promised that you would not do so.

Mr. Vera did the right thing by blocking TOR. Mr. Vera has what is called FIFTH-AMENDMENT RIGHTS, which is something that we all have in situations like this one.

At some point in the above video, TOR insists that Mr. Vera is guilty. No, TOR! Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Do not rewrite the laws as you have been doing all along. Now we move on to the fifth video that TOR made about Mr. Vera.

TOR’s video above is a telephone interview between him and Hector Vera wherein this time TOR is in his actual identity rather than in his guise as “Emma.” Now, I know that Mr. Vera cannot turn back the hands of time as much as I wish that he could do so and as much as he likely wishes that he could do so. I really wish that Mr. Vera had avoided this telephone interview altogether, because it reeks with entrapment.

If I had known Mr. Vera personally, I would have told him to have an attorney present with him on the telephone line. Of course, an attorney probably would have advised him not to agree to that telephone interview at all.

I will give credit to Mr. Vera that he acts levelheaded in this telephone call, whereas TOR behaves like someone out of control. Mr. Vera tries to be a gentleman with TOR, but TOR behaves like a control freak with him. TOR wrongfully takes writer’s license with the sex laws here in our nation. He also does so with the definition of pedophilia and with the definition of everything else under the sun to suit his own agenda.

It doesn’t take an ivy-league scholar to see that TOR is not about criminal justice. TOR IS ABOUT TOR!

TOR exhibits outbursts of erratic behavior throughout this same video of his in the form of screaming and the likes. TOR’S statements in this video are replete with suppositions and conjectures, and he believes himself to be a psychic and a fortuneteller who not only knows what Mr. Vera is thinking but what his intentions are. However, regardless of how unconventional Mr. Vera’s online chat with “Emma” may have appeared, Mr. Vera never exhibited any dishonorable intentions for this make-believe 14-year-old girl.

Oh, TOR? A high schooler is not a little kid. What does it take to get that fact through your thick head? Read my Hive-Blog article titled “Can Children Sexually Victimize Adults?” and you will realize how wrong you are.

In this same video of TOR, he has already convicted Mr. Vera of a crime before Mr. Vera has even been charged with anything. Of course, Mr. Vera won’t likely be charged with anything, because he didn’t do anything illegal.

No, TOR! Mr. Vera is not a threat to children. It remains ambiguous to this very day whether teenagers even can be considered to be children because of the variations of the definitions of the word “child” that are found from one American-English dictionary to another.

There is no law against an adult man having a crush on a teenage girl, and the A. P. A. has even deemed such behavior to be normative. However, Mr. Vera was not even interested in a 14-year-old girl on a non-Platonic level. TOR misconstrues Mr. Vera’s actions as that of an adult stalking a toddler.

TOR argues in his video above that Mr. Vera should have blocked “Emma” after she disclosed her age to him. However, I have to ask TOR whether it indicates anywhere in the community guidelines of The Playroom, which is where the online chat took place, that an adult member is obligated to block someone upon finding out that he or she is a minor.

In contrary to what TOR alleges, Mr. Vera is not a threat to children. TOR is a threat to society.

TOR? Simply because Mr. Vera does not choose to live in your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection, it does not make him a sexual deviant of any kind. Mr. Vera does not need your advice on how to conduct his love life. You tell him to get a girlfriend. Well, I’m telling you to get a life, TOR!

TOR insists that Mr. Vera lured himself into this situation, but TOR was the one who talked dirty in the chat thread. It is disturbing how TOR keeps describing a 14-year-old girl as though she were a toddler. One has to wonder about his mental health. Although a toddler and a teenager may both be minors, they are diametrically different from each other in their respective maturity levels. TOR is not being cogent in his statements about Mr. Vera.

The only reason that I believe that Mr. Vera was apologetic to TOR and seemed cornered in his responses to TOR was because he likely realized what a dangerous man TOR was. Don’t let TOR’s smile and giggles fool you. There is evil behind that face.

