Best place to see hummingbirds: Ecuador

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I lived for over 10 years in Ecuador and I have been very lucky to some of the most beautiful places. If you enjoy nature Ecuador is a great place to explore. There are many different ecosystems in a relatively small country.
One of my favorite places is the Buenaventura reserve in Ecuador, because it is a great place to see hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are small birds capable of hovering in mid-air due to the rapid flapping of their wings. They are the only birds that can fly backwards. One hundred thirty-two species have been recorded in Ecuador!
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Imagine yourself standing at the porch of a lodge and 10 -30 hummingbirds buzzing around you at arm’s length distance! Don’t have a zoom lens on your camera? No problem! They are close enough to take majestic pictures. Afraid that you only get one shot? No! They can stay around for hours, as long as they have something to eat.
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And if you have seen enough hummingbirds, look out for the cuchucho that often makes visits to the lodge (it’s sort of a slim raccoon, with a long, funny nose).
How to travel to the reserve: It’s about 4,5 hours by car from Guayaquil
The reserve can only be visited upon request and permission from the Jocotoco Foundation / (Phone: 02-2457090)
The entrance fee is $10 (sorry, no bitcoins or other crypto’s accepted!)
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