Phobos Fitness - I Don't Have A Lifting Program Right Now (Explanation Inside)

Have you ever been to the gym and people have an entire book with their workouts in it?  It all looks very structured and they are constantly marking down and then referencing where they should be and how much they lifted weeks and even months ago.  So you might wonder why I can look like I do without having a program written down.  

The fact of the matter is I lifted for years where I had a very defined plan and had an entire binder full of what lifts I was supposed to be doing for how many sets and how many reps.  All my stuff was focused on athletic performance.  Over years of training you learn how long it takes your body to build to a certain strength.  You also learn what diet works best for being lean.  Overtime it becomes second nature just like anything else.  For instance there are some really good programmers here on Steemit.  It becomes natural for them to look at code and type code out like they are writing an e-mail.  Coding like that seems impossible to the majority of the population.  The same goes for fitness.  

I'm here to tell you that it is possible for everyone to improve their health by exercising.  It is a lot about getting over the hump for people.  It would be like sitting down and trying to learn C++ when you have never coded before.  It would be extremely difficult to understand the concepts.  Most would give up and determine it to be too hard.  This same exact thing is true about working out.  People go in and lift and get extremely sore and figure it is too hard and just give up.  The reality is when you get past that initial soreness you are able to feel better by working out.  People who workout regularly can't stand to not workout for more than a few days.  They will usually tell you that if they don't workout for a week they feel like crap.  It totally rewires your body to fight aging.  

The fact that I don't have to work very hard to lift more than my body weight isn't purely genetics.  It is more about the fact that I know how to perform the movement and I have done that same lift for a similar weight somewhat recently.  Usually within the last month depending on the lift.  When it comes to squats most people are in a way back to square one pretty quick.  If I haven't done squats for over two months I have to start out again with doing 135 lbs.  My hamstrings grab and there is no way I can play basketball for several days after that.  But that is something I have learned overtime.  You don't want to overdue it.  Getting to peak strength levels is a lot of work and it gets exponentially harder as you get stronger.  It isn't a linear progression.  

I hope this helps people understand the mindset more and that with time it gets easier in a lot of ways to workout and maintain desired strength levels.  

I will let you in on a little secret though.  In a lot of ways I don't like the time spent working out.  I really only like the benefits of working out.  The thing is that in a lot of aspects you can't get around performing the movements.  You can't have someone else lift for you and receive the benefits.  Personally I would much rather play basketball than lift weights but I know that lifting weights will make me better at basketball.  

Lifting is a base level activity for athletics.  In the Track and Field world you lift to get strong to throw medicine balls far and you throw medicine balls far to be able to throw implements far.  Or throw yourself long, high, or far if we are talking about the jumps.  

The plan for future Phobos Fitness posts are breaking down diet and workouts.  

I'm @brianphobos and I'm Your New Coach!  Ask Me Anything!  

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