TOR? You did not do the right thing. You are a stalker and a deranged self-appointed pedo-expert. You’re kind of like one of those self-appointed clerics who conducted the Salem witch trials back in the seventeenth century as opposed to ordained ministers who actually adhere to a given set of standards. YOU ARE NOT A SHRINK!

TOR accompanies his speculation about Mr. Vera with hate comments directed against him. For example, “KarloT-T” bullied Mr. Vera and threatened to grab his private parts in an online communication to him. “KarloT-T” needs to rechannel his hate to Ethan Fair for being the scumbag deadbeat teenage father that he is. Of course, TOR and his followers are probably going to accuse me of being politically incorrect for saying so, but I’m not afraid of them.

TOR certainly knows how to round up a herd of sheep to feed his agenda. He praises himself for unleashing chaos in Mr. Vera’s life, but the tide is about to take a turn against TOR.

TOR is not a morally superior person to Mr. Vera. In fact, Mr. Vera is a better person than TOR is. The picture of some random man staring at a teenage girl in public that TOR shows at the end of his video above proves nothing. Now we proceed on to TOR’s sixth video about Mr. Vera.

In the above video, TOR has it in his mind that the FBI will be raiding Hector Vera’s residence any time now. TOR? You are so into wishful thinking that you are deluded. There is no law against an adult man having a chat with a 14-year-old on the Internet. It’s time to get TOR banned from YouTube.

TOR brags that many people agree with him regarding his accusations against Mr. Vera. However, more people disagree with TOR in that respect. TOR only managed to find himself a herd of sheep who are as deluded as he is and have one-track minds that are identical to his.

TOR engages in sensationalism in his video by showing a picture of a 6-year-old girl as though she is no different from a teenage girl. Hmmm. TOR? If you cannot tell the difference between prepubescence and adolescence, then one has to question what kind of person you were when you were a teenager. I hope that you did not babysit 6-year-old girls when you were a teenager, because it might not have been a safe situation for those little girls.

TOR? So what if Mr. Vera subsequently put a space in his username on his YouTube channel? He obviously wants no more part of your smut. You take up too much of his time.

Once again, TOR’s video is devoid of any evidence of criminal activity on the part of Mr. Vera. TOR? Mr. Vera has not been getting rid of evidence of any crime, because he has committed no crime. He is getting rid of your presence on his digital location and rightfully so. Not before long he will be getting rid of your pathetic presence on the Internet once he brings a lawyer into the picture. Now let’s go to TOR’s seventh video that he posted about Mr. Vera, which can be found below.

Despite what TOR claims in his above video, he did not get Mr. Vera to admit to anything. No. TOR tricked Mr. Vera into saying something that he did not really want to say or intend to say. However, he does not get to hold him to it.

TOR flashed screenshots from his computer onto his computer screen way too quickly for me to discern at first. Anyhow, after I froze them on my laptop computer screen and viewed them, I was not at all impressed with TOR. They consisted of an online chat between him and a Yusuki Urameshi.

In TOR’s online chat with Mr. Urameshi, TOR continued on with his false accusation against Mr. Vera of being a pedophile. TOR’s compulsion to misuse the term “pedophile” brings to mind how former Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning pushed that word down everyone’s throat when he was conducting his witch hunt against Matthew Koso. It cost Mr. Bruning an election in 2012 when he ran for Congress.

Mr. Yurameshi attempted to get TOR to promise that he would not record his telephone interview with Hector Vera. Of course, TOR would not give him back a straight answer, because he has no sense of honor.

TOR shows screenshots of other posts that contained mostly hearsay regarding his accusations against Mr. Vera, but none of them offered any evidence of an actual crime. As Mr. Vera explains in his video, he did not take the picture of the girl on the staircase.

TOR replays the recording of the telephone interview between him and Mr. Vera. TOR makes it no secret that he played mind games with Mr. Vera in their telephone interview. TOR presents both leading questions and statements to Mr. Vera in that telephone interview.

