To Those Of You That Are Still Here From 2016...

Next month will mark 7 years for me on what is now Hive (8 if you count the year I spent lurking in 2016). Since my time is now split between platforms, I don't know if I'll remember to write an anniversary post as I've done in years past.

I was taking a look around Hive and saw some familiar names that I've sort of "grown up" with here both before and after the great schism with Steemit. My memories are still fond of the place that gave me my start on the blockchain, and as an OG from the early days of Bitcoin, I always thought it would be great if a way could be found to combine crypto with blogging, and here we are.

I remember some of you when you were just little bloggers struggling to get noticed and grow on this new platform, and look at you now. A very decent number of you are whales in your own right and deservedly so.

What's amazing is that less than a decade on, we're still at the embryonic stage with endless miles of runway to go. That's one of the reasons why a long-term approach to Hive is the only way to fly. I say that to encourage those of you that are new to keep pushing on, as I believe there's plenty of light for those of you willing to ride the stormy cycles out into calmer waters.

That's the thing about being here this long. We've seen these things play out over and over again. When BTC dropped to what was it? 16K, I wasn't concerned at all, and the smart money bought in and are now reaping the rewards.

You know, it's interesting that those who've found success, were the ones that reinvested and built when those without vision told them they were crazy and that they should bail and "do something normal" with their time.

Recently I watched the Joe Rogan interview with MrBeast, and wondered where he'd be if he had followed such bad advice to ignore his passion and get a regular job. Or MKBHD who wasn't exactly lighting the world on fire when he was filming his first tech reviews.

Stay The Course

10 years from now people may be saying "what in the hell happened? Why didn't I get involved earlier?" Things tend to blow up like that. Like a tsunami that builds slowly and next thing you know BOOM!

I wish I could articulate the joy I feel simply by writing this post. Just the fact that it came from nothing (actually, it came from reading a post by bozz sharing about his dog who had passed, and the motivation involved with both his pet, and himself).

It's amazing how one post can give birth to another, and hopefully this one will inspire someone else on their Hive journey. So I don't know if I'll get to share with you on my crypto birthday in July, but know that after 7 years here, I believe in what we're building.

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