What You Write About On Hive, DOES Matter...

I took a look at the blog posts I published that had the most support over the last year. Of the subjects that I posted about, the vast majority that attracted the most upvotes, were the ones about Hive or that had "Hive" in the title.

It seems people like to read about their platform here above most anything else.

But that single-minded focus can get old after awhile, and the posts that move me are the ones where I share the lessons learned about real life. It's hit and miss there, and you never know what'll strike a nerve with your audience.

But I don't want to be a one-subject blogger who writes about only what he thinks will get support. We need a variety of content outside of the Hive, defi, web3, crypto, blockchain, factory production line.

I don't know how you guys churn that shit out day after day. Sure, It'd be nice for a change to crank out posts like that and get those fat $20, $30, $40 and above upvotes, but it wouldn't be any fun for me to mindlessly bang out such content again and again.

Maybe I should start drilling boreholes in sunny Camden, NJ and post about that! 'Beautiful Baltimore Boreholes' also has a nice ring to it! lol! But that's not going to happen.

The content that pleases me, are the ones that I wrote a few days ago like Being a Careful Good Samaritan (currently $0.35 and 117 upvotes), and The Day After about the passing of a good friend (currently $0.56 and 19 upvotes).

I appreciate every single one of you that take the time out of your day to support my content no matter the amount. Thank you.

I feel good when I create content about real life and the life lessons that inspire us each and every day. The hope is that someone else out there (outside of Hive), might wander across it one day in the future, and be motivated to stay in the fight, and keep plugging away at life.

What I write about on Hive might not matter to you, but it does to me. Life is messy, but that's how we learn and become better people. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, and my friend passed away suddenly.

The same thing could happen to any of us. But it's what he left behind in the hearts and minds of those of us that knew him well that matters. He helped a lot of people and left an impact on everyone he met.

That's the kind of life I want to live.

And that's what we're here for right? To share something meaningful instead of just blogging-for-a-job like a worker on a production line. What you write about on Hive, DOES matter.

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