Revolutionary Type - Part 6 (Novella)

Here is an ongoing story I have been writing, with the intention of it being a Novella called - Night In The Western Wastes.

I used November as a way to participate in NaNoWriMo, I did think I'd have this finished by the end of the month, but here we are in December and I'm still chipping away at it. I don't mind that though, because I am enjoying the story and characters.

A Night In The Western Wastes

Chapter 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 2

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 3

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 4

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 5

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 6

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 7


Chapter 2

Sin - Part 1

Sin - Part 2

Sin - Part 3

Sin - Part 4

Sin - Part 5

Sin - Part 6

Lost For Words

Chapter 3

Lost For Words - Part 1

Lost For Words - Part 2

Lost For Words - Part 3

Lost For Words - Part 4

Lost For Words - Part 5

Lost For Words - Part 6

Revolutionary Type

Chapter 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 1

Revolutionary Type - Part 2

Revolutionary Type - Part 3

Revolutionary Type - Part 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 5


       By the time he almost finished his drink, there was some stirring coming from behind them. M'Trada was the first the react to it, turning in his seat to catch a glimpse of the throne in the middle of the back wall.
       The Mulu was snarling, and moving erratically. While the two scantily clad entertainers backed away and straightened themselves up. Within a few moments, the fidgeting stopped and he let out an exaggerated breath of air.
       "Seems he's ready to speak with us." M'Trada said, shining an eye on Arien who was too busy with her drink to look at what was going on. She didn't answer and didn't make eye contact with him. She just nodded and placed her drink on the bar before swiveling around on her chair.

       "Guests!" The Mulu shouted, in a booming voice as a large bubble inflated from his throat. "I have guests who I have not yet seen. How could I be so rude?" He started to laugh. The bubble deflating caused the loudness in his voice to decrease.
       Arien hopped down from the seat, and stood for a moment before slowly walking forward. M'Trada followed her lead and scooted himself from his chair too. Gael remained at the foot of the long stairs, on his knees. Reeling at the Mulu's words, as if worshipping him.
       A woman - who had previously been entertaining the Mulu - stepped forward and stood tall at the top of the steps. She looked straight ahead, at the blank wall in the distance, making no effort to address anyone in particular with her glance.
       "The Head of The Oridium Mines, his excellency, Meeha Kalou, will now see you." She said loudly to the room. The woman wasn't wearing much, the outfit she had on was draping in places, and she made no effort to adjust it to cover herself. Her voice was monotone as if she were a droid, pre-programmed with sentences.
       Behind her, Meeha Kalou reveled in her words. He twitched with excitement, and couldn't drop the smile from his face the entire time she spoke.
       "Good!" He shouted, bursting into a fit of applause. The claps and cheering echoed in the silence of the hall, and the only one who seemed to take part in the celebrations was Gael. "Excellent, excellent." He said lowering his voice the second time. He rooted around on a nearby table and chucked a small packet on the ground beside the woman. "Take that, and then go attend to my royale guard, I'm sure they'll make use of you." He said as he waved a hand at the woman. "You too." He said as he turned to another entertainer. A Doshan. She started to follow the first woman until he reached out for her hand. "Actually, you stay."
       The first woman knelt slowly to pick up the small packet left at her feet, and she opened it as she made her slow descent. By the time she reached the bottom of the steps she had an injector pack loaded up, and jabbed her forearm. Within a few moments she wore a mask of ecstasy, and as she reached the table to the left of the throne - where a retinue of guards was seated - she lay back. Almost oblivious to the many hands pawing at her.

       It was clear to M'Trada, that this Meeha Kalou had been swept away in delusions of grandeur. He seemed to have an empire carved out for himself, and most of the people who surrounded him were addicts. He was lost in the fantasy world he crafted for himself.
       The Mulu was lost talking quietly with the Doshan. Laughing, and joking, it was as if he completely forgot about him and Arien, standing at the foot of the steps. One of the Meeha's eyes shot up - extending on a fleshy stilt - and he then proceeded to stand.
       "So sorry," he mumbled, as he started to chuckle lightly. He picked something off the table that looked like an inhaler, and took a blast of it. He was coated in a flash of brown and orange vapor. With a deep breath, he started to pace his platform. "I have a package for your boss. It's good stuff, I'm sure he won't be disappointed." He clicked his fingers, and as the clicks echoed some people scrambled to their feet and ran through a door to the right of the steps. "Do feel free to help yourself to drinks," he presented the bar. "It's well stocked."
       "We already had something," Arien said, in a slightly impatient tone.
       "Good. If you would like something a bit harder, I have almost every known drug in Free Space, you are more than welcome to help yourselves."

       An alarm started to blare in the room, as red lights started flashing. The Mulu just looked at them in an almost confused manner, as if to ask what it meant. He was so out of it, that M'Trada couldn't help think that Meeha may have even thought he was hallucinating the noise. Within moments, the doors behind them opened, and he turned to see someone in battle armor squeeze through the semi-open entrance.
       "We have trouble down on the lower levels! There's another uprising!" The guard shouted. As he finished, the other guards in the room jumped to attention, and turned to Meeha, as if awaiting orders.

       Meeha unholstered a pistol, and stepped with purpose down the stairs. "I want the facility placed under lockdown until this little issue is dealt with." He commanded.
       "We can take the package and leave you to attend your business." Arien said, now in a tone that was far more concerned than M'Trada had ever heard.
       Upon reaching the foot of the stairs, he turned to Arien slowly. The chaotic noise of boots on the ground, orders being shouted, and alarms ringing filled the air. "You are more than welcome to stay here and make use of the facility. But, I can't let anyone in or out until this situation is resolved." Meeha said while checking over his pistol. It seemed brand new, freshly polished, shining steel. "If you and the big strong Trisken want to help, you will earn good favor."
       Arien turned to M'Trada and then turned back to the Mulu. "No, I think we're..."
       "We'll help you." M'Trada cut Arien off.
       The Mulu began to smirk. "Good boy." He said as he walked past them to then start shouting orders to his guards.

       "What the hell are you doing, do you know anything about this place?!" She replied, with venom in her mouth.
       M'Trada could only think of the possibility of having a connection like Meeha, at what it could mean for him, Mari, and Andron. "Look, if we help we can get this over and done with fast and get out of here." He said, rather than telling her what he actually thought.

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