EXODE is passing 500 000 cards and announces new Faction features!

We are extensively working on our Colonization content, but EXODE is now passing the milestone of 500 000 cards in player collections!

As a way to celebrate, we have made an announcement about Factions and Faction Power.

Read below to find out more!


New Feature Diaries

Okay, don't mind the little picture above!

It's more about content this time.
You'll get new GNN episodes too with flashing graphics.
But I wanted to expose more of EXODE game design to you all.

As the game has matured, EXODE feels ready to get to the next step and share more of its content and rules. It's time!

You are getting the following details:

The dates are all estimates, as always with one-developer-team indies, but as you can see it's going to be pretty intense:

April 18th: Faction power
April 20th: Seasons and Weather
April 22nd: Ship data & fixing modules
April 24th: Stealth! Or lack of!
April 26th: Food, Colony Doctrines and assigning buildings to citizens
April 28th: Research & design
April 30th: Exploitation & production
May 2nd: Colony market, and unlocking a trading license

And then:

May 6th: Third party developer rewards and Community rewards
May 10th: Our next interview at Cryptomaniacs!

The last one is not a developer diary but a big live event, but it's important nevertheless.

So, as you can see, it's a very intensive EXODE roadmap, taking us all to the next galaxy!


Let's begin now with the first big topic:

There are many factions in EXODE.
Some of them are called main factions.

There are actually five of them, with a 6th one (Federation) being sometimes interpreted as important enough for it too.

The Secret Agent is an Origin card of the military faction, only available in our Alpha

Main factions

In alpha these are the civilian, scientific and military factions, which you can identify with a lot of strength considering they each have from 19 to 29 cards. These are the three most represented factions in EXODE because they are the most powerful actors in evacuating the 2325 galaxy.

Another main faction is the criminal one. It has many cards in alpha thanks to several Syndicate cards having a dual criminal affiliation! Criminals are planned to be more skilled but also harder or more dangerous to manage.

The corporate faction has some interesting cards, such as Crypto-Eater or the epic card of Nash the Expert.

The corporate faction does not have many cards in our alpha. It will however receive a lot more later, during beta.

Other factions

Other factions in EXODE are many.

We will begin with one of the most powerful ones in the world of 2325, which could almost be interpreted as a main faction actually as it rules over the major part of the world at that time: and it is the Space Federation.

It does not have that many cards in our alpha though!

Alanna Vos is a legendary card of the Federation. This trait will be added to her.

Still, the Federation should stand a bit like the opposing faction of the Criminals, of Rebels or other governments such as Drachians. Right now it does not have many cards, but it does have Alanna above, or agents such as below:

You will notice some cards have several factions. Alanna Vos is a legendary card of the Federation.

Another very strong faction to mention, and this time it has quite a number of cards, is the Syndicate faction.

The Black Lotus is a Syndicate ship with a lot of stealth, which will come quite handy in future phases!
With the Kumicho, Ayumi, but also Geisha spies, sniper assassins, explosive robots, katana-wielding female fighters but also guns and drugs, we really went the creative way with the Syndicate and we haven't stopped being inspired for it!

Other factions include the Triskan Survivors, the Achean Gangs and the Rebels.

There are only a few Triskan cards out there, one is Scarlet Sarah and the other is this one, a Triskan Fighter:

The Triskan Fighter is a rare card in the alpha collection, but Scarlet Sarah is an epic.

The Achean gangs only have a vehicle in alpha, but they are going to receive several cards in the beta to come!

New Acheans are coming in the next beta!

The Rebels are a strong faction but very secret in alpha.
For now they have this card for instance:

This card does not display the rebel faction as it "grants it", so does not "need it", but it will be affiliated with Rebels.

They too will receive more content in beta.
We love the rebels and there are mysteries to discover with them!

And then you have some factions related to other governments.
Such as the Drachian Republic:

The Drachians are also going to receive new assets!

The Drachians have several alpha cards, such as troopers, a colonel, a transport ship, a commissar and combat suits. As you guess, this faction has an immense lore too, and will be developed further.

But other governments are extremely interesting as well:
There is the Nomad Fleet... with only two cards in our alpha!

The Taurus Transport is a Nomad Fleet ship and uses their special 'Stabilized Warp' technology that allows cargo crates to not hinder your hyperspace chances.

But also the Suntek, with several cards...

The Colombus is the flagship of the Sunteks!

... and the Geneticians.

The Coetus is a Genetician starship.

But this is not the end of it!
There are also special groups such as the Flesh Cult...

The Flesh Cult is some sort of decadent but strong religion in 2325 favoring esthetics, genetic beauty and pureness of the flesh.

Or of course, the self-aware Robots...

Kilbot is an extreme card in our alpha. An Assassin Droid !

... in addition, for our faction content we plan to add major corporations, such as Rekatron and Tom Settler, to be valid choices too.

In truth, we will never get to the end of factions of 2325.
The game is based on a custom roleplaying game, after all!

So what about Factions?

An update coming at the end of this week will check all player collections.
It will identify your Faction Power in all EXODE factions.

This Faction Power will be calculated according to:

  • "diversification" in each faction, meaning how many of all different card templates of this faction you own. This will include all rarities along with Elite common and Elite rare cards.
  • "pure power" in each faction, meaning how many total cards you have and what rarity they have too. If you have Elite cards, this counts as x50 in power compared to a non-elite version.

We will also reveal your Faction Prestige which will start at 0 for all players.

This will be our first update regarding faction features, but there will be others.

What use has the Faction Prestige?

Faction Prestige is at 0 and will increase thanks to tasks, quests and campaigns of that faction.

These are "ingame contents" that you can only complete with an active game on an active planet. We will get to that later during our alpha.

It is planned to be a currency you only acquire with game actions, and that you can consume for other one-time support actions from your faction.

The initial name of this was Faction Reputation, but we felt that Prestige actually combined more admirably with Power.

What use has the Faction Power?

Faction power, as you have understood, is determined by your collection power. However even at lesser budget some players may acquire the "diversification" bonus by sniping some interesting cards.

Faction Power represents the influence you hold on that faction.

We will also determine what players hold the most influence and there may be rewards for that. So this invites to open boosters and increase your power!

This Power will be usable for boosts to your active games but also game options in our next "mission staking" system, called Evacuation Fleets.

Overall, it's not aimed at being a "pay-to-win" system (and please note we are not PVP!) but a complementary layer of utility that rewards the collection spirit and deepens the lore, mechanics and features of every faction.

Faction Power will act as a consumable currency that will regenerate itself over time.

Must I choose a faction?

Actually not!

All cards in all factions provide their individual faction power so you'll have power in several factions right from the start. Next update will display that number to you in your Colonization Pass.

However we will give later the option for players to "pick their main Faction".
They can pick any faction they have for that.

If you pick a main faction, you will receive a bonus in Faction Power and several other exclusives.

This is not a final decision: you will also be able to change your main faction later.

But please know that "abandoning" your main Faction will have some consequence, so if you are unsure it's advised to wait to pick your main Faction once you have made your opinion!

And that's all for today!
Thank you for reading that Feature Diary!

Take note: we are looking for faction guides, and will even reward them!
More information about this as soon as we can!

More information about EXODE can also be found on our Discord, or multiple posts such as this one about our epic characters, or this trailer made by a fan, or this review or this one . A summary of latest posts and events is also here.

Also running a witness node:

And we can't believe we are at around position 100.
You can help if you think we deserve more game witnesses and EXODE is one you like!

Thank you pilots, see you soon in eXode!

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