17 Questions to Help you Find More Purpose in Your Life

Over two years ago one of my coaching clients was struggling with "purpose" she felt lost and like she didn't know what her purpose was. This is a situation and a feeling I have felt many times and I am sure others have felt the same to. I think we have all been there!!

One of the best things I find I can do when I am feeling like this is to take time for myself with a cup of tea, I put some relaxing music on and I set an intention to myself to reach into my soul (the very core of who I am) and answer these questions. These are a great tool to get some clarity on what you want in your life and what you feel like your purpose is or might be.


What do I love more than anything else?

What is the most important thing in my life?

If I had only six months left to live, what would I like to achieve?

What would I like to leave the world, as my legacy?

What activities have I discovered that give me the most pleasure?

What has been the greatest challenge that I have overcome so far in my life? Could I help other people to overcome that same challenge?

If I could be granted the power to change the world, what would I do?

What is the biggest dream I have ever had for my life?

What hobbies have I pursued?

What hobbies do I wish I had pursued?

What would my perfect day be like?

What would I like to do, RIGHT NOW, which would bring me the most happiness or pleasure?

What does my heart say I am to do with my life?

What qualities do I possess that I am really proud of?

What have I done in my life that I am really proud of?

At the end of my life, what would I most regret not having done?

If I had to take a best guess at my life’s purpose, and just get started with something that excites me, what would it be?

If you have any questions or comments, please just post them below and I'll message you back ♥

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