200 Follower special! Introduce myself for the english community! Bonus: Resteem lottery

Hello my lovely Steemians!

Wuhuuu 200 followers! :) It don´t mean much for some Steemians, but for me it is a huge success. Seeing everyday the amount of followers decreasing or increasing, slowly increasing. Everyday, it is very exciting for me seeing what changed on my blog.

I haven´t written anything in english for a long time, sorry guys :P So I considered to dedicate my 200 follower special to the english community. Here you can find my german introduce yourself. Here we go!

My name is Konsti. Huhu :)


I am 22 years young and at the moment I live in Hamburg, Germany. In Hamburg I do an internship in a tea company in the quality assurance. Maybe your tea passed my hands :)

My main job is to study the science of carrots and cale , ahh wait a moment, I mean science of nutrition at university. So you will find a lot about nutrition and food on my blog. Also a lot about health. My aim is to heal the body and live a healthy and environment-conscious life. Here are two examples of recipes I have posted.



My other big passion is sport. I love watching sport like football, table tennis and fitness videos. But more and more I stop watching and just do sports! My passion is fitness and crossfit.
I like to go to my limits to build muscles and power of endurance. On Stemmit I share my knowledge, progress and training with you!


My main language is german, so the most posts are in german, but my recipes are in german and english, also my fitness posts. For the future I will post the most important nutrition themes in english.

My offer to you is: When you see a german post of me, look at the pictures or key words and if you like them or if you are interested in this post then comment that you would like to see it in english. I will recognize it and post it in english.

Resteem lottery:

I will give something back. So I will look at all profiles of the people who comment and pick 3 out. I will resteem the next 2 posts of the 3 Steemians. Terms:

  • You have to be my follower
  • You must upvote my article
  • You have to be a human
  • If you do good content you have good chances

See you on Steemit!

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