Once TOR realizes that he has no condemning evidence against Mr. Vera, he mendaciously misconstrues Mr. Vera’s response as an admission of guilt and he quickly hangs up on him. Such a tactic would cause someone like TOR to be laughed right out of a criminal courtroom.

Mr. Vera had done his best in the telephone interview to establish his innocence. We all have to realize that Mr. Vera doesn’t know TOR from Adam, and he doesn’t know what further shenanigans he is going to pull on him. Such behavior does not establish guilt. TOR? Mr. Vera was not faking anything.

TOR? You ask if a 14-year-old girl can be a naughty girl. Well? Whenever a 15-year-old boy gets a 14-year-old girl pregnant and he turns into another Levi Johnston or Isaac Frausto, all of you self-righteous know-it-alls and do-gooders always seem to find a way to degrade these girls and slut-shame them. So get off your moral high horse!

TOR nitpicks at Mr. Vera’s responses in a biased manner during the telephone interview. Mr. Vera proves in that telephone interview that he never had any intentions of meeting up with “Emma” off the Internet.

Mr. Vera even drives the extra mile in that same telephone interview by revealing that he agrees with TOR’s ideology about teenagers having incomplete brain development. Even though I do not agree with such an ideology, I still consider Mr. Vera’s statement in this respect to be a strong indication that he had no ulterior motives for “Emma.”

The fact that TOR laughs during the telephone interview shows that he thinks that this entire ploy of his is all a game and that he couldn’t care less about the lives he destroys. Mr. Vera stresses in the telephone interview in great detail that he is a law-abiding citizen. TOR tries to put words into Mr. Vera’s mouth, and he twists them around as much as he can. Then TOR displays an incomplete definition of the term “pedophile” on his computer screen.

Ultimately Mr. Vera never asked “Emma” for any sexually explicit images of her. As I explained before, feet are not considered to be sexually explicit images.

TOR? Mr. Vera never incriminated himself, because there was no sexual role-play between him and “Emma.” The role-play encompassed anime characters. During the telephone interview, TOR pretends that he can see Mr. Vera’s facial expressions while he is speaking. However, they are not skyping. Therefore, TOR is concocting everything in his deluded mind.

In the telephone interview, TOR goes off on a tangent and asks Mr. Vera whether he is attracted to 10-year-olds. TOR? Your question is completely out of line, and you need to study up on the different Tanner Stages of bodily development.

TOR? Once again I must remind you that you are not psychic. How would you know if Mr. Vera believes deep down in his “gut” that he is a “creep”? You’re playing with someone’s emotions and with someone’s life.

In his video above, TOR states that Mr. Vera’s age range of attraction goes from 13 years old to 17 years old. Really, TOR? Where are your medical credentials to make that determination? You completely ignore what the DSM-5 has to say about anything you bring up. Moreover, 17-year-old child molestation victims do not exist except perhaps in your one-track mind.

TOR? You’re the one who has something wrong with you rather than Mr. Vera. That video you showed of Mr. Vera describing a 13-year-old girl whose talent he commended provided no evidence of a crime or sexually deviant behavior.

TOR? Even if Mr. Vera admits to being attracted to 16- and 17-year-old girls, such an attraction would still not be a recipe for a prospective sex crime. The statutory age of consent in Puerto Rico is 16 years old. Moreover, you are wrong when you claim that the statutory age of consent for the Internet is 18 years old in all events. It is only 18 years old if an adult from one state jurisdiction or extended jurisdiction solicits a minor from another state jurisdiction or extended jurisdiction of our nation for sexual purposes. If both parties who hook up with each other on the Internet for sex are in the same jurisdiction and the statutory age of consent is 16 years old in that jurisdiction of our nation, then no crime has been committed so long as they are both over 16 years of age.

