Fifty-Nine Over Thirty-One Becomes Nothing - Chapter 5

"Getting scammed by the Emplyer, or something like that..."

[Author Notes at the End.]

Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5 current] - [6]...

59 ÷ 31 = 0

Chapter 5: March 15th

Balance: 12 USD


Hisham smashes the keys on his laptop. “I was deceived...”

One of his employers is revealed to be a scammer.

"The haters were right..."

She hires moderators for her content and fails to pay them.

"I didn't want to believe them."

His job is to take out users who called her names. These were the people aware of her true nature.

“If only I listened, or paid attention to the signs around her...”

Now, Hisham calls her names too.

He’s too salty to look for another job.

He’s too burned out to work to do any moderation work for a while.

What to do about money?

The payment he was waiting for won’t come. The other payment is two weeks away.

He won’t get that payment if he doesn’t work though...

Hisham scratches his head. Repeatedly. Violently! Desperately...

A joker somewhere starts to laugh. Mockingly. Loudly! Repeatedly...

The room’s walls feel closer with each time Hisham opens his eyes.

“Cold water might help…” Or so, his late mother would say at times like these.

To Be Continued.

Go to Chapter 6...

Author Notes

This was one of the hardest chapters to write. I had the idea but I'm not sure about the words I used or if the emotions came through.

Our protagonist Hisham realized he worked for a scammer the whole time. (I struggled at coming up with a username for her that didn't hit any Google Search result.) She ran away without paying. For someone already dealing with mental issues, that's a hard blow to take. I hope the Cold Water was enough to help him.

What do you Think?

One of the reasons this chapter was late is my attention being split on multiple things. I wanted to get my next Digital Funding Tokens post as soon as possible. I also wanted to practice my art and made two of these practice posts already.

Next chapter Hisham's sister will return. Please be excited!

Salam (Peace)

The story series "59 ÷ 31 = 0" by @ahmadmanga is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Read Other Stories:

* All images are created by me using iBisPaint.
* 4% of this post's rewads goes to @ben.haase for commenting on the previous chapter. Another 6% of this post's rewards is divided on my DFT Project supporters. @ackza @master-lamps @eturnerx.

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