TOR’s eighth video about Mr. Vera contained no evidence that Hector Vera committed a crime. However, if you wish to look at it, here it is below.

H.  TOR’s Reprehensible Conduct Could Mark The Beginning Of The End Of The Era Of Online Vigilantism

After Hector Vera posted his video on YouTube to defend himself against TOR’s false accusations against him, TOR posted two videos on his YouTube channel to respond to Mr. Vera’s video. Here is the first one of those of those videos below.

In the above video, TOR claims that he made 8 videos about Hector Vera, because he didn’t know how to edit them in the manner that he wanted to do so. Okay, TOR. You still made hours and hours’ worth of videos slandering Mr. Vera. Therefore, you are not fooling anyone.

TOR attempts to use statements from Mr. Vera to “Emma” in the chat thread that would likely fall within the legal confines of constitutionally protected speech, for his malicious scheme to frame Mr. Vera. TOR directs many insults at Mr. Vera, but he doesn’t provide any condemning evidence against him of an actual crime.

TOR? You could be ruining your own life. Whatever attorney that Mr. Vera retains is going to dig as deeply into your background as he can, and you’re going to be the one with egg all over your face.

Just because TOR may find certain behavior unconventional about Mr. Vera, it does not prove that Mr. Vera committed an actual crime. In his video above, TOR once again pushes his prom-king theory regarding sexual deviants. He deceivingly shows a picture of an elementary-school girl in his failed attempt to denigrate Mr. Vera simply for having a harmless online chat with “Emma.”

TOR? I really hope that you didn’t go hanging around playgrounds, gawking at all the 5- and 6-year-old girls, when you were a teenager in high school. Somehow, TOR, I don’t believe that you became the way you are in your internal wiring overnight.

Now, let me break down my concerns about TOR’s propensity to infantilize teenage girls into toddlers or tykes. Let’s all of us gentlemen remember back to when we were teenagers in high school and we were getting dressed in the boys’ locker room to prepare to go to our next class. If one of the boys around us in the locker room had told us that his 78-year-old great-aunt had married a 25- or 35-year-old man back when she was only 14 years old and that she was still happily married to him, most of us would have told that boy that we guess that such marriages can work out despite the age difference however rare such marriages have become. Now, say, if this one 15-year-old boy in the locker room was to brag about seducing a 7-year-old girl, we can be most assured that each and every boy in that locker room would either have been shocked at what they just heard or ready to rip this boy’s throat out.

Come on, TOR! There is a world of a difference between a small child and a teenager, and you cannot keep overlooking that fact forever and ever inasmuch as it will come back at you one of the days and bite you in the backside.

In his above video, TOR states that he has been an online vigilante for close to a year now and he believes himself to be some kind of criminal behavioral expert. I don’t think so. TOR simply lives in his own white-picket-fence fantasy world to the exclusion of reality

TOR? So what if Mr. Vera states that he likes feet more than breasts? Some men like BRAINS more than breasts. Are we going to shame men now for admiring a lady’s intellectual abilities? Moreover, little girls do not have breasts. That is why they are called little girls. When I was in high school, I knew 14-year-old girls who had bigger bust lines and more cleavage than some college women I had met. STOP CONFUSING TEENAGERS WITH TODDLERS!

Mr. Vera does not believe that feet are private parts, and you are not a psychic, TOR. Otherwise, you would be using such gifted abilities to win the lottery or hit it big on the slot machines at a casino. You wouldn’t be wasting your time harassing Mr. Vera and making a complete fool out of yourself.

In his video above, TOR complains that he is angry with Mr. Vera. TOR? Mr. Vera has many more reasons to be angry with you; and if he decides to sue you, his attorney will make those reasons known to the court.

In the video above, after Mr. Vera cites both the California Wiretapping Law and its analogous Federal statute U.S.C. § 2511, TOR actually believes that he has found a legal way to circumvent those two laws in the event that Mr. Vera brings a civil action against him for his violation of them. TOR believes that because he was supposedly gathering evidence of a crime, he did not have to get Mr. Vera’s permission to record his telephone interview with him. However, it would appear that TOR would have needed to consult a prosecutor to safeguard himself from both civil liability and criminal prosecution before proceeding with his telephone interview with Mr. Vera.

I also found out in my research of both of these same laws that TOR could also be arrested for his violation of them. I question whether TOR did consult with a prosecutor beforehand, because a prosecutor would likely have told him not to hold such a telephone interview with Mr. Vera. I may not be a lawyer, but I have some understanding of how the system works.

In his video above, TOR goes way, way off base and falsely accuses Mr. Vera of human trafficking, even though nobody got trafficked. Here is where TOR gets really delusional insofar as he loses touch with reality. He reads the definition of human trafficking, but he does not prove anything of the sort about Mr. Vera.

Mr. Vera did not deceive, coerce or force anyone into taking part in sexual activity. Therefore, no sexual exploitation occurred.

In his video above, TOR stresses that a 14-year-old girl cannot seduce a 30-year-old man. Oh, TOR! How naïve can you be?! You better consider yourself lucky that Alisha Dean is now 25 years old, because if she were still 13 years old, she would come after you and trick you into going to bed with her. Then the police would come kicking down your front down before you even knew what hit you, and you’d be the one with your pants down before a live audience.

Now, would I ever wish anything like that upon you, TOR? Of course not. I would never wish such a dreadful fate upon my own worst enemy, but I would not be shedding any tears for you either if such a fate were to befall you.

TOR? If you’re considering a career in the practice of law, don’t even entertainment the thought of it. Your understanding of the law could not be worse than that of anyone I have ever encountered.

TOR? If you were ever to go to a judge and seek an arrest warrant against Mr. Vera, that judge would likely order to have you locked up in an institution for the criminally insane, especially if you were even lucky enough to get him to watch your videos regarding Mr. Vera. Luckily, citizen’s arrests are illegal in many jurisdictions of our nation, and don’t even fool yourself into thinking that your accusations against Mr. Vera would ever make it to trial. Mr. Vera will likely never be arrested, because you have no criminal case against him.

TOR? You might want to set thousands of dollars aside in a bank account in case Mr. Vera decides to go through with his lawsuits against you, and thousands of dollars might not even cover the amount of money for which he may be suing you. You certainly chose to bark up the wrong tree, and it may now all be coming back to bite you.

TOR? Don’t be telling Mr. Vera that he needs professional help from a psychiatrist or the likes. You’re the one who needs to be locked up in a mental institution. You’re another Edgar Maddison Welch waiting to happen. Now let’s proceed to view the second video that TOR made to respond to Mr. Vera’s video.

TOR? I would hope that by now that you would have posted a video apologizing to Hector Vera for all the trouble that you have caused him. However, you just dig yourself more and more into a hole than before.

In this same video, TOR shows himself to be more obsessed with pedophilia than anyone I’ve ever encountered in my lifetime. He even flashes the pedobear image on his computer screen. What is so interesting about it all is that he has an inaccurate conception of what pedophilia really is.

TOR? Despite that you defend your lies aggressively, I seriously doubt that you could testify under oath in a criminal court of law without getting caught at committing perjury. I honestly don’t believe that you would even be able to pass a polygraph examination if someone were to ask you for one.

TOR? You are right about one point you make. Immaturity is not illegal. However, here is the problem with you. Your violations of both civil laws are too numerous to be ignored, and your conduct even crosses over into criminality. That doesn’t make a very good combination.

TOR? You need to read up on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. All of Mr. Vera’s statements still fall within the legal confines of constitutionally protected speech. You were the one who talked filthy and dirty in the chat thread in your guise as “Emma.” Mr. Vera did nothing legally wrong. I honestly think that you watch too much TMZ, TOR.

In his video above, TOR highlights “buttocks” as a sexually explicit image. However, TOR was the one who posted that image to the chat thread instead of Mr. Vera. Mr. Vera never asked for TOR to send to him such a picture in his guise as “Emma.” Moreover, the girl in the picture is fully clothed.

Mr. Vera’s statement “Looking good” that TOR cites as an example of suspected criminal conduct is not a lewd statement. Therefore, Mr. Vera committed no crime.

Overall, in the video above, TOR presents very weak arguments, if not invalid ones, in support of his accusations against Mr. Vera. TOR flashes an article on his computer screen about a man in Puerto Rico who got arrested for Internet crimes. However, nothing therein has anything to do with Mr. Vera’s actions in the chat thread.

TOR? You have the nerve to accuse Mr. Vera of not being normal. Well, you ought to talk, because no judge in his right mind would ever take you seriously; and jurors would laugh at you if you were ever to appear in court to testify to a criminal case of any kind. You’re a walking circus act, and you need to realize it. Your days on YouTube are numbered. Maddie Lambert almost lost her YouTube channel because of a legal dispute with her baby daddy, Isaac Frausto, and he’s a jerk. Mr. Vera, on the other hand, has a good reputation in the digital community, and the court system would be more likely to side with him than it would be so with you.

TOR? You titled your video above “Proving that Denox Series is Guilty in Under 5 Minutes.” However, your video proved nothing at all in fewer than five minutes except that you have a vivid imagination that makes you a danger to others and even to yourself.

I do not envision that Mr. Vera will ever be arrested based upon the accusations that TOR has made against him. If it even comes to such a drastic turn of events, which I hope that it won’t, Mr. Vera will likely be released on bail immediately. However, eventually, TOR’s actions will backfire on him, and I would not be surprised in the least if it all evolves into some kind of legal precedent that outlaws all underage sex sting operations throughout our nation and throughout our nation’s extended jurisdictions.

An appellate court in Minnesota has already ruled that enticing a minor on the Internet for sexual purposes is no longer a strict-liability offense. This same court decision could be used as a persuasive authority in related court cases in other state jurisdictions and extended jurisdictions of our nation where no statute or ruling exists to address the question of strict liability in these matters.

I.   My Conclusion To This Topic

Ladies and gentlemen? I am just as anti-pedophile as the majority of you are. However, if we are to continue to wage war against child sexual abuse and child sexploitation, we all need to acquire a full understanding of what pedophilia is and what it is not. We can all start by observing the specific definition of pedophilia that appears in the DSM-5 rather than blindly trusting the defective judgment of overly ambitious journalists and out-of-control online vigilantes.

It gets ridiculous when mentally unhinged online vigilantes like TOR are allowed to stalk and harass reputable individuals like Hector Vera who may be nonconformists at worst, while, at the same time, our society and even our criminal justice system make every excuse for deadbeat teenage fathers like Ethan Fair whenever they inflict harm on an unsuspecting young girl like Danielle Cohn. At the end of the day, Mr. Vera is not a danger to 14-year-old girls, whereas Ethan Fair is a danger to every 12-, 13-, 14-, 15-, 16- and 17-year-old girl with whom he comes in contact. Mr. Vera harmed no 14-year-old girl. Ethan, on the other hand, ruined a 13-year-old girl’s life.

Online vigilantes should not have the same freedoms as bounty hunters do, because they do not perform the same kind of work as bounty hunters do. Every state jurisdiction and extended jurisdiction of our nation needs to pass laws that would require for online vigilantes like TOR to obtain a private investigator’s license before they can conduct underage sex sting operations. Police investigators have even complained about these online vigilantes interfering with their law-enforcement activities. If TOR had been required to obtain a private investigator’s license before being able to conduct an underage sex sting operation in any capacity, then he would not have pulled any of his shenanigans against Mr. Vera inasmuch as he would have had a set of guidelines to follow that would have forbidden him from going on witch hunts or fishing expeditions as he has done so.

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